Setup >  Fixed assets >  Grouping of expenses  

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This function is used to create expense grouping setups, each one identified by a code.

This setup is used during the Capitalization of expenses processing in which the expenses are grouped on the basis of common criteria, in order to lead to the automatic creation of assets.
A new asset will be created for each expense / expense group meeting the grouping criteria.

This setup is used to specify:

  • the list of fields (of the expense table) used as grouping criteria, in addition to the following implicit mandatory criteria: Company, Financial site and Activity sector,
  • the information used to determine the main expense,
  • a possible selection to apply to the expenses.

SEEINFO The expense grouping does not make it possible to update pre-existing assets.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

Specifies he company to which the setup is applied.
This information is optional. If not entered, the setup is defined by default for every company.

  • Active (field FGACTIF)

This indicator is used to specify if this reference is active or inactive.
A reference declared Inactivecan not be used and is not proposed in the selection list during the Capitalization of expenses processing.

  • Reference (field GRPREF)

Setup reference of the expense grouping.

  • Description (field DES)

Setup description.



Tab Parameter definition


The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Grouping

  • field NBCRIT


  • Field code (field CODZON)

This table is used to specify the grouping criteria. These are the expense table (LAYOUTFAS) fields from which the expense grouping processing will be carried out.
Three grouping criteria are mandatory and are automatically populated: the company, the financial site and the activity sector.

  • Description (field DESI)


Block number 2

  • Principal expense (field PRILOF)

This field is used to specify which information is used by the grouping processing to identify the main expense from all the selected expenses.
It can be the following information:

  • Largest tax excl amount
  • Most recent invoice date
  • Oldest invoice date
  • Most recent accounting date
  • Oldest accounting date

SEEINFO During the processing, the identification criterion of the main expense may not identify only one expense as the main one (for example: same tax excl amount, same invoice date, etc. ). In this case, the expense considered as the main expense will be the first one in this expense list, sorted in ascending order on their Reference / Line no.



Tab Extended selection


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Block number 2

  • field FLD1

Indicate a field from the table.

  • field DES1

Libellé du champ.

  • field OPE1

Indicate the comparison operation:

  • The "indifferent" operator is used to obtain all records of an object.
  • The '* ?' operator is used to define wildcards.
  • field VAL1

Indicate the comparison value (without quotation marks for the alphanumeric fields).

  • field PAR1
  • field ANDOR2

Indicate the link between criteria lines.

Example :

If Expr1 and Expr2 or Expr3 (Expr = expression) are entered we would have :

(Expr1 & (Expr2 | (Expr3)))

Block number 3

  • Expression (field EXP1)

Indicate if necessary an expression to complete the search.

The criterion is added to the previous criteria by the link AND.

The expression cannot contain fields from a table other than the principal table for the object. These can be indexed.

  • field PAREXP

Si cette case est cochée, l'expression est définie comme valeur par défaut modifiable.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation