Setup >  Organizational structure >  Companies  

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A company is a fundamental concept of a Sage ledger. It corresponds to a legal division to be applied to movements or data. It can be viewed as the grouping of all the sites that form part of the company. Data consolidation processes and legal reports are directly attached to it.

A company can group 1 to N sites:

  • If it is a legal company, this leads to the linking of each site to a company,
  • If it is not a legal company, a site grouping (GESFGR) function is used after the creation of the company, to attach it to the sites for authorization profiles and data grouping in the reports.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The header contains the code of five alphanumeric characters identifying the company, as well as additional information.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Enter the company code or use the Look up tool to search for and select the code.

  • field CPYNAM

This is the company, or trade name.
The company name (up to 35 characters) is more significant than the company code.
This information will be used o n the majority of the documents sent externally.
On the screens where necessary, the system mostly uses the short name allowing easier identification.

  • Short description (field CPYSHO)

This is the short title.
This description is mainly used on the application screens in order to allow a quick identification of the company.
The trade name(or long description) could be used for reports.



Tab General


This tab includes all the general information (Registered capital, Site tax ID no., SIC code, IBAN management, etc.) as well as a logo that can be used in reports.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Legal company (field CPYLEGFLG)

This flag indicates that the company is legal according to specific accounting guidelines. It defaults to "Yes".
A company that is not legal cannot have official acco unting, It's use is in allowing simulations and analytical groupings.

This field displays the legislation code for the country, for example FRA for French legislation.

This code is attached to a company and assigns predetermined rules and parameters necessary to fulfill country-specific legal requirements. It can include calculation rules, legal reports, legal declarations, tax management, and so on.

Legislations are defined in Miscellaneous table 909. General parameters can also be defined at the legislation level.

  • Legal form (field CPYLOG)

Used to define the legal form under which the enterprise is established.


This field defines the currency in which the company capital is expressed.

  • field RGCAMT

This is the amount (essentially informative) of the company capital.

For a given company, it is necessary to have available a site proposed by default in a certain number of operations.

This code is used to identify the site concerned. It is unique for each site.

This code is used to identify the country associated with the information.

In the country table, which controls this field, there is a certain number of characteristics useful to perform controls on dependent information, and especially :

  • the telephone number format
  • the format of the number identifying a company or an activity (SIRET, NAF in France)
  • the postal code format
  • the format of the bank ID number
  • Company tax ID no. (field CRN)

Use this field to define the company tax registration number. This is an official identification number allocated by a government organization to identify a company. It is a unique code generally used to help with the administration of tax laws. The format of this number depends on the rules for the country.

This number might be known as a Tax Identification Number (TIN), SIREN (France), NIF (Spain), Company tax ID Number (USA). Generally, a business has a company registration number. 

  • SIC code (field NAF)

This is the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code, which characterizes the principle activity of the business partner and can be used for selection, sorting, reporting, etc.

The entry format of the activity code depends on the Country.

  • Unique identification number (field NID)

Unique number identifying the companies. Its format depends on the country.

In France, it presents as follows :

  • For traders and companies, RCS VILLE X SIREN, where VILLE is the name of the town/city where the company is registered, X takes A for traders and B for the companies and SIREN is the SIREN number.
  • For people registered with the chamber of work and craft, SIREN RM NNN, where SIREN is the SIREN number, and NNN a group of describing the chamber of work and craft.
  • For the professions, it is the SIREN number.
  • EU VAT no. (field EECNUM)

This is the European tax number, which must be assigned to all invoices within the European Community.

This number starts with two letters identifying the business partner's country and is followed by a variable number depending on the country.

It may be skipped or used for other purposes if the business partner is not associated with the EEC.

  • Additional number (field NUMADD)

This field is linked to the German legislation and the INTRASTAT portal (a system that collects statistics regarding intra-community trade). 

The additional number is used to identify a company or group of companies.

A group of companies sends a unique tax declaration to the tax authorities with a unique tax number (VAT tax entity).
However, for tax declarations via the INTRASTAT portal, each company from the group must send its declaration, indicating its VAT number. But since all companies in a same group have the same VAT number, each company must also indicate its identifier, in order to be distinguished from the other companies.

