This function is used to define a datamart that can be used in the company managing functions. A datamart corresponds to a set of facts tables that cab be used for the decision support reports.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The entry screen is used to define in a grid the set of facts tables used by the datamart.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
This code identifies the current record in a unique way. |
An activity code is used to:
In this way, if the activity code is disabled, the marked element will not be useable, and the associated code (if any) will neither be generated nor can be activated. |
Select a module for the setup. Use this field to specify if the screen has to be created in the folder database. This is the case when the module linked to the screen is active on the folder. |
The designer manages the ANSI 92 syntax for the joins. ANSI 92 is not managed by default. The management has to be activated by setting this universe parameter SQL ANSI92 asYes. |
This parameter is used to group all the indicator fields of the fact table in a specific class. |
This datamart parameter is used to manage X3 'null' dates in the universe. Depending on the database type, the date 12-31-1599 will be replaced by null. The date object select will display: a field that corresponds to the date field of the current table
"CASE WHEN " & Champ & " = '31-12-1599' THEN null Else " & Champ & " END COLCASE"
"CASE {fn year(" & Champ & ")} WHEN 1753 THEN null ELSE " & Champ & " END" |
Addition used if there are two objects with the same name in a class |
This parameter determines whether subclasses are created or not during the universe generation. |
This parameter is used to define the universe's object or not. |
Grid Fact tables
Define the code of a facts table associated with the datamart. |
An activity code is used to:
In this way, if the activity code is disabled, the marked element will not be useable, and the associated code (if any) will neither be generated nor can be activated. |
The following fields are included on the window opened through this button : Block number 1
Block number 2
Close This button is used to copy the record definition from or to another folder. |
This function is used to access the documentation management on the first paragraph of the documentation (if there is one) associated to the current record.
This function is used to access the link management. It is used to define the links between the current record and other records (for instance the links between functions and parameters). These links are specific to the documentation and are used to load the generation of documentation structures.
This menu is used to launch a documentation generation. The generation can also be launched from the [Generation] button at the bottom of the window.
Three types of generation can be launched one by one or simultaneously:
The range suggested by default takes into account the current record but it can be modified upon launch.