This function is used to purge the stock movements for a site.
This processing can be carried out either directly, in simulation mode or in Batch mode.
Refer to documentation Implementation
A selection window is used to choose the purge criteria.
This function is used to purge for a given warehouse site and for the selected movement types, all the stock movements where the posting date is earlier than the specified date.
A warehouse site must be specified. By default, the site associated with the operator in his profile function is pre-loaded.
Reference date: It is not possible to enter a date that is greater than the current date minus the value (in month) of the MAXPURMVT setup. This general setup is used to determine a reference date for the purge. If it is not defined or if its value is null, it will not be possible to purge the movements of less than 12 months.
The All movement types tick-box is used to purge all the movement types. A partial or manual selection is however possible. The following movement types can be selected :
Miscellaneous receipt
Miscellaneous issue
Supplier receipt
Customer delivery
WO receipt
WO issue
Location change
Quality control
Status change
Return receipt
Delivery return
Stock count
Inter-sites transfers
Loan delivery
Loan return
Stock reintegration
Sub-contractor delivery
Put-away plan
Value change
Service request
Consumption area reorder
The Simulation tick box can be ticked when the processing should not be launched in direct mode.
Processing log file : The processing generates a log file for the purged stock movements. It is possible to print it.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
Enter or select a storage site at which the selected product is active. The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table. |
All the movements corresponding to the selection of which the posting date is earlier than the entry date will be definitively purged. The maximum date to purge is set by the MAXPURTRK parameter. If this parameter is not defined or if its value is blank, it will not be possible to purge movements of less than 12 months. |
Tick the box if all movement types have to be purged |
Block number 3
Tick the box if the stock movements of this type have to be purged. |
Block number 4
Block number 5
Block number 6
This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FUNSTPU is provided for that purpose.
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
This message appears when the specified site is not a declared site.
This message appears if the entered date is greater than the authorized date.