  • Division code (field DIVCOD)

This field is not used.

  • VAT collection agent (field AGTPCP)

Tax code used in the Argentine legislation.

  • Cy's pr. activity (field KACT)



  • field LOGO

This image represents the logo of the enterprise. It is useable in the reports.



Tab Accounting


When an accounting interface exists in the software, use this tab to define features that can be used when generating entries linked to the company.




The following fields are present on this tab :


This field is used to indicate the Account Core Model used by the company. It is mandatory for companies of legal type.
SEEINFO The Account Core Model must be created before the legal company.
The field account core model is used to asoociate the company with an account core model defining the chart of accounts attached to the company (the bookkeeping currences, analytical dimensions, etc.).

  • First fiscal year (field STRPER)

It is possible, for each of the non automatic ledger types of the company template, to define different fiscal year ranges.
The date displayed by default is used to initialize the fiscal year start date for each of the ledger types.

This is the company currency code used for accounting. The accounting movements are registered, when not in this currency, in the transaction currency and the reporting currency.

The accounting code is a default value used in the setting up of accounting journals. It refers to a table in which a certain number of elements can be found (collectives, accounts or parts of accounts) that can be used to determine the accounting journals that will be posted.


  • Consolidation (field GRUCOD)

This code is used during the data extraction operation in prevision of the consolidation. Used to identify the company from which the entries are extracted.

  • Retained (field RTZFLG)

Indicates if the company maanged the ritenzione. Retentions will only be calculated for companies that manage the ritenzione.

  • Direct declaring site to the payment balance (field DCLDIRBALP)

This box is used to identify a general direct declaring company to the payment balance. According to the French decree from March 7, 2003, a general direct declaring site is a company or group of companies whose foreign transactions reach at least 30 million EUR in at least one of the following areas:

  • services:
    • transport,
    • insurance,
    • travel
    • communication and information services,
    • construction services,
    • financial services,
    • charges and license rights,
    • other business services,
    • personal, cultural and recreational services;
  • income:
    • employee remuneration,
    • income from direct investments,
    • income from portfolio investments,
    • income from other investments.

Once this box is selected, the field "Economic reason" can be activated.

Enter the code of the economic reason necessary to meet the requirements for the payment balance declaration.

How the economic reason code functions

If the company is the direct reporting company, the economic reason code must be entered under Accounting in the Company record.
This code is automatically applied to any payment generated to a nonresident BP based on the company.
SEEINFO Do not enter a code if there are operations with resident BPs.

If the company is not the direct reporting company, the economic reason code must be entered for each nonresident BP.

To do so, you need to follow these prerequisites:

  • The threshold payment balance defined in the AMTVIR1-Threshold 1 payment balance or AMTVIR2 - Threshold 2 payment balance parameter is met (PAY chapter, RGL group).
  • In Economic reasons codes (PBDECOCOD): enter values for the company legislation.
  • In Economic reason/BP groups (PBDBPGRP ): enter values for the legislation and the BP code used for payments.
  • In the PBDDEFGRU - Payment balance default BP group parameter (TRS chapter, PBD group): enter the default BP group code used in payments or for migration for the related legislation.
  • The payment entry type (GESTPY) used for the payment must have the Bank ID check box selected.
  • The Bank ID for the partner (GESBPR) used for the payment is a nonresident (Nonresident = Yes).

This way, the economic reason code is defaulted, but you can change the value if required.

In Payment proposal,the economic reason code value defaults in the payment generated following same rules.

SEEWARNING The Economic reason code is loaded or not according to the context, and it cannot be mandatory when setting up the payment entry transaction.

  • SEPA creditor identifier (field SCINUM)

The creditor identifier contains 35 alphanumerical characters maximum.
It must be structured in the following fashion:

  • Positions 1 and 2: ISO code of the country in which the creditor national identifier has been emitted (2 letters)
  • Positions 3 and 4: control key (2 numbers)
  • Positions 5 to 7: creditor activity code (3 alphanumerical characters, ZZZ by default)
  • Positions 8 to 35: creditor national number (28 alphanumerical characters) (NNE for France and Monaco).


    France FR76ZZZ123456789012345
    Germany to98ZZZ09999999999

This format must be respected, otherwise the user will get an error message warning that the value entered is not correct.
When a mandate is validated and the user modifies this identifier, the system generates a workflow mentioning that the linked mandate has been updated. The system also updates the 'Amendment history' table.
SEEINFO This identifier is recovered automatically in the Mandates record. In the record, this field can not be modified.

Grid Dimension types

This field is used to enter or select any dimension view set up in the database.

The setup determines whether the analytical dimensions can be modified. These are initialized in compliance with the default dimension setup.

In creation mode, if no order line has been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are reset based on the setup of the default dimensions.

In creation mode, as in modification mode, if an order line has been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are not reset.

  • Mandatory (field OBYDIE)

When this box is checked, it will be mandatory, for instance when entering an entry, to assign at least one dimension view for this ledger.

  • Upstream entry (field DACDIE)

Selecting the values "Yes" or "No" has an impact only on the entry of dimension types in BP invoices and within the payment lines.

If a dimension type has its value set to 'No', the Dimension field of the dimension type is displayed in the BP invoices header but cannot be entered. The initialization is, as usual, carried out by the default dimension codes.
The dimension is not displayed in the BP invoice and payment lines but it follows the usual operation and it is initialized by the default dimension setups.



Tab Addresses


Use this tab to define a list of addresses associated with the company in progress.
Each address is identified by a code and the set of related data.
Select the Address by default check box for the address to be set by default for the company (default address mandatory).




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Addresses

  • Address (field CODADR)

This code is used to identify the various addresses associated with the managed record (user, company, site, business partner of any description, etc.).
Each address code is unique to a given record.
In general, it is mandatory to enter an address for each record, and one of them must be declared as the default address using the corresponding box.

You cannot modify or delete an address code when it is used at the level of a Bank ID number or for a contact.
In this case, to be able to modify or delete an address code, you first need to remove it from the level of the Bank ID number or contact.


  • Code (field XCODADR)

This code is used to identify the various addresses associated with the managed record (user, company, site, business partner of any description, etc.).
Each address code is unique to a given record.
In general, it is mandatory to enter an address for each record, and one of them must be declared as the default address using the corresponding box.

You cannot modify or delete an address code when it is used at the level of a Bank ID number or for a contact.
In this case, to be able to modify or delete an address code, you first need to remove it from the level of the Bank ID number or contact.

  • Description (field XBPADES)

Specify the information linked to the address.

This code is used to identify the country associated with the address.

In the Country table, which controls this field, some specific characteristics are used to perform controls on the related information, in particular:

  • the phone number format,
  • the format of the number identifying a company or an activity (SIRET, NAF in France),
  • the format of the postal/town-city code as well as that of the geographical subdivision, and whether their entry is mandatory or not,
  • the format of the bank ID number,
  • the IBAN management.
  • Description (field XCRYNAM)

Title associated to the previous code.

  • Type (field XADDTYPSA)


  • Service type (field XADDSRVTYP)


  • Unit/postal number (field XADDPOSNBR)


  • Complex (field XADDCPXSA)


  • field XADDLIG1

This table lists the various address lines. The formats of the title and of the entry are defined in the country table.

  • field XADDLIG2


  • field XADDLIG3


  • Suburb/District (field XADDSUBSA)


  • Postal code (field XPOSCOD)

The postal code, whose entry format is defined in the Country table, is used to define the town/city and the geographical subdivision if it is defined for the country.
When the postal code is changed the city/town corresponding to the new code is automatically displayed. The principle is the same for the geographical subdivision if it is present for the country. 
It is also possible to manually enter the town/city name. If the town/city is already defined, the associated postal code is automatically displayed.

Specific cases:

- for ANDORRA, indicate 99130
- for MONACO, indicate 99138
- for the other overseas countries, indicate the INSEE code of the country or 99999 if not known.

