A/P-A/R accounting >  Paying bank notice >  Automatic reconciliation  

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This function is used to reconcile the drafts/bills issued by the bank with the drafts/bills in cash management.

A paying bank import option is used to launch this function automatically after the import.

This function can be launched in batch mode.


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Screen management

Entry screen


The system displays a dialogue box in which the bank that is to be reconciled must be selected as well as any other related criteria.

Mandatory criteria

The STA (stage), BAN (bank), CUR (currency), AMTCUR (amount in currency), DUDDAT (due date), PAYTYP (payment type) are the mandatory criteria required for the reconciliation. These criteria are as follows :

  • Step: the payment must have be through all the previous stages in the paying bank cycle, these are defined by the payment transaction.
  • Bank: this must be identical to that on the statement
  •   Currency : this must be identical to that on the statement
  • Amount: it should be the same as that on the statement
  • Due date: this must be identical to that on the statement
  • Payment type: the payment must be of a type concerned by the paying bank notices, and at the phase prior to the paying banks or at the paying bank phase.
    Only the payments that are not attached to any paying bank notice yet can be reconciled.

For each additional criterion, it is necessary to specify whether they are mandatory or optional and for alphanumeric type criteria it is possible to specify the number of characters that can be taken into account.


The non exported notifications coming from the bank selected are reviewed. In particular, the lines that are not associated with a payment are reviewed. The lines in the statement considered as being "anomalous" (FLGANO=1) are not taken into account by the process.

The system searches to match the mandatory criteria in the payment file for each line in the statement without a reject code.

Three outcomes are possible :

  • If no payment meets these criteria; the following line in the statement is then processed.
  • Otherwise if a single payment matches these criteria it is included in the paying bank notice.
  • Or several payments match these criteria. Those that meet the first additional optional criteria are selected. If no payment matches this additional criteria, the first of the payments matching the mandatory criteria in the paying bank notice is included. If only a single payment matches this additional criteria and the mandatory criteria it is integrated in the paying bank notice. If several payments match this additional criteria and the mandatory criteria, the first 2 additional optional criteria are considered in addition to the mandatory conditions and so on until all the additional optional criteria are used up.

The reconciled lines are visible and modifiable in the Paying bank notice entry function (see the Paying bank entry).

For the other lines, the possibilities are :

- either to relaunch the automatic reconciliation in the case where new payments have been entered.

·       or to process the lines with manual reconciliation to reject them or reconcile them with a payment (see the Manual reconciliation).




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Indiquez la banque pour laquelle lancer le rapprochement des relevés LCR.

Grid Criteria

  • Payment (field FICPAY)

Le traitement essaie de rapprocher les lignes de relevés LCR sans anomalie et non déjà rapprochées et non exportées à des règlements non encore rapprochés ayant subi toutes les étapes préalables à l'avis de domiciliation. Les règlements et lignes de relevés LCR rapprochées doivent avoir mêmes banque, devise, montant, date d'échéance, et transaction.

Des critères de rapprochement supplémentaires peuvent être saisis en indiquant :

- Le nom de la zone de la table des règlements.

- Le nom de la zone de la table des relevés LCR.

- Le nombre de caractères à considérer pour le rapprochement si ces zones sont alphanumériques.

- Le caractère obligatoire ou facultatif du critère, sachant qu'un critère facultatif peut permettre de départager plusieurs règlements remplissant tous les critères obligatoires .

  • Description (field PAYNAM)


  • Bank (field FICBAN)

Le traitement essaie de rapprocher les lignes de relevés LCR sans anomalie et non déjà rapprochées et non exportées à des règlements non encore rapprochés ayant subi toutes les étapes préalables à l'avis de domiciliation. Les règlements et lignes de relevés LCR rapprochées doivent avoir mêmes banque, devise, montant, date d'échéance, et transaction.

Des critères de rapprochement supplémentaires peuvent être saisis en indiquant :

- Le nom de la zone de la table des règlements.

- Le nom de la zone de la table des relevés LCR.

- Le nombre de caractères à considérer pour le rapprochement si ces zones sont alphanumériques.

- Le caractère obligatoire ou facultatif du critère, sachant qu'un critère facultatif peut permettre de départager plusieurs règlements remplissant tous les critères obligatoires .

  • Description (field BANNAM)


  • No. characters (field NBRCAR)

Le traitement essaie de rapprocher les lignes de relevés LCR sans anomalie et non déjà rapprochées et non exportées à des règlements non encore rapprochés ayant subi toutes les étapes préalables à l'avis de domiciliation. Les règlements et lignes de relevés LCR rapprochées doivent avoir mêmes banque, devise, montant, date d'échéance, et transaction.

Des critères de rapprochement supplémentaires peuvent être saisis en indiquant :

- Le nom de la zone de la table des règlements.

- Le nom de la zone de la table des relevés LCR.

- Le nombre de caractères à considérer pour le rapprochement si ces zones sont alphanumériques.

- Le caractère obligatoire ou facultatif du critère, sachant qu'un critère facultatif peut permettre de départager plusieurs règlements remplissant tous les critères obligatoires .

  • Mandatory (field FLG)




Specific Buttons

This is used to save the criteria in a memo file.

This is used to recall the criteria from a memo file.

This is used to erase the criteria in a memo file.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

"Code already entered on line #"

The field entered has already been entered on line #.

"The fields must be of the same type"

The field in the payments table and the field in the statements table must be of the same type.

"No payment type for the paying banks"

No payment type for the "Paying bank" stage has been set to "Yes".

Tables used

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