This function is used to enter the help associated with each software field. This help is stored in the database in the form of html texts. This help is characterized by a key word and a language code. The key word is linked to the screen fields using the corresponding section in the screen dictionary.
This help is then generated on the disk thanks to a dedicated extraction function. It is located in a sub-directory named FLD. But each field help is also integrated into the functional help if the screen displaying the documented field is associated to a paragraph of this help.
Note that a function updating the help key words of a screen can be accessed directly by a zoom from the screen code defined in the paragraphs of the functional help.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Aside from the language code and the document code, there is a section in this screen where it is possible to enter the help text using an HTML editor. Its use is described in an attached documentation.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Define the language in which a text is expressed. |
This code identifies the current record in a unique way. |
Module to which the documentation parameterization belongs. |
When this box is checked, the help is considered as generic, that is to say it can be used widely in screens other that that for which it was defined at the start. A dedicated selection function is used to select the generic helps. |
This field is used to display the Group creating the given documentation. It is only available in the environments in which this notion has been implemented. This applies to the environments in which the user parameter GRPDEV exists. NOTE: The group is displayed in Red when the user group is different from the creating group found in table AOBJGRPDEV |
Help text
This field is used to enter the field help text as it will appear during a call to the help and how it will be inserted in the functional documentation that references the screen where this help is used. |
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
ADOCFLD : Field help
This can be changed using a different setup.
The following fields are included on the window opened through this button : Block number 1
Block number 2
Close This button is used to copy the record definition from or to another folder. |
Is used to copy the help to another folder in a more global way than the corresponding button. A range can be entered here to perform mass copies. The different syntaxes to define a folder are specified in an attached documentation.
Is used to define an order of priority in the translation of documentations.
Is used to delete the field documentation in all existing languages. A confirmation window is generated if the response is positive. The operation cannot be undone.
Is used to launch a global search in the screen dictionary in order to find the field helps that no screen uses. The list is displayed in the form of a log file.
Is used to launch a global search in the screen dictionary in order to find the fields for which there is no help key word, or for which the referenced key word does not correspond to an existing field help. The list is displayed in the form of a log file.
Is used to view, in a selection window, the screens in which the current field help is used.