Usage  >  Trade connectors >  APS >  PREACTOR >  Launch PREACTOR interface  

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This function is used to manage the flows coming from and designed to the advanced planning and scheduling product (APS): PREACTOR.

This processing uses the setups specified in the PREACTOR setup function.

SEEREFERTTO The principles of the interface functioning are given in the documentation about the PREACTOR setup


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


Terms for the interface implementation

The interface is carried out in three independent main steps:

- Picking the data to export: selection of the data and constitution of the the work files.
- Use of the files and planning in PREACTOR.
- Import with update of the database with the planning results defined in PREACTOR.

Two distinct steps have to be started in X3:

  • Preparation of the data (in update mode): export.
  • Update of the results: import.

The processing can be carried out in Simulationor in Update mode.

  • When exporting, it is possible to:

    - select the production site concerned,
    - enter a date range that defines the period concerned,
    - enter a selection formula,
    - select the orders to analyze according to their status: planned, firm or suggested,
    - specify if the product code is of Routing or Product type,
    - specify if the project type is Journal or Project
    - indicate if the log file has to include the orders retained in the selection.
  • When importing, it is possible to select the production site and to specify if the log file appearing after the processing has to include the list of optimized orders.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Identifier (field ID)

Identification code of the interface setup.

  • field INTIT



  • Action (field OPTION)

Select the type of action implemented by the processing:

  • Preparation of the data: export
  • Update of the results: import
  • Processing mode (field TRTMOD)

Select the processing mode of the action:

  • Update: the manipulations carried out in the WOs in the selection in order to smooth the load on the work centers introduce modifications to the order dates for the whole application.

  • Simulation: all the manipulations carried out on the WOs in the selection will be lost at the end of the simulation. It is not possible to display the planning of orders prepared in simulation mode.

Selection criteria

The production site associated with the user is proposed by default. It can be modified by another site authorized for the operator, depending on its authorizations.

  • Start date from (field STRDAT)

Enter the start and end date ranges to select the period concerned.

  • End date until (field ENDDAT)


Enter, select or build an Sage X3 filter calculation expression using the formula editor.

 An error message is displayed if you refer to tables which are not generally used by the configurator, or to unknown variables.


  • field FIL4


  • Planned work orders (field WOPFLG)

It is possible to select the orders to analyze according to their status.
Tick this box to analyze the planned WOs.

  • Firm work orders (field WOFFLG)

It is possible to select the orders to analyze according to their status.
Tick this box to analyze the firm WOs.

  • Work order suggestions (field WOSFLG)

It is possible to select the orders to analyze according to their status.
Tick this box to analyze the suggested WOs.
It is possible to choose to work with suggestions coming from the MRP, the MPS, or both.

  • Suggestion filter (field MRPFLG)

This flag is used to filter the suggestions based on their origin.


  • Product code (field RELITM)

Select a type of product code for the extraction in the case of data preparation:

  • Routing
  • Product.
  • Project (field PJTCOD)

Select a type of project for the extraction in the case of data preparation:

  • Project
  • Journal.


  • Selected work orders (field TRACE1)

Depending on the type of requested processing, it is possible to activate one of the log file types:

  • Log file of the orders included in the study
    This log file can be activated for the Data preparation processing: it is then suggested before displaying the Gantt and contains the list or orders of the selection.

  • Log file of optimized orders
    This log file can be activated for the Result update processing: it is suggested on exiting the function if an optimization has been requested in update mode.
  • Optimized work orders (field TRACE2)



  • field FIL07


  • Destination type (field TYPEXP)

Select the type of sender: customer or server.

  • Index destination (field VOLFILISS)


  • Directory to be scanned (field VOLFILRCP)


  • Storage directory (field VOLFILSTO)




Entry point

  • The SUBORPINT entry points are used to add specific processings before or after having been triggered.
  • The PITMFG entry points have an impact on the selected elements.

Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task ORPINT is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation