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Object management is the basis of most of the functions of this software package. An object corresponds to the complete management of the records in a table or group of tables (creation, inquiry, modification, deletion should it be required...). For example, the management of customers, the management of invoices, the entry of postings... are implemented in the software in the form of objects.

An object presents itself in one of the following two principal forms :

  a window made-up of a header and one or more tabs located in the right-hand section and a selection list located on the left ("browser"). A record is managed at the same time.

  a window made-up of a single screen containing a list of the records in the table.

This object is used to manage a record in a table (a business partner record for example), or in several tables (the order header and the corresponding lines).

In addition to the principal left list of the object, it is possible to define additional left lists where this gives an advantage. This is carried out by the declaration of a browser type object for each additional left list.


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Screen management



The header is used to specify the object.




The following fields are present on this tab :

The object code is comprised of 1 to 3 alphanumeric characters. The Adonix reserved words are prohibited.

  • Description (field ZLIBEL)


  • Short description (field ZLIBSHO)


Code for the principal table managed by the object.




Tab General


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Module (field MODULE)

Indicate the application module to which the record is attached (and the attached code if necessary). The records used by several modules are classified in one of the modules common data or supervisor.

A development associated with a module (and the corresponding code) can only be used if the module is active in the current folder.

  • Parameter title (field ZLIBPAR)


If it is defined, an activity code attached to an object is used to make it optional.

  • Site field (field ZSITE)


  • Access code field (field ZACC)


Block number 2

  • Management type (field TYPGES)

This characteristic defines the manner in which the object manages the records in the table. The possible choices are Simple, In grid, Combined. A forth value equal to the Browser makes it possible to independently create the browsers that will then be integrated in a window.

  Simple. this is the most common type. It corresponds to the case where an entry in the principal table is managed in a record, a list of records being displayed in the left list. The object management screen obeys this logic itself (it is an object itself, its code is AOB), but numerous other examples exist : customers, invoices, postings, orders... are all simple objects.

  Grid. This corresponds to the case where the table, if sufficiently small, can be directly loaded in the lines of a single grid displayed in the screen. In this case, the left list no longer exists (it is of no use). The management of the section coding is carried out in this way.

  Combined. This corresponds to the case where a group of records are loaded in a grid, records where the key is made for N (N>1) sections, where the N-1 sections are fixed and the last section varies. Warning, this is not the case for the invoices (which have a key type document/line number), because in this case, the management of a simple object is carried out in the header and the loading of the lines is managed in the code associated with the object. An example of such an object is the management of technical records : for a control code, there is 1 to N lines present in a grid.

  Browser. This type is used to define the left lists that will then be attached to a window. The information to be entered in this object type is reduced to the information required to construct a left list.


This field defines the menu code in which the management function for the object will be present for the user ADMIN.

  • Row in menu (field RANG)

Indicate the rank where the function will appear in the menu above. In a menu the functions are sorted by rank in ascending order.

  • Printing (field RPT1)

This print code defines the report(s) launched when the File / Print menu option. It should be noted that the report ranges can be entered from the current record : in fact, the File / Print choice is only accessible if a current record is displayed on the screen.

By default, when using these button, the software will attempt to print the reports whose names are given here. But a non-direction table exists that is used to redefine, from the internal code given here, one or more reports (e.g. the printing of the picking lists, and delivery advice notes in the shipments object).

  • List (field RPT2)

This print code defines the report(s) launched when the File / List menu option. The File / List choice is always accessible and it is designed to be used to print general lists linked to the online tables.

By default, when using these button, the software will attempt to print the reports whose names are given here. But a non-direction table exists that is used to redefine, from the internal code given here, one or more reports (e.g. the printing of the picking lists, and delivery advice notes in the shipments object).

  • Standard script (field TRTSTD)

Processes in which, it will be possible to write additional sub-programs for the management of the object for this function. One process is reserved for the standard development, the next for the verticals and the last for the custom/specific. Development help.

  • Vertical script (field CTLSPV)


  • Specific script (field TRTSPE)

Processes in which, it will be possible to write additional sub-programs for the management of the object for this function. One process is reserved for the standard development, the next for the verticals and the last for the custom/specific. Development help.


  • Statistics (field STA)

This tick box allows the activation of the "Statistics" button in the object. This button is used to call the statistics interrogations where the first criteria are defined by the data linked to the principal table or to the tables linked to the object.

  • Deferred deletion (field DELDEF)

The supervisor will authorize or not the deferred deletions in the principal table as well as the secondary tables managed by the object. This possibility is offered for the parameterized users on deletion confirmation. When this user deleted a record in the object, a confirmation window is displayed. The user can check the "deferred deletion" box in this window. The record will therefore remain present until the differed deletion utility is launched.

  • Import (field IMPORT)

This field makes it possible to specify that the object can be imported by the function import-export.

  • Lock in modification (field MLOCK)

Used to trigger the logical lock when going to modify a record, where as standard it is set to the display of the record. In order to use modification mode, it is necessary to click on the key.




Tab Selection


All the information that is used to construct the principal left list for the object as well as the selection window is found here. In addition, there is the possibility to define the selection options.

The selection options

This grid is used to define the selection criteria that affect the records in the managed table. These filters, expressed in the form of logical conditions applied to the fields in the table and any constants, are identified by a letter (uppercase for the standard, lowercase for the specific). They are then set or not on the fields that have a data type linked to this object.

For example :

In the entry of sales orders, only active customer will be authorized. To do this, a selection filter is defined in the Customer object, with the condition BPCSTA=2 and the title "Active customer". In the orders screen SOH0, there is a customer field BPCORD with the data type BPC (type is linked to the object BPC). In the contextual menu with the data type BPC, the "Options" menu is used to set or not each of the declared filters in the customers object.

Definition of the selection screens
(left list, selection window and advanced selection)

The list of columns that must appear in the left list is entered in the grid at the bottom of the second tab. These columns can be the fields in the principal table or a secondary table identified in the 3rd tab if the link expression is entered. They can also be an expression; in this case, it is necessary to specify the type of data to store the result of the expression.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Selection options

  • Option title (field ZOPTLIB)


  • Code (field OPTCOD)

This grid is used to define the options for the management of the object. One option makes it possible to characterize the sub set of records identified by a condition (active customers, open accounts,...)

An option can be defined by :

  • A key letter
  • A title
  • A logical condition
  • An error message will be displayed if the object is not correspond to the option.
  • Option condition (field OPTCND)


  • Error message (field ZOPTERR)


Selection screen

  • Index (field SELCLE)

This field is used to define an index for the principal file for the display in the left list and in the selection windows. If this field is empty, it is the first index in the table that is used.

  • Sign (field SELORD)

This field is used to define the direction from moving through the principal table for the display in the left list and the selection windows for the object.

  • Selection options (field SELOPT)

This field makes it possible to specify one or many options for the records present in the selection window.

  • Hierarchical list (field SELTREE)

When the key chosen for the let list is composed of several parts, the list presents only the first part of the key initially. By double clicking on one of the values of the key there is the possibility to explore the sub-values of the key and thus through the number of levels of existing sub-keys. When all the key levels are explored, a record can be selected from the table.

An example of this functioning can be seen in the site management object : each site being attached to a company, the initial display is the list of companies and there is then the possibility to expand a company by double clicking it : the list of sites then appears and it is possible to select one of these.

if the box is not checked, it is a simple list.

  • No. characters (field SELCAR)

Any field in a screen where the type is linked to a object has available a selection field accessible by right click or by.

This value is used to define the number of characters used to specify where the selection should start, as a function of what has been entered in the field before the selection. If this value is N, the selections starts from the first key where the first N characters are greater than or equal to the string entered. Indeed :

  • If the value 2 is entered and if the string DEF is entered before opening the selection, the selection window will start the search from the first value of the key greater than or equal to DE (if keys starting with DEA exist, it is these that appear first in the window). If H has been entered, the selection will start with the first key greater than or equal to H.
  • If this field has the value 0 and a string UVW is entered before opening the selection, the selection starts at A and is not limited.

Table number 2

The table in which the field to be displayed is located is entered here. This table is either the principal table or one of the tables defined as linked to the principal table in the object definition.

This field can be empty if a calculated expression is displayed.

  • Field (field SELZON)

The fields present in the left list are entered here. They come from the table previously defined.

  • Expression (field SELEXP)

When a column from the left list is evaluated, a calculated expression is defined here whose result is placed in the column. A data type is then required to format the field.

  • Description (field ZSELINT)


This data type is used to forma the previous expression in the left list.

  • Options (field SELSAI)

This information is used to format the data by the choice of option. The options depend on the data type (use the search window).

  • Length (field SELLNG)

Possibility to indicate a length for an alphanumeric column constructed by an expression. If not entered, a length of 30 characters is used by default.



Tab Environment


Is used to define a set of tables necessary for the function to be executed, the screen-table link for the import management, the additional screens that can be accessed via button or menu for the web services.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Table number 1

Additional tables to the principal table managed by the object. These tables are opened then automatically closed on the execution of the object, under the abbreviation indicated otherwise under the dictionary abbreviation. The fields in these tables are accessible in the object.

In addition, the fields in these tables are used to define a left list column and the selection screens from the moment when the link expression is entered. It is possible to define the hierarchy links, on the condition that these tables are entered in the grid in the hierarchy order.

The link key must be unique. If it is not entered, the supervisor takes the primary key.

  • Index (field TABCLE)


  • Link expression (field TABLIEN)


  • Abbreviation (field TABABR)



Grid Import

Specify all the tables that will be updated for the import. Then, for each table, the screen(s) are specified that it will generate. And finally, for each grid section, the variable at the bottom of the grid is specified when this information is used to load a detail table.


  • Line field (field IMPTAB)


Grid Additional screens

For WEB services, indicate the additional screens used in the object management from the button at the bottom of the screen or a menu.


  • Abbreviations (field SCRABR)




Action icon

Add ATEXTRA links

This button is used to create automatically the necessary links to the translated text tables ATEXTRA.




Tab Views


Is used to define a set of views necessary to execute the function. These views are opened and closed in the processing generated linked to the WO object.





The following fields are present on this tab :


These views are opened then automatically closed on the execution of the object, under the abbreviation indicated otherwise under the dictionary abbreviation. The fields in these views are accessible in the object.

  • Abbreviation (field VUEABR)






By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  PRTSCR : Screen print

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

The confirmation is used to generate the automatic process linked to the object (WOxxx, where xxx is the object code)

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

  • field OBJET


  • field CLES


Block number 2

  • From folder (field DOSORG)

Use this field to define the folder from which the record will be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the Dedicated appendix.

  • All folders (field TOUDOS)

Use this option to copy the record to all the folders defined in the dictionary (ADOSSIER table of the current solution).

  • To folder (field DOSDES)

Use this field to define the folder to which the record will be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the Dedicated appendix.


This button is used to copy the definition of the object to another folder. Warning, it will be necessary to confirm the object in the destination folder.

Actions menu

Info / Vertical processings

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

A linked table is necessary for this type of object

The linked table is mandatory for the objects except for the browsers.

Selection fields incompatible with the index

In a hierarchy list (simple or picking), the number of elements declared for the left list must be greater than or equal to the number of elements in the index used.

Non-existent field

If the "site" field is entered, the value entered is a field name that must exist in the principal table.

«  character prohibited

For technical reasons the character "«" is prohibited in all the text fields: the object title, the setup title, the options title, the condition expression, the error message, the link expression.

Incorrect expression   message

The expression entered does not respect the X3 syntax. An explanatory message details the error.

X : Incorrect option

An attempt to enter a selection option, does not exist in the selection options grid.

Table not defined

The table must be declared in the list of tables to be opened in the "Environment" tab.

Incorrect link

The table must be declared in the list of tables to be opened in the "Environment" tab and have a correct link expression.

Non-existent field

The field must exist in the table entered in the previous field.

Field corresponds to a translatable text, use a link

The field entered is of the type "AXX". This signifies that it does not exist in the database but is used only to link to the text table ATEXTRA.

Data type incorrect

The field entered is of a data type that is not authorized for use in the left list : "AXX" Type, Clob or Blob.

Object declared in the import template.

An attempt has been made to lift the "import" flag when the import template already exists.

Abbreviation exists already...

The abbreviation of a table or of a view must be unique for all the tables and views defined for the object.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation