Fixed assets >  Processes >  Intra-group sales >  Setup - selection of assets  

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This function is used to specify the selection reference(s) used during an intra-group transfer operation, in order to define the asset population concerned.

A selection can be composed of several criteria, each criterion being based on the content of a section of the asset.


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Screen management

Entry screen


A Sélection reference must be defined for a company.

It is composed of 1 to 5 criteria, each being set up on one of the lines of the table and linked to the following by one of the following Boolean operators: And, Or.

The process for selection criteria entry is as follows:

1/ Enter, or select from the list obtained by a right click the field in the asset table FXDASSETS which contains the information to which the selection is applied.

2/ Then select the operator: Irrelevant., Equal, Different, Greater than or equal, Less than, Less than or equal to, Like.
The operator Like is only valid for the numerical sections. It makes it possible to use meta characters.

3/ Enter a value. The list of possible values for the chosen field can be obtained via right click, when these values are contained in a local menu or in a table (miscellaneous table, common table, accounting table…).




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Reference (field REFSELCIG)

  • Description (field SELCIGDES)

Description of the selection.

This non modifiable field displays the reference for the source company to which the selection is applied.

Block number 2

  • field INTTBL


  • field INTFLD


  • field INTOPE


  • field INTVAL



  • field FLD1

Indicate a field from the table.

  • field OPE1

Indicate the comparison operation:

  • The "indifferent" operator is used to obtain all records of an object.
  • The '* ?' operator is used to define wildcards.
  • field VAL1

Indicate the comparison value (without quotation marks for the alphanumeric fields).

  • field ANDOR2



  • field FLD2


  • field OPE2


  • field VAL2


  • field ANDOR3



  • field FLD3


  • field OPE3


  • field VAL3


  • field ANDOR4



  • field FLD4


  • field OPE4


  • field VAL4


  • field ANDOR5



  • field FLD5


  • field OPE5


  • field VAL5


Block number 3

  • Query (field REQUETE)




Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation