Fixed assets >  Processes >  Intra-group sales >  Manual adjustments of issues  

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This function stands for the third stage in the running of an intra-group transfer process.

It enables the user to act on the list of assets, after the setup of an intra-group transfer operation, and the launching of the process of issue pre-recording:
- by excluding one or more of the selected assets as required,
- by adjusting the transfer price as and when necessary.

It also enables the user to view how the completed operations (with the status Receipts processed) were set up.

Window panes in the list on the left

In the left list:

- the left list Manual adjustment of issues displays a list of the operations with the status "Processed issues",

- the left list Processed intra-group contains the list of completed operations (with the status Processed receipts). These operations are only accessible for inquiry purposes.


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Screen management

This screen is used to display the list of assets chosen for the operation selected from the list on the left.

Note: If the operation deals with several source company – target company pairs or if several selections have been defined for the operation, only assets coming from the selection entered for the referenced source company – target company pair are displayed.

 It is therefore necessary to enter (or to select by right click in the Reference field) another selection reference, and/or to select from the left list another source company – target company pair to update the list of selected assets.

Entry screen


This screen is composed of the three following information blocks:

IGT (Intra group transfer) operation

This is the identification and operation characteristics information for the previously selected operation from the left list and carries the referenced Source company – Target company pair.

Selection of the assets to be issued

These fields recall the reference for the selection carried by the referenced source company– target company, the additional selection applied as well as the setups determining the asset transfer price calculation. A right clink on the Reference field is used to view, if necessary, the list of different selections associated with the operation and to choose which one to display. The asset list is then updated with assets meeting the criteria for this selection.

Fixed assets

This table diplays the list of assets in the source company, coming from the indicated selection and destined to the referenced target company.
It is then possible to carryover the modifications containing both the contents of the list excluding one or more of the selected assets and on the sales amount calculated for each the assets.
The following information is displayed for each asset:

  • The sales amount calculated according to the Calculation rule specified during the setup of the operation. A different sales amount can be entered by the user (except in the case where the purchase date of the asset is greater than or equal to the effective date, in which case the sales amount is not entered).

    In the case of the modification of the transfer price for one or several assets, the difference between the calculated sales amounts and the total of the modified sales amounts can be saved after the validation of a confirmation message.
    This difference can also be transferred to other assets, on a pro rata basis of the transfer price. This transfer is carried out:
    - either selecting the asset(s) chosen by the user,

    - or massively right-clicking on the Difference transfer on non updated assets option, for all the assets which selling price has not been modified by the user.
  • An indicator enabling the user to exclude it from the process.
  • Its Net value at the effective date.
  • The capital loss or gain amount generated during the operation.
  • Its gross value.
  • Its  purchase date.
  • Its Issue status according to the operation (asset to issue, asset to cancel, issued asset to modify).




The following fields are present on this tab :

IGS operation

Reference for the intra-group transfer operation.
Only an operation with the status Issues processed can be subject to a manual adjustment for the issues. The list of operations possessing this status is contained in the Manual adjustment of issues section of the left list.
The operations with the status is Entries processed are only accessible in display mode. They are listed in the Processed Intra-group transfers sub list of the left list.

  • Description (field DES)

Description of the intra-group transfer operation.

When the operation is carried out on a single source company, this field displays the reference for this company and cannot be modified.
When the operation is carried out on several source companies, this field is loaded with the reference of the first source company.
The choice of another source company is possible either by right click, or by selection from the left list.

  • Effective date (field EFFDAT)

This non modifiable field displays the effective date for the operation.

When the operation is carried out on a single target company, this field displays the reference for this company and it cannot be modified.
When the operation is carried out on several target companies, this field is loaded with the reference of the first target company.
The choice of another target company is possible either by right click, or by selection from the left list.

  • Type of operation (field CIGTYP)

This non modifiable field displays the operation type : partial contribution from the asset, company merger, company split or intra-group sales.

  • Operation status (field CIGSTA)

This non modifiable field shows the operation status.

Assets to issue

  • Selection (field TRAITSEL)

When a single selection has been determined for the referenced pair source company - target company, this field displays its reference and is not modifiable.
When several selections have been defined for the referenced pair source company - target company, this field contains the reference for the first selection defined.
The choice of another selection reference is carried out in the list displayed by right click.

  • Description (field SELCIGDES)

Description of the selection.

  • In progress (field GACACNWIP)

This non modifiable indicator displays whether the referenced selection has retained the assets where the CoA nature is In process.

