Declarations >  Tax management >  Portugal >  Processes >  Annual VAT  

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This function will extract all the data to support the IES yearly declaration concerning VAT amounts.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



This screen is used to enter the information regarding the declaration number, company and date range.


A number is assigned at the end of the creation.


The selected company must be a juridic. The VAT declarations must be related always to a single company.

Range of dates

Only the entry journals within this date range will be triggered.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Declaration (field DCLNUM)

This number is automatically assigned upon each creation possible after the input of the declaration period and the company.

  • Type (field DCLTYP)


Enter the company code or use the Look up tool to search for and select the code.

  • Start date (field STRDAT)

Date from which the records are selected.

  • End date (field ENDDAT)

Enter the end date to filter for data within a date range.




Tab General


This tab is used to define generic data regarding the declaration. At this level the user is able to define the scope of the information he wants to generate.

Recapitulative statement

The generation of the data may include the recapitulative values for customers and / or supplier.

Tax region

The user must define the context of the company operations by detailing the main office as where other offices if they exist and located in a different region.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Recapitulative statement

  • Customers (field BPCFLG)

If this field is activated, it will be calculated the business amount per customer regarding the year in analysis.

  • Suppliers (field BPSFLG)

If this field is activated, it will be calculated the business amount per supplier regarding the year in analysis.

  • Multi EECNUM (field MULEECNUMP)


Tax region

  • Hqr fiscal area (field HQRLOC)

It is the location where the headquarters of the company are settled.

  • Fiscal area - annex M1 (field AN1LOC)

It is the location where in the islands (Madeira or Azores) there is a site financial site.

If the company has a site located in one of the islands, it must be indicated in wich island. If there is a site in both islands, the second fiscal area should be also used. If it's not the case the "Not aplicable" choice should be aplied.

  • Fiscal area - annex M2 (field AN2LOC)




Tab Fields


This tab is used to display the values that were calculated by the button .

There are 3 tables because a Portuguese company may have up to one headquarters plus 2 different regions.

Only the ones defined in the VAT parameters will be calculated.

Each table has 2 columns: the first is the field code and the second has the corresponding amount.

By the right click on the first table, the user can run a query that will display all the details by field number.

These values can be modified by the user and it’s is responsibility if he does so.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Headquarters fiscal area

  • field NBLIG1


  • Field (field DCLFLD1)


  • Amount (field AMT1)


Grid Fiscal area - annex M1

  • field NBLIG2


  • Field (field DCLFLD2)


  • Amount (field AMT2)


Grid Fiscal area - annex M2

  • Field (field DCLFLD3)


  • Amount (field AMT3)




Tab Recap - customers


This tab displays the business amount invoiced to for the current fiscal year grouped by business partner.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Recapitulative - customers

  • EU identification (field EECNUM)


  • Base (field AMTBAS)




Tab Recap - suppliers


This tab displays the business amount invoiced by suppliers for the current fiscal year grouped by business partner.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Recapitulative - suppliers

  • EU identification (field EECNUM)


  • Base (field AMTBAS)





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  P-YEAVAT : Yearly declaration

  P-VATPORBAS : VAT detail

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

This button will generate all the data according to the period, company and parameters pre-defined in VAT Parameters

The research of values is made as follows:

1/ For society and entered period;

2/ Analysis of all documents where it is checked the VAT code and its field

3/ In addition there are the following rules:

  • The fields are found in line FLGVAT (2= submitted e 3= VAT account) from accounts chart table;
  • The fields are found in column VATIPT (that can take the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 e 8).
  • The target fields from these accounts can be found at the crossing between rows and columns taking also into account the VAT codes of the respective.

The values entered in the vendor relationship are documents that are recorded in the society and for the period of recapitulative statements referenced in the header, for the types of documents with the flag VAT/invoices and that:

  • 1. The account type is VAT base (FLGVAT=3);

  • 2. The type of VAT account is settled (VATIPT=3,4,5);

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation