Before creating a site, it is recommended to read the following documentation: Before starting.
XTEND provides a simplified HTML pages contents manager, very useful and easy to use.
Content can be created in X3 via this function.
This function edits rich texts in X3 Client mode and in Web mode and publishes these texts -in real time- in the XTEND pages.
Each document is identified by a HTML document code (DOCCOD) and a language code (LAN).
The field Form type (CAT) classifies the contents.
It is linked to the miscellaneous table (920) that makes it possible for the webmaster to manage their own form types (contents, news, articles, etc.)
The current version of X3 rich text editor does not generate images.
At this point, a public URL that points on the image can be entered and the image has to be accessible from the client workbench.
The site ASAMPLE delivered in standard with XTEND shows how to use the 'HTML Documents ' function so as to create dynamic contents in the HTML pages.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
Document code |
Document type |
Rich form content that is a HTML content |