This function is used to view the location types and to resynchronize the locations for a given site.
The location inquiry is used to establish the global and detailed statistics.
The location resynchronization involves the verification of each location and it is used to automatically or manually correct the concordance of the occupation states.
This process is based on the location occupation inquiry and in addition is used for the automatic correction of certain detected errors.
(see the Location inquiries documentation)
Refer to documentation Implementation
Before starting this location resynchronization utility, several filters by site, location type or location characteristics can be activated via a selection window.
The location resynchronization can be applied to a group of warehouse sites, irrespective of the location types and their characteristics. To do this, the Warehouse site and Location type fields must not be specified, whilst the relative cases of the location type characteristics ( single-product or dedicated, authorizedstatus , filling management) must be ticked in such a way that the resynchronization takes place on all the STOLOC records.
The resynchronization process selection can also be restricted to a single warehouse site, even on a specific location type.
It is also possible to start this process by specifying (or not) one or more location type characteristics, for example:
Single-product locations
Dedicated locations
Stock statuses
Fill management
In the case of Location type statistic, when activated, is used to update the statistics relative to the location types (number of empty or full locations, occupation, etc.), as well as their utilization rate.
The program carries out a resynchronization of the location file (STOLOC) from the stock file (STOCK). Examples of errors :
Location with status "free", whilst stock exists in the STOCK file for this location. The program modifies the status to "occupied" (update of the OCPCOD field in STOLOC).
Location with status "occupied", whilst no stock exists in the STOCK file for this location. The program modifies the status to "free".
Several products stored in the same location, whilst the storage mode for the location type is single-product. This type of error cannot be repaired automatically by the program.
When a location type is defined with a storage mode "Dedicated", the system verifies and corrects the location occupation status of this type and verifies the agreement between the links between the affected products and locations.
A status can be associated with a location type. The process checks that in STOLOC, the location occupation has a status that agrees with the STOCK file. This type of error cannot be repaired automatically by the program.
The selection confirmation made using the is used to start the process.
Once the process is generated, the screen inquiry shows the location statistics, the number of errors found and the number of errors corrected.
A log file can be printed at the end of the process. This shows the corrected errors and the errors that could not be automatically corrected.
The following fields are present on this tab :
This field is used to carry out the process on the assigned site. |
This location type filter is used to restrict the location types that will be processed. |
Controls & corrections
Tick this box in order to verify that the single product locations only contain a single product. |
Tick this box to check that the dedicated locations contain only products defined in the allocations linked to the location. |
Tick this box to verify the coherence between the statuses authorized for the location and the statuses of the stock that it contains. |
Tick this box in order to verify the location occupation rate managed on occupation. The occupation flag (empty, occupied, full) is resynchronized. |
Updates the location type statistics (number of empty, occupied or full locations) as well as the utilization rate. |
This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FUNLOCS is provided for that purpose.
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
The location has a free status whilst is occupied in the stock file, else it has a status "occupied" status whilst there is no stock available.
The location is occupied by several products whilst the storage plan for the type that is "single-product" There is no automatic correction available for this type of error.