This function contains the list of the freight term codes standardized by the International Chamber of Commerce.
The freight terms are the contractual provision for sales and are used when entering into an agreement. They specify the respective responsibilities and obligations of the buyer and the seller about the transportation of goods (modalities, insurance, location for the risk transfer) and the allocation of costs.
They are indicated in the customer delivery addresses and with the suppliers. Then, they are transferred to the various transactions of the distribution module (shipment slips, invoices, receipt slips, supplier return slips).
In Sage X3, these codes are used for the Intrastat declaration. They are also used when purchasing products for which landed costs are managed with a cost structure.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The list of standardized freight terms is delivered in the application with a setup model.
A list of expense natures is linked to each freight term with the possibility to indicate the third party who pays the expense.
It is possible to:
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
Each standardized Incoterm is identified by a three-character code corresponding to the Incoterm rule. |
Incoterm description. |
In creation mode, this indicator is activated by default. The Incoterm can be used in the Sales and Purchasing modules. It is possible to deactivate it, which will be useful, especially in the case of regulatory developments. When the 2010 Incoterms came into effect on January,1st 2011, some 2000 Incoterms were removed. Thus, during the migration of Sage X3, former Incoterms which disappeared due to the new legislation, are automatically created as "Inactive" in order to keep the history of some flows (especially the consultation of items created before the migration of Incoterms). |
These are the cost natures corresponding to the Incoterm stages.
This field refers to the BP supporting the cost. In creation mode, the default value is "neither the buyer nor the seller". |