Setup >  Financials >  Accounting forms >  Dimension allocations  

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The dimensional allocation structures are used to perform the allocation of expenses or revenues whose final allocation criteria are not known at the time of transaction. This function is used to set up these allocations.

Various objectives can explain why they are used, among others:

  • The allocation of overhead expenses that cannot be posted directly to a dimension specified upon entry,
  • the allocation of indirect expenses while keeping the original information on their nature and global amount.

SEEWARNING Allocations are performed within a dimension type.


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Screen management

Entry screen


The parameters of the dimensional allocation structure are set in a general tab where the elements necessary for the identification of the structure are identified as well as the methods of dimensional allocation that are assigned to them.

Parameters of the allocation structure

The parameters of the structure proper are set in a single table where each line is used to specify separate allocation criteria and terms. It is thus possible to define with a single structure all the terms of a secondary allocation.

The allocation structure criteria and terms are mainly characterized by:

  • the amount to allocate,
  • the allocation calculation base,
  • the receiving dimension(s),

SEEWARNING The order of the lines defines the allocation order.

Amount to allocate

This amount is determined by crossing, on a given dimension type:

  • the dimension(s) to allocate,
  • the nature(s) to allocate.

This nature(s)/dimension(s) combination corresponds to the entered posting. It is also possible to allocate only part of the total amount (depending on the defined percentage).

Original and destination accounts

It is possible to provide the analytical posting generated by the calculation of the allocation structure with a specific account so as to make the distinction, in each of the involved dimensions (original and destination dimensions) between the original accounts (corresponding to a direct posting) and the allocation accounts (corresponding to a secondary allocation).





The following fields are present on this tab :


Code of the current ledger.

  • Allocation (field COD)

The basic identification key for the distribution structure in the table is its code, which is based on one to ten alphanumeric characters.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFO The connection language must be defined as a default language for the folder.

  • Description (field DESTRA)

The title is used by default in the printouts and entry masks.


  • Short description (field SHOTRA)

The short description replaces the standard description when display or print constraints require it.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFO The connection language must be defined as a default language for the folder.

  • Start date (field VLYSTR)

The use of the structure can be limited by validity start and end dates.

This access code is used to restrict the access to the structure according to the user profile. If this field is assigned, only the users who have this access code in their profile will be able to modify or use this structure. According to the rights granted, the following operations will be possible:

  • Inquiry: Allows this record to be referred to.
  • Modification: Allows this record to be modified.
  • Completion: Allows the structure to be used in the allocation structure processing.
  • End date (field VLYEND)

The use of the structure can be limited by validity start and end dates.

Grid Setup

  • No. (field LIN)

Current line of the grid

  • Type (field TYP)

The allocation type controls the calculation method for the amount that will be posted to the destination dimension(s). This amount can be:

  • calculated based on the quantity of allocation non-financial units entered into the selected receiving dimension(s),
  • calculated based on the balance in amount or on the quantities consumed at a given date
    • on the selected destination dimension(s),
    • for the defined allocation nature.

Three allocation types are thus suggested:

  • Entered
    The allocation of the nature/dimension combination to be allocated is carried out in proportion to the quantities of non-financial units recorded at dimensions level. Those dimensions with no allocation non-financial unit (defined in the Allocation non-financial unit field) are not impacted. The allocation is therefore carried out for the account to be allocated. If the latter is not entered, then the allocation is carried out for each nature in turn.

For instance:
Electricity expenses need to be allocated (nature of the expenses to be allocated: "Overhead expenses"). These electricity expenses are posted to an "Energy" dimension when they are reported for workshops that consume electricity ("Workshop1" and "Workshop2"). The chosen allocation non-financial unit is the kW. The allocation is going to take place over these two dimensions in proportion to the quantities of allocation non-financial unit entered on these two dimensions. Let us assume that the amount posted to the "Energy" dimension is EUR 1,000.


Nf-U (kW)

Allocated amount 

 Workshop 1



 Workshop 2



  • Calculated (Amt)
    The allocation is carried out in proportion to the balance of the dimensions corresponding to the receiving dimension template for the allocation nature (Allocation nature field). The allocation concerns the nature to be allocated. If it is not entered, it is executed successively for all the natures.