  • In service (field GACACNREA)

This non modifiable indicator displays whether the referenced selection has retained the assets where the CoA nature is Fixed assed in service.

  • In leasing (field OWNTYPLEA)

This non modifiable indicator displays if the referenced selection has retained the assets whose Holding type is In lease .

  • Receipts >= bill date (field PURDATEFF)

This non modifiable indicatory displays whether the referenced selection has retained the assets where the purchase date is greater than or equal to the effective date.

  • Disposals >= bill date (field OUTDATEFF)

This modifiable indicator, shows whether the referenced selection has retained the assets where the issue date is greater than or equal to the effective date.

  • Sale price calculn (field SALPRIMOD)

This field displays the calculation rule defined for the determination of the transfer price for each of the selected assets.

  • Sale price (field SALPRI)

When relevant to the context this field displays the transfer price for the assets that is taken into account in the calculation rule.

  • Specified plan (field SALPRIPLN)

  • Default sale price (field SALPRIDEF)

This field is used to display the default transfer price assigned to the assets, in the case where this price is determined by the calculation rule Net value for a specific plan will be equal to zero.

Grid Assets

This column displays the list of selected assets.

  • Sales amount (field ISSAMT)

This field, which cannot be entered, displays the sales price for the asset as calculated by the process.
In the case where the purchase date of the asset is greater than or equal to the effective date, no sales value is calculated for this asset ; this will be cancelled in the source company.

  • Disposal update amount (field ISSAMTUPD)

This field is used to enter, if required, the modified sales price.
The variance resulting from this modification can be conserved. It can also be transferred to the other assets, on a pro rata basis of the transfer price. The transfer is carried out :
- either manually selecting the asset(s) chosen by the user,
- or by right-clicking massively on all the assets in the grid which transfer price was not updated.
In the case where the purchase date is greater than or equal to the effective date, this field cannot be entered.

  • Excluded asset (field FLGAASCCL)

When set to Yes, this flag is used to exclude the asset in the transfer. In this case, the asset is not issued and no transfer amount is assigned to it.
The variance resulting from this modification, between the sales amounts calculated and the sum of the modified sales amounts, can be conserved. It can also be transferred to the other assets, on a pro rata basis of the transfer price.
The transfer is carried out :
- either manually selecting the asset(s) chosen by the user,
- or by right-clicking massively on all the assets in the grid which transfer price was not updated.
The assets excluded from the list are displayed in bold characters.

  • Net value (field NVA)

This non modifiable field displays the net value of the asset on the effective date of the operation.

  • +/- Value (field GAL)

This field contains the amount of the global +/- value.

  • Gross value (field EPR)

This non modifiable field displays the gross value for the asset in the plan specified in the selection parameters. It is only entered when the transfer price calculation is based on this gross value.

  • Purchase date (field PURDAT)

This field, that cannot be modified, contains the purchase date of the financial asset.

  • IGS asset disposal status (field ISSSAT)

This field displays the status of the asset issue on exiting the process. It can take the value :
1/ Issued asset to be modified, when it is an issued asset with a date greater than or equal to the effective date.
2/ Asset to be cancelled, when it is an asset with a receipt date that is greater than or equal to the effective date.
3/ Asset to be issued in the other cases.

  • Description (field AASDES1)

This field cannot be modified and contains the description of the asset.


  • Sales amount total (field TOTISS)

This modifiable field displays the sum of the sales prices for the assets determined according the the parameterised calculation rule.

  • Modified sales total (field TOTISSNEW)

This non modifiable field displays the sum of the actual sales prices for the assets. This amount takes into account the modifications manually carried out by the user.

  • Variance (field TOTECART)

This non modifiable field displays the variance between the Total modified sales amount and the Total calculated sales amount.



Action icon

Var rep on all assets w/out upd

This option is used to report the difference between the calculated transfer price entered by the user, or for all the assets with the exception of those where the amount has been modified by the user.
The report on an asset is carried out pro rata on the calculated transfer price.

Financial asset tunnel

This button is used to access, by tunnel to the GESFAS management function for the Financial assets, in order to view the characteristics of the asset.




Specific Buttons

This button is only active if thebutton or thebutton has been used.
It enables the user to go back to the previously displayed asset list.

An information message is displayed on the screen when the number of selected assets exceeds the maximum display capacity for the grids (limited to 9999 lines).
Then this button becomes active and is used to display the list of the following assets.

This button enables the user to position the display on the line of an asset directly, after having entered the reference of one of the selected assets.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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