Setup >  Configurator >  Standard processes  

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This function is used to define:

 The line sequences common to several scenarios (for modification at a single place).

 The questions and variables associated with a selection window in automatic mode.

 A procedure for choosing the scenario to be used (Max 18 questions).


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Screen management

Entry screen


Header entry

Procedure : Enter a procedure number using a maximum number of 5 characters and a title of up to a maximum of 30 characters.

For selections : The procedure can be used in the selections in automatic mode and in scenarios with a limited number of actions.

For scenario : The procedure is only usable in scenarios.

Master scenario : It is possible to plan an initial mini-scenario that is used to choose the scenario to be executed. For this it is necessary to create a procedure of the type "master scenario" and to associate this procedure with a general setup CFGINI. This procedure raises questions and loads the SCESEL system variable with the code of the scenario to be run. A single procedure defines all the master scenarios in the system.


The execution of this mini-scenario is not dynamic :

  The questions or "shapes and patterns" are asked first.

  The scenario lines of the "variable", "entry point", "table links" or "message" type are then executed in order of their entry.

Entry mode : Two possible choices:

 Standard (when it is a procedure for the selections or for the scenarios).

 Assisted: automatic opening of the selection windows (when this is a procedure defined as a master scenario).

Line entry

This entry is identical for the procedures and the scenario lines (all phases)

Entry notes

In the normal way, within a single grid containing the procedure or scenario lines, it is possible to copy/cut/paste a setup line or group of lines by the button on a line.

When creating or inserting a new line, it is possible to use the right button to copy the previous line.

In the Condition column, using the right button, it is possible to copy the condition from the previous line, or to automatically set up the opposite condition on the previous line without re-entry.

In the Expression column, using the right button, it is possible to automatically copy the expression entered on the previous line.

In the Symbol columns, using the right button, it is possible to access the dictionary in display mode that then gives the characteristics of the symbol entered.

Set a question

Example 1: Set the question COLOUR

Example 2: Set the DIAMETER question if the response to the FORM question = "R" (FORM can also be a variable calculated by the scenario)


Example 1:

Example 2:









S_FORM = "R"





With the "advanced functions" setup, if an expression is entered: the question is initialized with the before-entry expression.


Calculate a variable

Example 1: Calculate the variable SURFACE with an expression (LENGTH and WIDTH = Questions or variables )

Example 2:Calculate the variable SPEED with the VITBIS calculation table as a function of the value of the symbol LARBIS if the Boolean BISEAU is "true" (tick box or value = 1)


Example 1:

Example 2:













Calculation table







Product selection

Example 1:Open the accessories selection window "ACC" if the ACCESS variable is true and authorize the selection of 1 to n lines.

Example 2: Open the accessories selection window "ACC", always for display only


Example 1:

Example 2:








Select. 1 to n lines

No selection





Selection of options / variants

For example:Open the Variant options selection window "OPT" if the OPTIONS variable is true and authorized the selection of 1 to n lines.








Select. 1 to n lines









Establish a link with an X3 table (advance function)

For example: Read the record in the units table (TABUNIT) corresponding to the unit contained in the UOM variable if this variable is not empty.





Table link






S_UOM <> ""






The record in the table is available under the abbreviation [LNK].

The establishment of a link makes the previous link inaccessible (data backup necessary).


Execution of a procedure

For example: Execute the "RTZ" procedure if the variable INT is true














All the procedure lines are affected by the condition expressed at this level (S_INT here).

In addition, each procedure line is affected by its own condition. 




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Enter the procedure number.
A procedure is a standard series of questions, variable calculations, choice of forms, models, etc. that can be reused.

    • field MACAXX


    • Entry mode (field WINAUT)

     In scenario entry, check this box in order to get:

    • the automatic opening of the windows for selecting values from a list (questions / shapes and patterns),
    • the opening of an additional window for the questions controlled by ranges (display of the value ranges).

    Block number 2

    • Usage code (field MACCOD)

    - For selections, if this procedure must be used for the product or option selections/
    variants (To define questions and calculations)
    - For scripts if this procedure must be used by scripts only.


    The two types of procedures can be used in the scripts.
    The action possibilities are limited in the procedures "For selection"


    • Active (field SYMDIS)

    Tick to deactivate the line (logical deletion)

    • Action on (field SYMTYP)

    Choose the action type:
    Only actions available in the context can be selected.

    • Symbol (field SYMNUM)

    According to the previous choice, enter the symbol or select.

    - The question name if action on "question"
    - The variable name if action on "variable"
    - The field name if action on the table
    - etc.

    • Description (field SYMDES)


    • Index (field SYMIND)

    The grid field selected is sized enter its index (from 1).
    For instance:
    1 for the first packing unit master product.
    2 for the second packing unit, etc.

    • Parameter (field UPDCOD)

    The selected action requires an additional parameter: the possible choices are contextual ones; they are available in the combo box.
    For example:
    For a message: choose between "blocking" or "information"
    For a product selection: choose the number of lines authorized in the selection.

    • Condition (field CNDFOR)

    Enter the condition that has to be satisfied to apply this rule.
    The reference must be in the Adonix language and can be entered directly or via the formula editor (right-click).
    An expression that gives the value 1 is said to be "true".
    An expression that does not give the value 1 is said to be "false".
    If no condition is entered, it will be considered as "true".

    • Expression (field FORFOR)

    Enter, select or build an Adonix format expression using the formula editor.
    - The entry is mandatory for the "message" actions and entry point.
    - In the other cases, when no expression is displayed, a calculation will be mandatory.
    - A warning message is displayed if reference is made to tables not generally used by the configurator or to unknown variables.

    Build or select an array. This array must have a type of result (alphanumerical, numerical or date) identical to the type of the variable or the field of the table impacted by the action. The entry of this code is mandatory if no calculation expression has been entered.

    Compose or select the configurator variable that will serve for the search in the array previously defined.
    The variable should be the same type (alphanumerical, numerical or date) as the array range type.


    • Comment (field TXTAXX)




    Action icon





    By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

      PRTSCR : Screen print

    This can be changed using a different setup.

    Menu Bar

    Used to access the configurator symbols.

    This is used to access the configurator calculation tables.

    This is used to confirm the procedure after the creation or modification of the procedure.

    This is used to view the final procedure.

    It is possible to copy a scenario to another folder. When copying to another folder the procedure is copied with the symbols, calculation tables, shapes and patterns if they do not exist in the destination folder. A coherence check is made on the symbols and calculation tables in both folders. If they have different characteristics, the copy is not carried out. In any case, a log file is displayed and it shows any errors found. The duplicated shapes and patterns must be validated in the destination folder. If there is a symbol creation that takes place in the destination folder, it is necessary to enter and exit the symbol management in order that they are taken into account.

    Error messages

    In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

    Several questions are assigned to a single line in the same section!

    This message appears during scenario validation if several questions are assigned to a single line in the same section.  

    Procedure deletion is prohibited because it is present in the scenario / selection !

    This message appears if the procedure is used in a scenario or selection window.

    The modification of this process will lead to the re-validation of the windows and scenario using it !

    This message appears after the modification of a procedure present in a selection window or a scenario. 

    Tables used

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