Stock >  Assignments >  Deassignments  

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This function makes it possible to carry out an automatic and mass deassignment of the WIPs.


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Screen management

The entry screen is used to specify the different selection criteria, as well as the filters to be applied.

SEEWARNING It is possible to carry out an automatic deassignment only when the box 'Take into account in automatic assignments' is checked for the Assignment rule specified in the Product-Site record or, by default, for the rule specified by the parameter DEFPTO - Assignment rule MTO.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

Selection criterion

Enter or select a storage site at which the selected product is active.

The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table.

Start - end range

  • From product (field ITMREFDEB)

This field is used to filter the orders based on the selected product.

  • To product (field ITMREFFIN)

This field is used to filter the orders based on the selected product.

Enter, select or build an Sage X3 filter calculation expression using the formula editor.

 An error message is displayed if you refer to tables which are not generally used by the configurator, or to unknown variables.

Order(s) to unallocate

  • Request (field DEMNUM)

This field is used to restrict the order(s) to be disallocated to a request.
The specified request must refer to one of the products selected by the start - end range; the process only applies to the associated product (and not on all products selected by the start - end range).
If a resource is already entered, the request must refer to the same product.
As soon as a request or resource is specified, any entered formula is automatically erased.

  • field XDEMWIP


  • Resource (field RESSNUM)

This field is used to restrict the order(s) to be deassigned to a resource.
The specified resource must refer to one of the products selected by the start - end range; the process only applies to the associated product (and not on all products selected by the start - end range).
If a request is already entered, the resource must refer to the same product.
As soon as a request or resource is specified, any entered formula is automatically erased.

  • field XRESSWIP



  • field W1


  • Delete forced assignments (field FRCPRO)

This help is common to both the Assignment and Deassignment processes.
This box, once selected, tells the system to delete/replace (assignment process) or delete (deassignment process) all forced assignments.SEEINFO In the assignment process: To be able to access the "Delete/Replace forced assignments" box, the assignment method (application mode) must be set to "Cancels and replaces".



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation