This function is used to purge for a given warehouse site, the closed physical stock count sessions that have an update date that is less than the specified date.
This process can be carried out either directly, in simulation mode or in Batch mode.
Refer to documentation Implementation
A selection window is used to choose the purge criteria.
Physical stock count session purge: A physical stock count session (CUNSESSION) contains the physical stock count lists (CUNLISTE) and each physical stock count list contains the stock count lines (CUNLISDET).
Once the reference date is entered, the system deletes all the closed sessions (CUNSESSION) having an earlier date. It then deletes in series all the lists (CUNLISTE) and all the details (CUNLISDET) for the deleted sessions. The deletion carried out for a given warehouse site, which is initialized by default to the site entered in the user's profile.
The Simulation tick box can be ticked when the process should not be launched in direct mode.
Process log file: The process generates a log file that specifies the physical stock count session that have been deleted. It is possible to print it.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
Enter or select a storage site at which the selected product is active. The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table. |
Specify the reference date for the purge. All inactive stock line from this date will be deleted. (date last entries/issues) |
Block number 2
This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FUNSTPI is provided for that purpose.