This function is used to carry out a mass allocation processing of the materials linked to the production for a given site, a given period and a selection of a work orders.

This processing can allocate material in a global or detailed manner.

It is possible to specify the priority criteria to be taken into account between the various WOs in the selection for the allocation of materials.


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Screen management

Entry screen


Selection criteria

  • Production site: The site associated with the user is suggested by default.
  • Requirement date until: This field is used to select the materials which requirement date is prior to the date mentioned. By default this date is initialized to the current date.
  • Priority to shortage quantities: this choice is used to allocate in priority the WOs with shortage materials, then to allocate the WOs without shortage.
  • Selection order: The purpose here is to specify the order in which the allocations must be performed for the various WOs (by start date, the WOs are processed in the order of their start dates.) For a similar start date, the priority code of the WO is taken into account. By priority code, the WOs are processed by decreasing priority order (Very urgent, Urgent, Normal). With an equal priority level, the system examines the material requirement date.
  • Allocation type: Global or detailed allocation (the detailed allocation processes the non-allocated materials but also the already globally allocated materials, and the shortages. )

Start/End ranges

These ranges are used to select the materials to be processed. The possible ranges are:

  • Priority
  • Work order no.
  • Project
  • Destination
  • Order number
  • Released product
  • Material

At the end of the processing, a log file can be printed.

This log mentions the allocated quantities and quantity shortages by work order and material.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Selection criteria

The production site associated with the user is proposed by default. It can be modified by another site authorized for the operator, depending on their authorizations.

  • Requirement cutoff (field STRDAT)

Use this field to filter the orders to be loaded.

SEEWARNING Observe loading times.

Enter, select or build an Sage X3 filter calculation expression using the formula editor.

 An error message is displayed if you refer to tables which are not generally used by the configurator, or to unknown variables.

Block number 2

  • field FIL21


  • Priority to shortages (field SHTFLG)

If this flag is activated, all the quantities in shortage are reallocated first. Then, the remainder to allocate will be allocated.

  • Allocation type (field ALLTYP)

Allocation type
It determines the material allocation type:

  • Global The allocation refers to a product-site.
  • Detailed The allocation refers to a stock line.

  • Selection sequence (field SORPAR)

Sort criteria.
This code is used to define the selection order of the elements to be processed.

Start - end range

  • Priority (field MFGPIODEB)

This field is used to filter the work orders allocated according to their priority (Normal, Urgent, Very urgent).

  • field MFGPIOFIN


  • Work order no. (field MFGNUMDEB)

This field displays the work order number (unique ID).
This number is automatically or manually generated upon each creation.
Click the Selection icon to open the list of work orders (which only includes 'Firm' or 'Closed' work orders) and select a work order.

  • field MFGNUMFIN


This field contains the reference of the project for which the production has been launched.


  • Destination (field BPCNUMDEB)

This code is used to identify the ship-to type of the product stock.
According to the ship-to type, it can either be a site or a customer.

  • field BPCNUMFIN


  • Order no. (field VCRNUMDEB)

This is the journal number at the origin of the requirement.

  • field VCRNUMFIN


  • Released product (field ALDEB)

This field is used to filter the work orders assigned according to the released product.

  • field ALFIN


  • Material (field ITMREFDEB)

The material reference identifies a component of the released product.

  • field ITMREFFIN




Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FUMAUTA is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

The end range is prior to the start range

Coherency check on the selection ranges.

Modification in process on another workstation

This message appears on the end of processing log if a lock problem forbids the update.

Rollback following an error in the transaction

Serious access problem to the database.

No material processed

This message is displayed if no allocation could be carried out.

Problem in the table XXXXXXXX

Serious access problem to the database.

Tables used

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