For instance:
An "Administration" dimension to which advertising expenses have been posted (nature to be allocated: "Advertising"). The purpose is to allocate these advertising expenses on the other departments in proportion to the amount of sales of each department (allocation nature: "Sales). If the advertising expenses are EUR 5,000.


Sales (EUR)

Allocated amount 

Department 1



Department 2



  • Calculated (Qty)
    The allocation is carried out in proportion to the quantities of the non-financial unit of the allocation nature (Allocation nature field) actually consumed (or produced) by the dimensions corresponding to the receiving dimension template. This means that it must be possible to enter a non-financial unit on the allocation nature and that a quantity for said non-financial unit has been properly entered at the level of each invoice or journal. The allocation concerns the nature to be allocated. If it is not entered, it is executed successively for all the natures.

For instance:
An "Administration" dimension to which advertising expenses have been posted (nature to be allocated: "Advertising"). The purpose is to allocate these advertising expenses on the other departments (dimensions) in proportion to the turnover achieved by each department. In other words, the turnover is going to be allocated in proportion to the quantities of the non financial unit of the "Sales" allocation nature, entered for each service. Going back to the last example, the allocation will be as follows for the advertising expenses for an amount of EUR 5,000.


Sales (EUR)

Allocated amount 

Department 1



Department 2



Specify the analytical dimension view concerned by this allocation structure.

  • Dimension to distribute (field CCEREF)

Indicate the dimension to be allocated, in other words, the dimension that will be closed by the allocation structure.
It is possible to use the * and ? wildcards to allocate several dimensions in succession.
The * wildcard alone means that all dimensions are concerned by the allocation structure.

Code of the chart of accounts to which the account to distribute belong. This chart of account is linked to the current ledger.

  • Account to distribute (field ACCREF)

Indicate the account to distribute, in other words, the account that will be closed by the distribution structure. It is possible to use the * and ? wildcards to distribute several accounts in succession. If all the accounts of the dimension to distribute need to be closed, this field should be left empty. The * wildcard alone means that all natures are concerned by the distribution structure.

  • % (field PRC)

Specify the percentage (from 0 to 100%) of the amount (quantity) to be allocated.
If this percentage is less than 100%, the account(s)/dimension(s) combinations will not be fully closed.

If the percentage is not specified, the amount will be distribued equally among all the accounts.
  • Distribution account (field ACCDSP)

In the case of a "Calculated" Distribution type, indicate here the distribution account.
This account is used to calculate the coefficients. Depending on the chosen distribution type, the distribution will be carried out in proportion to the amounts or quantities posted on this account.
Only those dimensions that benefit from a posting on this account are involved in this ditribution structure.

For an "Entered" Distribution type, specify the distribution non-financial unit here. This non-financial unit will be used as the basis for the prorata distribution calculation to the receiving dimensions.
Only those dimensions that contain a value for this unit will act as "receiving" dimensions to the distribution and will consequently be involved in this setup.
Irrespective of the percentage to distribute, if the non-financial unit is not defined, the distribution pro-rata share will be calculated on the basis of the receiving dimensions.

The distribution group is an entered distribution key, that is to say a list of analytical dimensions with coefficients. In a group, the percentage of distribution in each account can be specified. Otherwise the distribution will be carried out equally among each account.

  • Receiving dimension (field CCERCP)

The amounts to be allocated are assigned to the receiving dimensions in proportion to the non-financial unit or the allocation account. At analytical entry level, the receiving dimensions are the counterpart of the dimensions to be closed. Only the dimensions that correspond to the template indicated here will "receive" the analytical allocation. For instance X* for the dimensions starting with X. The wildcards "*" and "?" can be used.

  • Source account (field ACCORI)
  • Destination account (field ACCDEN)


  • Include first dimension type only (field FRWCCE)

If the checkbox "Include first dimension type only" is ticked: during the processing, only the dimensions of the dimension type to be distributed are entered.

If the checkbox is clear: during the processing, the sections of the other displayed dimension types are entered on the entry lines generated.



Specific Buttons

This button is used to choose a ledger.
In the left list, the available allocations are displayed for the selected ledger.

SEEINFO On opening the function, it retrieves by default the first ledger (alphanumerical order) for which an allocation group has been created.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Mandatory field

This field must necessarily be completed by the user.

Tables used

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