Common data >  Product tables >  Warehouses  

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This function is used to create a warehouse and link it to a storage site.

SEEWARNING The site selected must authorize warehouse management.

Rules pertaining to the creation and the deletion of a warehouse:
  • The creation of a new warehouse on a site automatically generates data product-warehouse records for the existing products-sites.
  • A warehouse can be deleted only if there are no stock and no location for this warehouse.
  • Deleting a warehouse automatically deletes the products-warehouses records linked to this warehouse.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The storage site to link the warehouse to can be chosen either using the Selection right-click option, or using a tunnel to the Sites function. 

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Warehouse (field WRH)

This field is used to enter the code of the warehouse to create or view.

  • Description (field WRHNAM)

The presence of this field depends on the activity code WRH.
It contains the long description of the warehouse.

  • Short description (field WRHSHO)

The presence of this field depends on the activity code WRH.
It contains the short description of the warehouse.

Block number 2

This field contains the storage site to which the warehouse is linked.
When creating, the choice of the site is done using the Selectionright-click option, or using a tunnel to the Sites function.

SEEWARNING The site must authorize warehouse management.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation