Setup >  A/P-A/R accounting >  Reminders >  Reminder groups  

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Use this function to define the management rules for reminders sent to a group of customers.

When a customer does not belong to a group, it qualifies as not for reminding.
When a customer belongs to a group, the reminder type and minimum reminder amount applied are those that are defined in the customer record, rather than those of the group. For all the other management rules, the content of the reminder group should be used.

See the Reminder frequency field help for details on how management rules apply in a multistep reminder campaign.


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Screen management

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Enter the reminder group code associated with a set of management rules used by the reminder campaign.

  • Description (field DESTRA)


Management rules

  • Short description (field SHOTRA)

The short description replaces the standard description when display or print constraints require it.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFO The connection language must be defined as a default language for the folder.

  • Reminder type (field FUPTYP)

Use this field to select the reminder type when creating the customer record and the reminder texts. The reminder type in the customer record is taken into account by the reminder report, not the reminder type for the group.

Select one of the following reminder types:
Reminder by invoice 

The customer receives as many reminder letters as there are invoices that are late for payment.

Global reminder 

A single reminder letter is addressed to the customer for all late invoices.

Global by level

The open items are grouped by identical level and the customer receives a reminder letter by level. Each reminder letter contains all the open items overdue for a given level.

Global by date:

The open items are grouped by a range of time overdue, (e.g., all the open items that are late by 30 to 60 days).


The reminder type Group by date and the frequency type Interval are mutually exclusive.

  • Amount control per open item (field FUPCTL)

Enter the minimum amount to be reminded from each customer record.

Based on the value entered, this threshold is controlled by the open item or with respect to the open item total to be reminded for the customer.

  • Minimum reminder amount (field FUPMINAMT)

Enter the minimum amount to be reminded using the currency defined in the CURSHRFLD - Common field currency (TC chapter, CUR group) parameter.

This value is only a default value used when creating a customer record.

  • Maximum reminder level (field FUPMAX)

Enter a value of 1 through 5 to limit the number of levels to be managed for the current reminder group.

  • Default reminder method (field FUPMOD)

Select the default reminder method for the group. This selection is the default method when creating reminder campaigns for this group.





  • Number of copies (field NBRCOP)

Enter the number of the reminder letter copies to be printed.

  • Reminder by transaction currency (field FUPCUR)

Select this check box to send reminders using the open item currency when sending reminders for individual invoices. One letter per currency is sent that includes all the invoices with the same currency. Once selected, the Balance in transaction currency check box becomes available.

If this check box is not selected, sending a reminder letter to a company with multiple open items in different currencies results in one letter sent in the company currency only based on the TYPCURSHR – Common field rate type parameter (TC chapter, CUR group) setting.

It is not included in the Reminder campaigns function nor in other reports related to reminder management including:

  • FUP
  • FUPSIM (preparatory report)
  • FUPSIML (preparatory report)
  • FUMPSIMP (preparatory report)

See Reports for more information regarding reports for reminder campaigns and the late penalty for French legislation companies.

  • Balance in transaction currency (field FUPBALTRS)

Select this check box to specify that the amounts in the balance column and the total amounts of the reminder letter are shown in the transaction currency. If not selected, these values are shown in the company currency.

This is only included in the FUPRC – Reminder management report if the RPTCODFUP – Reminder report code parameter (TRS chapter, FUP group) is set to FUPRC.

The FUP – Reminder management report does not take this setting into consideration.

This field is only available if the Reminder by transaction currency check box is selected.

See Reports for more information regarding reports for reminder campaigns and the late penalty for French legislation companies.

  • Reminder by site (field FUPFCY)

Clear this check box to create reminders by company when printing with Preview mode.

If printing automatically or directly to a printer or sending reminders by email, reminders are always created by site, whether this check box is selected or not.

  • Consider credits (field FUPCDT)

Select this check box to include credit transactions in the reminders, (e.g., credit memos).

Reminder frequency

  • Reminder frequency (field FUPFRY)

Select an option to specify when reminders are sent.


Reminders are sent based on the reminder date of the open item. Each interval represents the number of days before the date an open item can appear in a reminder and on a reminder letter. You can assign a reminder charge for each interval level.

Note: The reminder charge amount is included in the FUPRC – Reminder management report if the RPTCODFUP – Reminder report code parameter (TRS chapter, FUP group) is set to FUPRC.


Reminders are sent based on the due date of the open item. Each threshold defines the number of days past due and the gravity level for the text used in the reminder. For example, if the first threshold is 10 days and the second is 20 days, an open item 21 days late is sent a reminder with a gravity level of 2.

Thresholds cannot be associated with a reminder charge. Therefore, the Reminder charge field is disabled and there is no reminder charge included in the FUPRC – Reminder management report.

For Reminder types:

Reminder by invoice, Global reminder, and Global by level: The open item cannot have a gravity level greater than the corresponding threshold. This fail-safe prevents sending the same invoice twice during a period between two thresholds. If no thresholds are defined, this fail-safe does not apply.

Global by date: The fail-safe also does not apply. Each time a reminder is sent, the gravity level goes up with each validated reminder campaign.

All reminder types: Each time a reminder is sent, the gravity level goes up by one with each validated reminder campaign. Once the maximum reminder level is reached, the open items are no longer included in a reminder campaign.

Determining the gravity level

The reminder or gravity level goes up by one each time an open item is included in a validated reminder campaign. When the maximum level selected is reached, the open item is no longer included in future reminder campaigns.

Content for reminder letters or emails

For Remind by invoice, Global reminder, and Global by level reminder types, the content matches the gravity level.

For Global by date, the content matches the threshold level.

Example to illustrate how all these rules apply in a series of reminder campaigns

There are 4 customers with 4 different reminder types, but each customer has the same 30 December 2016 due date.

The same 3 thresholds apply to all the reminder types in this group: 1) 1 day 2) 10 days 3) 20 days

  • First reminder campaign sent 15 January 2017 = 16 days late,  threshold #2.

Customer #1: Reminder by invoice, gravity level 1, text 1

Customer #2: Global by date, gravity level 1, text 2

Customer #3: Global reminder, gravity level 1, text 1

Customer #4: Global by level, gravity level 1, text 1

  • Second reminder campaign sent 15 January 2017 = 16 days late, still threshold #2

Customer #1: Reminder by invoice, gravity level 2, text 2

Customer #2: Global by date, gravity level 2, text 2

Customer #3: Global reminder, gravity level 2, text 2

Customer #4: Global by level, gravity level 2, text 2

  • Third reminder campaign sent 15 January 2017 = 16 days late, still threshold #2

Customer #2: Global by date, gravity level 3, text 2

Customers #1, 3, and 4 are not included in this campaign because their gravity levels have reached the same level as the threshold levels (2). For these reminder types, the gravity level cannot be greater than the threshold level.

  • Fourth reminder campaign sent 25 January 2017 = 26 days late, threshold #3

Customer #1: Reminder by invoice, gravity level 3, text 3

Customer #2: This one is not included because it reached the maximum threshold level of 3 at the previous campaign reminder.

Customer #3: Global reminder, gravity level 3, text 3

Customer #4: Global by level, gravity level 3, text 3

None of the customers in this reminder group can be included in a 5th reminder campaign because the maximum level for this reminder group is 3.

  • field SEUILS

Enter up to five lead time thresholds, expressed in the number of days.
These fields available when the Frequency type is Threshold and the Reminder type is Global by date.

If the first threshold is 10 days and the second is 20, an open item that is 21 days overdue is sent a reminder with the gravity level of 2.

  • field FUPINTERVA

Enter up to five intervals expressed in the number of days. You can assign a Reminder charge for each interval level.

These fields are not available when the Frequency type is Threshold.

  • field FUPCRG

Enter up to five reminder charges. You can only enter a reminder charge if the Reminder frequency is set to Interval.

Each charge is associated with an interval level.

These fields are not available when the Frequency type is Threshold.

The reminder charge amount is only included in the FUPRC – Reminder management report if the RPTCODFUP – Reminder report code parameter (TRS chapter, FUP group) is set to FUPRC.

This amount is not included in the FUP - Reminder management report and is not included in the following preparatory reports:


Reminder charge currency is defined by the CURSHRFLD - Common field currency (TC chapter, CUR group) parameter.





This function does not currently support reminders for multi-company scenarios. You cannot assign different reminder group codes to business partners subject to companies. Therefore, you cannot assign threshold reminders for a BP company and simultaneously assign interval reminders for another company in a multi-company scenario.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Reminder frequency 'Interval' is not allowed for reminder type 'Global by date'

If you set the Reminder type to Global by date, you cannot select Interval as an option for Reminder frequency type.The Interval Frequency type is a linear process where reminders are sent in consecutive order: first reminder, second reminder, third reminder, etc. The Reminder type setting Global by date implies that a reminder is sent based on the due date of the open item or invoice and the threshold values.

Tables used

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