Stock >  Periodic processing >  Purge >  Traceability  

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This function is used to delete the traceability records from the entered date and potentially the issued serial numbers associated with the deleted records.

This process can be carried out either directly, in simulation mode or in Batch mode.


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Screen management

A selection window is used to choose the purge criteria.

Entry screen


This purge definitively deletes all the traceability records for the selected warehouse site, where the posting date is less than the reference date entered. By default the warehouse site proposed corresponds to the site associated with the user's profile function.

If the Serial number tick box is ticked, the process will also eliminate the issued serial numbers associated with the purged records.

This deletion concerns the STOSER and STOTRK files.

The specified Reference date corresponds by default to the current date minus the value (in months) of the MARPURTRK setup. If this setup is not defined, or if its value is null, it will not be possible to purge the records of less than 60 months.

If the Simulation tick-box is ticked, it signifies that the process will not be carried out in direct mode.

Process log file: The process generates a log file specifying the lots that have been purged, which can be printed.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Enter or select a storage site at which the selected product is active.

The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table.

  • Reference date (field DATREF)

All the traceability records where the allocation date is prior to the entered date will be definitively purged and the issued serial numbers will also be purged if necessary.

The maximum date to purge is set by the MAXPURTRK parameter. If this parameter is not defined or if its value is blank, it will not be possible to purge movements of less than 60 months.

  • Purge serial numbers (field SERFLG)

Tick if the serial numbers that correspond to the deliveries have to be purged.

Block number 2

  • Simulation (field SIM)

  • Simulation Mode ("Simulation" tick box checked): a fictitious adjustment of issue prices is performed. No modification is recorded. 
    A log file appears with the details of the performed update by clicking [Ok], at the end of the execution. The price adjustment should be used on a specific product, the simulation is limited to one BOM level.

  • Actual Mode ("Simulation" tick box not checked): an effective adjustment of issue prices is performed. A log file is available by selecting "detailed log file" in the STOTRACE- Log level stock update parameter (STO chapter, MIS group).



Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FUNSTPT is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

The traceability purge is not authorized later than: ../../..

This message appears if the entered date is later than the authorized date fixed by the general setup MARPURTRK.

Tables used

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