Development >  Script dictionary >  Screens >  Screen components  

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Use this function to manage URLs to be used in screens that include a browser block in order to display web pages.

SEEWARNINGThe XSL and HTML content has become obsolete.For security reasons, it can no longer be used.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The header identifies each table element in a unique way. You also use the header to enter all the information required for the URL components.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Code identifying the current record.

  • Link type (field TYPURL)

Only a URL link type can be selected. You use it to indicate a URL and display using a browser block, a web page within a screen.

  • Description (field ZINTIT)


  • Evaluated title (field INTEVAL)

Used to indicate the description of a URL, depending on the context. If this field is entered, the evaluated description is displayed as description when opening the screen in which the component is included.

  • XSL type (field TYPXSL)

This XSL link type has become obsolete. For security reasons, it is no longer used.

  • Parameter code (field PARXSL)

Parameter linked to the obsolete XSL link type. For security reasons, it is no longer used.

  • Module (field MODULE)

Select a module for the setup.

Use this field to specify if the screen has to be created in the folder database. This is the case when the module linked to the screen is active on the folder.

An activity code is used to:

  • make optional an element in the dictionary if the value associated with the activity code is null.
  • identify the specific/custom elements if they are marked with a code starting with X, Y or Z.
  • size a maximum number of lines when the activity code marks elements from a grid.

In this way, if the activity code is disabled, the marked element will not be useable, and the associated code (if any) will neither be generated nor can be activated.

  • Address (field URL)

URL address. It can be evaluated. Examples:

  • =""
  • =ADR1   ADR1 being a variable to be declared and to be loaded in the process linked to the function in which this URL will be used.
  • Location (field PLEURL)


  • Security level (field SECLEV)




Tab Definition


This tab is made of a unique field where you enter the description of an HTML page or a script in the XSL language.

SEEWARNINGSince the XSL and HTML content has become obsolete, this tab is no longer used.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • field XSLCLOB




Tab Parameters


Use this tab to enter the setup used for the XSL script.
SEEWARNINGSince the XSL content has become obsolete, this tab is no longer used.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Local menus

  • field WCOD


  • field WMEN


  • field WLIB


  • field UCOD

The XSL and HTML content has become obsolete: this field is no longer used.

  • field UMEN


  • field ULIB



  • field WPRG


  • field WSPRG


  • field WINTIT


  • field UPRG

The XSL and HTML content has become obsolete: this field is no longer used.

  • field USPRG


  • field UINTIT



  • field WPARCOD


  • field WPARLIB


  • field WPARDEF


  • field UPARCOD

The XSL and HTML content has become obsolete: this field is no longer used.

  • field UPARLIB


  • field UPARDEF




Specific Buttons

Use this action to recopy this information to another folder.

Use this action to list the "where-used" in a log file.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Code already defined on line xxx

the entered code must be unique in the table.

Non-existent menu

the entered local menu number must be defined in the table of messages and local menus (AMENLOC).

Non-existent process

the process must be recorded in the table of subprograms (ASUBPROG).

Non-existent sub-program

the subprogram must be recorded in the table of subprograms (ASUBPROG).

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation