You can only create a reporting period for an active GST group. When you enter the group code, the group member companies display in the Member companies grid.
You must also enter the start and end date of the period or accept the proposed period range. When saving the new period, a unique period code is automatically created that identifies the reporting period.
Start and end dates for a reporting period must:
After saving a new reporting period, you can no longer modify the start and end dates. If necessary, you can delete the incorrect period and create a new one.
You can include journal entry transactions from a previous period into the current period by selecting the Include unreported transactions check box and then entering or selecting an As of date.
For example:
The current period is February 2018 for a GST group with a monthly reporting frequency. During February, you receive two late supplier invoices, one from December 2017 and one from January 2018.
You can use the AUSGSTASOF - Default As of date parameter (LOC chapter, AUS group) to define a date that automatically sets an As of date when you select the Include unreported transactions check box. You can still enter a new date in this field and override the default value.
When creating a new reporting period, the list of member companies belonging to the entered GST group at this point in time is saved as part of the reporting period. This makes it possible to re-create the GST report even if the related GST group has been modified in the meantime.
If a GST group is marked as inactive this doesn’t influence previously created GST reporting periods for this group.
The GST calculation relies on proper VAT box settings (GESVTB).
To create a complete and correct BAS statement, there cannot be any missing or incorrect VAT box settings. If there are such errors the data update is not carried out and a log file is generated when you click Update GST data.
The log file contains the following:
The following fields are present on this tab :
Reporting period
Enter the code for an existing GST group. Companies that are part of this group display in the Member companies grid. Once you save this period, the group code cannot be changed. Groups are created and managed in GST groupings. |
This field displays the reporting code for this period based on the sequence counter. You cannot modify this field. |
Select a status to keep track of your workflow. This is recommended and not required.
Enter a start date for the period. The date range is suggested for the next period for the group if periods exist for this group. If not, the date range is set to the period before the current date.
Note: Monthly or quarterly reporting is determined by the GST group profile in GST groupings. |
Enter an end date for the period. A period can span multiple months or quarters.
Select this check box to include transactions with a date prior to the start of the current reporting period and that were not reported in a previous period. For example, this could be invoices that were received late. |
Enter or select a date prior to the current start date to include unreported transactions beginning on that date. If a date is defined in the AUSGSTASOF – As of date parameter (LOC chapter, AUS group), that date displays by default, but you can still enter a new date in this field. This field is greyed out if the Include unreported transactions check box is not selected. |
Enter a document ID related to this reporting period for your reference only. |
Enter the receipt ID for this reporting period. This is for your reference only to confirm that this period was reported to the ATO. |
Enter the date that data in the GST report was submitted to the ATO. This is for your reference only. |
Group BAS values
This field displays the amount owed to the ATO or the amount that can be claimed. This total is based on the difference between the group totals for 1A (GST on sales) and 1B (GST on purchases). |
This field displays the group total for this VAT box. It cannot be modified. |
This field displays the group total for this BAS category based on data manually entered in the Member companies grid and updates accordingly. |
This field displays the group total for this VAT box. It cannot be modified. |
This field displays the group total for this BAS category based on data manually entered in the Member companies grid and updates accordingly. |
This field displays the group total for this VAT box. It cannot be modified. |
This tab lists the companies in the group for the GST group code. You can manually enter BAS values that are included in the Group BAS values block on this screen. This is helpful when completing the BAS section of the GST reporting period.
The following fields are present on this tab :
This fields displays the company code for the group member and cannot be modified. |
Use this field to track your workflow for this company.
This field displays whether or not this company is the Head entity as defined in the group profile in GST groupings. You can change the Head entity in GST groupings. |
You can manually enter additional values related to the BAS. For details, refer to the official BAS form from the ATO. |
Action icon
Click this option to run a GST report for the company on the line. This is for informational purposes only and does not include BAS values. Use the Print Action to run the GST report (GSTCLCWRKSHT) for the GST group.
This provides the information needed to submit to the ATO.
Click Update GST data to populate this grid. As a result, the grid displays data per member company and BAS label.
Click Detail from the Action icon menu in a cell to view the underlying records and further drill-down to the originating records.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
This fields displays the company code for the group member and cannot be modified. |
This field displays the amount owed to the ATO or the amount that can be claimed. This total is based on the difference between the group totals for 1A (GST on sales) and 1B (GST on purchases). |
This field displays the individual company amount for this VAT box. From the Action icon menu, select Details to view the underlying records and from there, you can continue to drill-down to the original records. |
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
GSTCLCWRKSHT : GST calculation worksheet
This can be changed using a different setup.
You can run the GSTCLCWRKSHT- GST report from the Print icon in the Action panel to generate the information needed to submit to the ATO. You can run this report at any time, even for a closed period, without changing the reporting status.
You can also run the report for a single company using the Action icon menu on the Member companies tab to review that company’s data.
You can limit the report to a specific site or range of sites using the Financial site range report parameter. When you enter a site or range of sites, only transactions for that site or sites are included in the report. By default, this parameter value is empty, and all financial sites are included.
Note: The AUSGST -GST report has been deprecated and can no longer be used for BAS/GST reporting.
The report is divided into five sections.
1) A list of journal entries included for the reporting period
2) For each company, there is a summary section for all available BAS labels.
3) A summary section per BAS labels for the entire GST group
4) A calculation worksheet for the period.
5) BAS preparatory report
Select this action to add and then update reporting data for member companies whose status is In review. If an individual company status is Validated in the Member companies grid, their data is not affected. Once the reporting period status is Closed, this action is no longer available. This process collects tax values from general ledger journal entries according to their tax codes and calculates the records for GST reporting. It is based on the VAT box settings (GESVTB). After updating the GST data, you can review the results on the GST preview tab and drill-down to underlying data if necessary. After making any corrections or updates, you can click Update GST data again. Important considerationsBAS data must be entered manually in the Member companies grid. When satisfied with the company data on the GST Preview tab, set that company’s status to Validated to avoid changing the information. You can revert the member company status any time as long as the reporting period is not closed yet. You can exclude a company from this process by setting the AUSVAT – Australian VAT parameter (LOC chapter, AUS group) to No at the company level. You receive a notification if any accounting journals have a temporary status. Depending on the AUSTMPBLK – Blocking on temporary journals parameter (LOC chapter, AUS group), setting, this message displays as either a warning or a blocking notification. |
Use this function to create reporting periods for multiple groups at once.
When you click this Action, you see a list of proposed groups and periods based on the current date. You can clear the check box to exclude a specific GST group and period from mass creation.
Use this function to export all detail data for all member companies to an Excel file. Before you can export data, you need to Update GST data at least once.
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
A company must be part of an active GST group for reporting to the ATO. To submit the GST report for a company with no affiliates, you must create a group for that company, even if it is the only company in the GST group.
You can create and manage groups in GST groupings.
You could receive this message if there are missing or incorrect VAT box settings.