Purchasing >  RFQs >  Price list line generation  

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This function is used to generate lines on the existing or new price list records from the lines of responses addressed by a supplier to a RFQ.
This processing can be launched from the moment that the responses have been recorded and are deemed satisfactory.


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Screen management

Entry screen


At the start of the processing, the supplier and involved RFQ need to be provided, either by directly entering this information or by selecting them in a list. The selection list submits the recorded responses for which at least one of the lines has not already been the subject of a price list generation.

In the lower part of the screen, a grid presents the various selected response lines for which no price list generation has been carried out yet.

The price list lines will be generated from the information in this table.
The automatic creation of lines in an existing price list record and the creation of new price list records requires the use of a price list code (see the documentation on Price list setup). The price list code used in this process must have the same structure code as the price list code associated to the supplier in the supplier record so that the generated price lists can be used afterwards. Furthermore, if the user uses the compulsory price reasons (parameter PURREN - Compulsory price reasons), the reason of the price list code being used must match the reason of the response line in order for the price list line to be generated.

When the cursor is positioned on a line of this grid, the user can view the detail of the recorded answer by means of the Detail option accessible via the context button (right button on the mouse).

This table contains six columns that are automatically initialized and that can be modified in certain cases.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

This field cannot be modified and displays the code of the site having issued the RFQ.

Supplier number used as selection criteria.
When a supplier is a prospect, a warning message is displayed. It is then possible to abort or continue the proces by automatically transforming this prospect in standard supplier.

  • field BPSNAM

This is the corporate or company name of the chosen supplier. This information is not accessible.

Block number 2

  • RFQ no. (field PQHNUM)

This is the number of the RFQ line for which the response is entered. It can be directly entered or chosen in the list of the RFQs presented to the supplier.

  • Line (field PQDLIN)

This is the number of the RFQ line for which the response is entered. It can be directly entered or chosen in the list of the RFQ lines.

  • RFQ date (field PQHDAT)

This is the entry date of the RFQ. This information cannot be modified.

  • Due date (field RSPDEA)

This is the specified dead line for the responses. This information cannot be modified.

  • Requester (field REQUSR)

This is the code of the operator that initiated the RFQ. This information cannot be modified.

  • Product (field ITMREF)

The product must exist in the Products file. Otherwise, an error message appears and the product needs to be created before the process can be restarted.
Moreover if the product duly exists in the Products file, but it is not referenced for the supplier concerned, an entry for the Product-Supplier pair is automatically created in the file.

  • field ITMDES

This is the description from the product record.


  • No. (field NUMLIG)

Line number.

  • Processing (field PRO)

This field is used to select the response line that must be processed by checking them.
A line is checked by default when a price list record on which it is possible to generate an additional line from a response line already exists: in that case, the price list code is automatically displayed in the next column.
If it is not the case, the line will not be checked by default but it is possible to check it and enter a consistent price list code in the next column.

  • Price list code (field PLI)

This field is initialized to the first price list code of the price list code table whose structure code is identical to the supplier's structure code.
This information can be modified and it is possible to:

  • Select another price list code from a list that only submits price list codes having the same structure.
  • Directly enter a price list code. A consistency check is then carried out between the structure code associated to the price list code and the structure code associated to the supplier. A warning message appears in case of inconsistency between the two elements.
  • Price list record (field PLICRD)

This field is initialized to the number of the first record of the specifid price list record whose validity dates match the validity dates mentioned on the response line.
At this stage, it is possible to modify this suggested number by:

  • Choosing another existing record. In that case, if the validity dates of the selected record are not coherent with those of the response line, a warning message is displayed and the user can either abort or continue. If the user chooses to continue, the lines are generated in the record and therefore take the validity dates of said record.
  • Entering a new record number. In that case, a new record is created: if the counter associated with the price list records is managed manually, the number entered by the user is the one that is considered, otherwise a number is automatically assigned to the newly created record.
  • Structure (field PLISTC)

This field cannot be modified and is initialized using the structure code associated to the supplier.

This field is initialized to the code of the reason associated with the response line. If the price reason is compulsory (depending on the value of the PURREN - Compulsory price reasons parameter), a consistency check is carried out when entering the price list code between the reason associated with the latter and the reason associated with the response line. A warning message appears in case of inconsistency between the two elements.

  • Line (field PPDLIN)

This field cannot be modified and is initialized by the response line number.
At the end of the processing, an execution report is automatically created. The following elements are listed in this report:

  • the response lines that led to the creation of price list lines.
  • the response lines for which this generation has not been possible, with a message briefly describing the problem encountered.



Action icon

Basic Product Management

This function is used to display the detail of the entered response (function Responses).




Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

No sequence number has been assigned to this document

This message appears when an attempt is made to launch the process when no sequence number has been associated with the Price list record document. To solve this problem, it is necessary to check if a sequence number counter actually exists for the price list records (if this is not the case, it should be created) and then to associate this sequence number counter to the price list records with the aid of the Sequence number counter assignment option.

Problem at the time of sequence number counter recovery

This message appears when the reading of the specified sequence number counter is invalid and the system has been unable to get a sequence number.

Response already turned into a price list or Product does not exist

This message appears in two cases:

  • When the user directly enters a RFQ number and all the number lines of said RFQ have already been taken into account in a price list line generation process.
  • When the product of the selected RFQ does not exist in the Products file: it is namely the case of a product directly created in the RFQ.: In that case, the only possibility is to use the appropriate option to create this product and then restart the processing.

Structure code different from the supplier structure code or Different reason

This message appears when entering a price list code in two cases:

  • When the structure code associated with the entered price list code is different from the one associated with the supplier in the supplier record
  • When the reason associated with the entered price list code is different from the one associated with the processed response element.

In order to avoid this type of error, a price list code only needs be selected in the submitted list instead of being directly entered. In effect the selection list only submits the price list codes having the same structure code as the supplier and when the reason is compulsory this list is also restricted depending on the reason.

Tables used

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