The control of this information and its mandatory nature depend on the setup performed in the country management. In order for the control to be applied, the POSCOD - Nonexistent postal code alert parameter (SUP chapter, INT group) must also be set to "Yes".

  • City (field XCTY)

The city automatically proposed is the one associated with the postal code previously indicated. It is also possible to manually enter the name of a town/city:
- If the town/city is already defined, the associated postal code is automatically displayed,
- If the latter does not exist and the postal code control has been set up in the Country record, a warning message is displayed but the continuation of the entry is authorized. In addition, the CTY - Nonexistent city alert parameter (chapter SUP, group INT) needs to be set to "Yes" for this control to apply.


  • Its format is defined in the Country record setup.
  • Depending on this setup, the entered town/city can automatically be converted into uppercase after it has been entered.
  • In order to make selections easier without taking into account the format (accented characters/uppercase letters/lowercase letters), the selection window available on this field proposes a column dedicated to the search, where the names of the towns/cities are displayed in uppercase. The control which is carried out is case-insensitive since it is carried out with respect to the town/city name stored in uppercase.
  • field XSAT

This field includes the geographical subdivision which is part of the postal address definition.
For instance, it can be the department for France or the state for the United States. The subdivision title and the potential control on its entry are defined in the Country setup.
If it is controlled, this code depends on the corresponding geographical subdivision.

This subdivision is automatically fed after the postal code and town/city have been entered, based on the Postal codes setup.

  • Website (field XFCYWEB)

When selected, this check box indicates that this is the default address.
Only one of the addresses in the selected record can (and must) be selected. This always corresponds to one of the BP's addresses.

  • External identifier (field XEXTNUM)

This free field makes it possible to stock a variable identifier, which can be used for specific processing.
Example: when generating international transfer files in XML format, the content of this field identifies the credited BP, when the SIRET number is missing (see setup of Bank files).

  • Default address (field XBPAADDFLG)



  • field ATYPTEL


  • field XTEL1

This field indicates the phone number. Its entry format depends on the country.
The level of control applied to the entered number format depends on the general parameter CTLTEL - Phone number control (SUP chapter, INT group).

  • field XTEL2


  • field XTEL3


  • field XTEL4


  • field XTEL5



  • field ATYPWEB


  • field XWEB1

This field is used to specify the email address of the contact.

  • field XWEB2


  • field XWEB3


  • field XWEB4


  • field XWEB5




Tab Bank ID number


This tab is used to define a list of bank ID numbers associated with this company. A number of lines can be entered in this scrolling screen in the tab.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Bank details

This code is used to identify the country associated with the bank account.

The country table, containing this code, gathers information that is useful to perform controls, and namely:

  • the telephone number format,
  • the format of the number identifying a company or an activity (SIRET, NAF in France),
  • the postal code format,
  • the format of the Bank ID number code.
  • IBAN pref (field IBAN)

The IBAN is an internationally agreed standard of identifying bank accounts in a structured format.
IBAN can be used in national and/or international payment transactions (country-specific).
The IBAN code consists of: 

  • A 4-digit IBAN prefix composed of:
    - a country code (2 letters),
    - two check digits
    This prefix is displayed. It is calculated automatically upon the bank account information entered in the Bank ID field. the bank account information (country specific, up to 30 characters).
  • The bank account information (country-specific, up to 30 characters).

SEEINFO Not all countries support IBAN. The IBAN format applied to bank accounts is controlled by the IBAN management option, defined in the Countries setup.

  • Bank acct. number (field BIDNUM)

This number identifies the bank account of a given bank, for a given country.
The entry format of a Bank ID number is dependent on the country where the bank is domiciled.

For the entry of the Bank ID number to be correct, it is necessary to predefine the entry format in the Country table and to activate the option IBAN management for those countries supporting the IBAN format.

SEEINFO In case of an IBAN this field has to contain the bank account part only, beginning from the 5th character of the IBAN. The first 4 characters of the IBAN (country code and check digits) are calculated automatically and displayed in the field IBAN pref.

  • Default (field BIDNUMFLG)

This field indicates that the Bank ID number is used by default for payments (in the absence of a more precise rule).

  • Address (field BIDBPAADD)

This field specifies the address code of the bank ID number, controlled in the address codes of the managed entity (company, site, customer, supplier, etc.).

This address code is used to define the default bank ID number in payment contexts where an address is known.

This code is used to identify the currency associated with the bank account.
It is managed in the currency table.

It is recommended to use the ISO coding during the creation of a new currency.

  • ISR customer no. (field BVRNUM)

This field is related to the activity code KSW – Switzerland.
Enter the ISR customer number for the given bank account. This number is used for payments with ISR number (inpayment slip with reference numbers).

  • Paying bank (field PAB1)

This field, which is mandatory for payments, defines the paying bank related to the account number. The first line contains the name of the bank.

  • Beneficiary (field BNF)

This field identifies the bank account's beneficiary (physical or moral person).

  • Paying bank 2 (field PAB2)


  • Paying bank 3 (field PAB3)


  • Paying bank 4 (field PAB4)


  • BIC code (field BICCOD)

To perform the automatic processing of payment requests, the sender's bank needs the BIC code of the recipient's bank. This code is an ISO identifier managed by the international banking system, and namley the SWIFT system, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication.

The BIC code is the only standardized bank identifier at international level. All banks can have a BIC code, even if they do not belong to the SWIFT network.

The BIC code can be comprised of 8 to 11 characters. In both cases, the first 8 characters of the BIC code generally designate the bank's head office and are structured under the form BBBB PP AA, which correspond to the following information :

  • BBBB is the bank mnemonic identifier;
  • PP is the ISO country code;
  • AA stands for a service code often to serve a geographic purpose.
  • Intermediary bank (field MIDPAB1)

In some commercial exchanges, upon the request of Business Partners or payment issuing banks, an intermediary bank is sometimes used. For that purpose, the identifiers of this bank must be entered (BIC code, paying bank, country). This information remains optional (it does not need to be entered if no intermediary bank is mandatory).

  • Paying bank 1 (field MIDPAB2)


  • Paying bank 2 (field MIDPAB3)


  • Paying bank 3 (field MIDPAB4)


  • BIC code (field MIDBICCOD)





Action icon

BID screen management




Tab Contacts


Use this tab to list the contact persons of the company in the contacts table. The full contact information linked to the name are displayed next to the grid.

In order to add a new contact:

  • select an existing Contact (relationship) or
  • create a new contact:
    - you can enter a code and detailed information about this contact,
    - you can also simply enter the detailed information as the code is automatically created when saving the record.
    In both cases, the contact is automatically recorded in the Contacts table.

The contacts management, based on Contacts (relationships), ensures that each individual record is unique. A contact with a particular role can be recorded as one Contact among many companies, sites or BPs. Based on the record of one contact, you can indeed create relationships across records, provided they have a Contact tab.

SEEINFO However, a contact considered as a relationship can only be recorded as a person or individual. Only identification information such as the last name, first name, date of birth and cell phone number are common to the contact (relationship) record and to the details entered at the general contact level.
Other information such as the address, email address, landline number and fax number are managed separately between the relationship contact and each one of his/her contacts. At relationship level, the information is considered as being personal; at general contact level, the information is considered as being professional.

SEEREFERTTO For further examples, see the documentation of the Contacts function.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Code (field CCNCRM)

Each contact associated with the record is identified by a unique key, which is used to share contacts common to several records.

This code defines the unique key in the contact record. This key can be manually assigned or if it is not entered, it can be defined via the CCN sequence number counter.

By default, this counter is constructed of a sequence number made up of 15 characters. To ensure the correct functioning of the Contact object, it is strongly advised to conserve these standard characteristics.

  • Last name (field CNTLNA)

Indicate the family name of the contact.

Block number 2

  • Code (field KCCNCRM)

Each contact associated with the record is identified by a unique key, which is used to share contacts common to several records.

This code defines the unique key in the contact record. This key can be manually assigned or if it is not entered, it can be defined via the CCN sequence number counter.

By default, this counter is constructed of a sequence number made up of 15 characters. To ensure the correct functioning of the Contact object, it is strongly advised to conserve these standard characteristics.

  • Title (field KCNTTTL)

This field associates a closing sentence with a contact's family name.
This information can be used on documents to be sent to contacts.

  • Last name (field KCNTLNA)

Indicate the family name of the contact.

  • First name (field KCNTFNA)

First name of the contact.

  • Function (field KCNTFNC)

This field specifies the position of the contact to choose from a pre-defined list.
The local menu 233 lists all the possible positions.

  • Department (field KCNTSRV)

This text field indicates the department to which the contact is attached.
No table controls this information.

This field, used for information purposes, makes reference to the codes entered in miscellaneous table 906.


  • Date of birth (field KCNTBIR)

Birthday of the contact, only present for information reasons.


  • Address (field KCNTADD)

The value of the contact's address code, controlled in the address codes of the supported entity ( Addressestab), is for information purposes only. This code is used to link the contact to one of the addresses of the relevant entity.

  • field KADDNAM

Title associated to the previous code.

  • Email (field KCNTWEB)

This field is used to specify the email address of the contact.

  • Telephone (field KCNTTEL)

This field indicates the phone number. Its entry format depends on the country.
The level of control applied to the entered number format depends on the general parameter CTLTEL - Phone number control (SUP chapter, INT group).

  • Fax (field KCNTFAX)

This field specifies the fax number where the entry format is identical to that of the telephone and is dependent on the country.

  • Mobile phone (field KCNTMOB)

This field indicates the mobile phone number with an entry format that depends on the country.

  • Type (field KRSACNTTYP)


  • Mailing prohibited (field KCNTFBDMAG)


  • Default contact (field KCNTFLG)

When this box is checked, the selected contact becomes the default contact.

  • Data Protection Officer (field KDPO)

This check box must be selected for the Data Protection Officer. There can only be one Data Protection Officer by company.



Action icon


To access the contact record, click the Actions icon at the beginning of each line of the table or in the Code field and click Contacts.




Tab Sites


This tab is used to define information relative to the pre-consolidation, to the DAS 2 / 1099 declaration (specific to France), when it is declared at the company level and to the results declaration.




The following fields are present on this tab :

DAS2 address

  • Company name (field DADCPYNAM)

The name of the company, entered here on up to 50 characters, is used for the DADS declaration.

  • Address complement (field ADDCPL)

This address used for the declarations related to the French legislation, is entered according to the AFNOR format as demanded for the TDS declarations. This format includes the following fields :

  • The address complement (staircase, building, floor, residence...)
  • Route number.
  • The extension to the route number.
  • The route name.
  • The INSEE number for the commune where the format varies as a function of the county code in the address.
  • The name if the commune (if it is different to the distribution office).
  • The zip/post code where the format varies according to the country code in the address.
  • The distribution office.

The TDS signals an anomaly if the commune and the distribution office are not entered or if the first two numbers in the post/zip code are not entered.

  • Street number (field STREETNUM)


  • field ABC

The extension number of the route is standarized to the DADS standards : B for Bis T for Ter Q for Quarter C for Cinques empty if there is no expansion.

  • Street (field STREET)

This address used for the declarations related to the French legislation, is entered according to the AFNOR format as demanded for the TDS declarations. This format includes the following fields :

  • The address complement (staircase, building, floor, residence...)
  • Route number.
  • The extension to the route number.
  • The route name.
  • The INSEE number for the commune where the format varies as a function of the county code in the address.
  • The name if the commune (if it is different to the distribution office).
  • The zip/post code where the format varies according to the country code in the address.
  • The distribution office.

The TDS signals an anomaly if the commune and the distribution office are not entered or if the first two numbers in the post/zip code are not entered.

  • Municipality code (field POSCTYCOD)


  • Municipality (field CTYNAM)


  • Postal code (field DADPOSCOD)


  • Distributor office (field POSCTY)


  • Company tax ID no. (field DADCRN)

This field corresponds to the SIRET number of the enterprise, as it is used in the DADS declaration in France.

It is composed of 14 characters, where the first 9 make up the SIREN number and are common to all the sites in the company. The final 5 form the internal number for the classification of each establishment. If this field is not entered, the DADS declaration will identify an anomaly.

  • SIC code (field DADNAF)

This is the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code, which characterizes the principle activity of the business partner and can be used for selection, sorting, reporting, etc.

The entry format of the activity code depends on the Country.

Declaration of results

For the DADS declaration in France, the rule that is used to identify the site that submits the declaration is the following :

  • If the company is required to submit a declaration of results and the company submits this declaration, the address and SIRET number are those of the site that submits the results declaration.
  • If the company is required to provide a declaration, but this declaration is not submitted by the enterprise (case for companies where the declaration is submitted by the parent company), the address is that of the parent company that submits the results declaration. The SIRET number is that of the principal site of the subsidiary company.
  • If the enterprise is not subject to a results declaration requirement, the address and SIRET number are those of the principal site of the company.
  • Site tax ID no. (field DADCRN2)

This field corresponds to the SIRET number of the enterprise, as it is used in the DADS declaration in France.

It is composed of 14 characters, where the first 9 make up the SIREN number and are common to all the sites in the company. The final 5 form the internal number for the classification of each establishment. If this field is not entered, the DADS declaration will identify an anomaly.

  • Address complement (field ADDCPL2)

This address used for the declarations related to the French legislation, is entered according to the AFNOR format as demanded for the TDS declarations. This format includes the following fields :

  • The address complement (staircase, building, floor, residence...)
  • Route number.
  • The extension to the route number.
  • The route name.
  • The INSEE number for the commune where the format varies as a function of the county code in the address.
  • The name if the commune (if it is different to the distribution office).
  • The zip/post code where the format varies according to the country code in the address.
  • The distribution office.

The TDS signals an anomaly if the commune and the distribution office are not entered or if the first two numbers in the post/zip code are not entered.

  • Street number (field STREETNUM2)


  • field ABC2

The extension number of the route is standarized to the DADS standards : B for Bis T for Ter Q for Quarter C for Cinques empty if there is no expansion.

  • Street (field STREET2)


  • Municipality code (field POSCTYCOD2)


  • Municipality (field CTYNAM2)


  • Postal code (field DADPOSCOD2)


  • Distributor office (field POSCTY2)



This field is used to enter a price list structure code.
This code determines the commercial conditions managed for each sales transaction line ('Discount and Charge' field) for the current company.
A sales structure code can be shared by one or several companies. Two companies that share a single price list structure will be authorized to share the same price list.
It is necessary to have a structure code for a company. If an "empty" structure code is created, it will be automatically associated to each created new company.
SEEWARNING When a price list structure is changed, the new structure must include the previous one.


  • Activation (field SSTTAXACT)

Check the check box next to Activation to use Sage Sales tax calculation for products and invoicing elements.

  • Sage Sales Tax company (field SSTCPY)

Enter the company integrated to Sage Sales Tax (SST) to process the transactions.
This company code is used to exchange information with Avalara.

Enter the SST document discount invoicing element to be used for this company. One SST document discount can be defined for each company. The SST document discount lookup will filter the list of invoicing elements that meet the required setup.

The criteria for selecting a SST document discount invoicing element are:

  • Tax rule = fixed rate
  • Tax level selection = blank
  • Calculation base = before tax calculation
  • SST tax code = not blank



Tab Sites


The following fields are present on this tab :


Grid Sites pyramid

  • Level (field LEV)


  • Line number (field NOLIG)





  • Text (field LIBL1)


  • Description (field LIBL2)


  • Parent (field PARKEY)


  • Key (field KEYC)


  • Expand (field EXPFLG)


  • Image (field IMG)




Specific buttons

Click Legal data to view the legal data determined by the legislation for the current record.

The window displayed can be set up in Miscellaneous table 959 - Legal data / legislation.

If the company is not a legal one (legislation not mandatory), then the access to legal data is only granted if all the companies of the group share the same legislation and if a window is set up for this legislation in miscellaneous table no. 959.

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :


This field is used to define the activity code of the company. There are two types of codes: one under the revision V3 and another one based on the revision V2.1 from the National Estatistic Institut.

  • Head office (field PORHQR)

Select the main office location: Mainland, Azores or Madeira.


  • Financial department (field PORFINDPR)

Enter the financial code for the financial department assigned to this company.

  • Legal representative (field PORLRC)

Enter the legal representative's fiscal number.

  • Certified expert (field PORCTFACN)

Enter the certified expert's fiscal number.

  • Periodicity (field PORDCLPER)

This field defines the period for the VAT declaration. Select Month or Quarter.

  • Company responsible for the fiscal data (field PORRESFISC)

This field defines the company responsible for the invoicing records.

Some invoices are generated by another company as a service and the service provider then assumes responsibility for the issued date. The company providing the service uses their own resources to generate all required documents. In this case, the SAFT file contains specific data related to the service company that needs to be exported.


  • Activity type (field PORCPYACTT)

To properly manage the simplified invoice, you need to define the company's base activity sector: Other or Retail.

Simplified invoice

  • Simplified invoice (field PORSIMINVI)

It's important to define for each company if they will issue simplified invoices or not. If they will not use this legal possibility, the calculation will not have to control if the threshold are respected.

If the field is not active, the fileds related with the amounts limits will be disabled.

  • Simp inv ser (field PORAMTSERI)

Select this check box to use simplified invoices for the company.

If you do not use a simplified invoice, the calculation does not respect any limits and the fields to set limits are disabled.

  • Simp inv itm (field PORAMTITMI)


Grid Electronic invoice

  • Communication type (field COMMTYPE)

You can select SAF-T or Electronic invoice.

Select SAF-T to communicate invoices to fiscal authorities by the Standard Audit file once a month.
The communication type cannot be the same on two consecutive lines.
This field is only available if the EFAT activity code is active.

  • Start date (field STRDAT)

You cannot change the communication date in the middle of a calendar year. A change in the communication type must begin on the 1/1/YYYY.

A start date for a new line is automatically set with the day following the end date set on the previous line.

This field is only available if the EFAT activity code is active.

  • End date (field ENDDAT)

Enter the end date for the communication type.

Leave this field empty if this is the last consecutive line of a communication type.
If this line starts a new communication type, the date should be 31/12/YYYY.
A start date for a new line is automatically set with the day following the end date set on the previous line.
This field is only available if the EFAT activity code is active.


Click Legal data to view the legal data determined by the legislation for the current record.

These fields relate to Portuguese legal data.

The window displayed can be set up in Miscellaneous table 959 - Legal data / legislation.

If the company is not a legal one (legislation not mandatory), then the access to legal data is only granted if all the companies of the group share the same legislation and if a window is set up for this legislation in miscellaneous table no. 959.

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :


  • Customer threshold in cash (field SPABPCTSD)

Minimum amount for customer: Threshold for yearly declaration of Cash Payments for customers.


  • Supplier threshold in cash (field SPABPSTSD)

Minimum amount for supplier: Threshold for yearly declaration of Cash Payments for supplier.


  • Yearly 347 threshold (field SPAYEATSD)

Minimum amount to include in yearly 347 declaration.



Click Legal data to view the legal data determined by the legislation for the current record.

These fields relate to Spanish legal data.

The window displayed can be set up in Miscellaneous table 959 - Legal data / legislation.

If the company is not a legal one (legislation not mandatory), then the access to legal data is only granted if all the companies of the group share the same legislation and if a window is set up for this legislation in miscellaneous table no. 959.

Local menus

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

An address must be defined as default

In the Addresses tab, define a default address. If you select the Default address check box several times, only the first address is kept as default (only one default address is authorized).

At least one address must exist

This message is displayed if you try to create a company without an address. You are then redirected to the Addresses tab.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation