Setup >  General parameters >  Formulas per legislation  

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Use this function to define calculation formulas for automatic journals.

Calculation formulas are written, or structured as Sage X3 language expressions combining, for example, variables, constants, fields extracted from tables and functions. 

Each set of calculation formula is identified with a specific 3-character code.

A calculation formula is defined per legislation. This forms part of the data index.


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Screen management

The Formulas per legislation function contains a header information section and single block containing a grid (table) for the formula.

Entry screen


Use this screen to assign the code that will identify this set of calculation formula.

You can then type in the structure of your calculation formula for each legislation or use the Formula wizard to generate it for you.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Code used to identify the calculation formula. A calculation formula is a short code calling on an expression to evaluate a result used in automatic journals.

When validating a document (for example, invoices or sales) the program reads the recorded formula in the Automatic journals function. This formula uses an expression in the form of value(fun.SUBTFO.fc("xxx")), where "xxx" (for example "BCG") is a code which is called in the 'Code' field.

The program recovers each line corresponding to the recorded legislation(s) for a given company.

  • Description (field DES)


  • Short description (field DESSHO)


Grid Formula

  • field NBLIG


This field is prepopulated with the legislations activated in the folder.

 This field is not displayed if the folder is for a single (mono) legislation.

  • Formula (field FORFOR)





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  PRTSCR : Screen print

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific actions

Click the Copy action to copy these calculation formulas to an additional folder.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Incorrect expression
[Sage X3 error message]

A syntax error has been detected. The error detail is provided in the second line of the message. Examples include an incorrect number of arguments in a function or brackets missing from the expression.

Tables used

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