Fixed assets >  Processes >  Intra-group sales >  Pre-recording of issues  

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This function makes up the second stage in the running of an intra-group transfer process.

It is used to:

  • launch the issue pre-recording process by applying the setup performed during the Definition of an operation
  • to store in a temporary table and view the result of this process on the selected assets at the level of the log file.

It is also used to cancel a process of issue pre-recording. This cancelling is only authorized if the Transfer confirmation process has not yet been carried out.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


This function is made up of a single screen that is used to enter the reference for the operation where the issues pre-recording process is to be launched or to be cancelled.

The issue pre-recording process can only be carried out on operations with the status "In preparation". For cancellation, on operations with the status "Processed issues".

By default, the process generates a Log file that displays the value of the different setups applied during the execution of the process, the number of assets processed as well as the list of assets that have been the object of a transfer or a transfer cancellation.





The following fields are present on this tab :


Reference for the intra-group transfer operation.
Only an operation with the status :
- In Preparation can be selected, for a pre-registration process for the issues.
- Issues Processed can be selected, for a cancellation process for the pre-registering of the issues.

  • Description (field DES)

Description of the intra-group transfer operation.

  • Type of operation (field CIGTYP)

This non modifiable field displays the operation type : partial contribution from the asset, company merger, company split or intra-group sales.

  • Effective date (field EFFDAT)

This non modifiable field displays the effective date for the operation.

  • Operation status (field CIGSTA)

This non modifiable field shows the operation status.

  • Log: print processed assets (field EDIFAS)

A summary is systematically supplied on exiting the process. This summary displays the different operation parameters as well as the number of assets processed.
The activation of this flag is used to include the list of assets that have been the object of a transfer or transfer cancellation in this summary.



Processing description

The process of issue pre-recording carries out the following operations:

  • Selection of the assets in the source company/companies according to the setup carried out at the level of the operation definition.
    The assets thus selected are locked, they cannot be modified any longer.
  • Recording of the issue date entered with the transfer effective date.

    : the effective date of the issue taken into account at the level of the charge calculation for the fiscal year will in reality correspond to the effective date minus 1 day.
  • Depreciation calculation and net value calculations on the issue date.
  • Transfer price calculation.
  • Calculation of the P&L amounts (if this calculation has been requested at the level of the operation definition).

    The information thus calculated is not recorded on the asset but it is stored in the temporary tables. This enables the user to modify it whenever they need to via the Manual adjustments function., before the actual transfer and the integration to the target company(ies).
  • Following the processing, the operation status can take the value Processed issues.


  • If assets which purchase date is greater than or equal to the effective date are selected, these assets are not issued but cancelled. No transfer amount is therefore calculated for these assets.
  • If issued assets, with an issue date greater than or equal to the effective date, are retained in the selection, the issue of this these assets is cancelled.
  • During a Merger or a transfer, since the source companies must legally disappear, a non blocking control verifies that all the assets belonging to the source companies have been the object of a transfer to the target company/companies. If required, the non-issued assets are listed at the level of the log file.

Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode, but no dedicated standard task is delivered to run it.

Specific Buttons

This button is only accessible if the operation has the status Processed issues.
It is used to cancel the pre-recording of issue operation for all source companies involved in this operation. All records contained in the temporary tables are deleted.
On exiting the process, the status of the operation returns to the value "In preparation".

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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