This function is used to reconcile the drafts/bills issued by the bank with the drafts/bills in draft management.
This process can also be launched in an automatic way.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The system submits a dialog box within which the paying bank note assignment criteria are specified:
The drafts table proposed for the payment is initialized. Each line represents a specific draft/bill.
It is possible to directly export the paying bank notice from this function using the Bank file button. Warning, any exported notice can no longer be modified (neither in the manual reconciliation function nor in the payment cycle - Enter the paying bank notice). This export must only be launched one all the lines in the notice have be correctly entered.
According to the RAPLCR parameter, either all the lines in the paying bank notice issued by the bank are displayed or only the non reconciled lines (if the automatic reconciliation has already been run).
The draft is identified by means of the first five columns that indicate the:
The following columns are used to specify the acceptance of the submitted drafts. Thus, the non reconciled lines can be accepted or totally or partly rejected. It is also possible to specify the lines that have problems.
The accepted lines must therefore have the "Accepted" field set to Yes.
The rejected lines must necessarily have the field "Accepted" field set to No. It is then necessary to specify a rejection code (miscellaneous table no. 305) in the related field.
The rejected lines are also exported during the related bank notice export. The issuing bank is then notified of the refusal of the drafts that they have submitted.
It is possible to mark certain lines in the imported notice as being abnormal. This option is proposed by means of the right click menu.
These lines can neither be exported nor automatically reconciled.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
Specify the bank of the LOC statement to be loaded. |
Specify the number of the LOC statement to be loaded. It must belong to the bank previously specified. |
Grid Details
Specify the payment number to be reconciled with the statement line. |
Specify if the draft will be paid fully or in part. Choose the value "No" for partial payments. |
Enter here the reason why the payment will not take/has not taken place. |
Specify the amount actually posted upon deposit in the bank. It is always equal to the payment amount. |
Block number 3
Action icon
The Save button is used to validate the reconciliation if and only if a payment is posted to the line where the BAP (Payment Approval) field is set to Yes. A paying bank notice is then created for the accepted payments on Paying bank entry, which makes it possible to continue with the reconciled payments cycle (posting).
The End button is used to abandon the reconciliation.
It is used to launch the statement export. |
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
"Statement already exported"
The statement has already been sent to the bank.
"Bank XXX"
The statement relates to another bank account than the one requested.
"No drafts to be reconciled"
There is no draft to be reconciled assigned to the requested statement.
"Code already entered on line ##"
The payment entered has already been reconciled on line ##.
"Payment type not set up for this function"
The payment type assigned to the payment is not defined for the "Paying bank" phase.
"Status: XXXXX"
The payment has reached step XXXX, which either does not exactly precede the "Paying bank" step or is later than this step.
"Company XXX"
The payment does not belong to the same comapny as the statement.
"Bank XXX"
The payment does not belong to the same comapny as the statement.
"Payment type"
The payment is not of the same payment type as the other reconciled payments. In fact, a paying bank notice is a single payment type.
"Payment on the paying bank notice XXX Statement already exported"
The payment has been reconciled on another paying bank notice and the latter has already been sent to the bank.
"Payment on paying bank notice XXX"
The payment has been reconciled on another paying bank notice. This is a blocking message if this notice is being authorized on another workstation, if not it is a warning message. In this later case, the payment will be transferred onto the paying bank notice being processed.
"AmountM1 (Statement) M2 (Payment)"
The draft amount on the bank statement (M1) is different frm the amount of the reconciled payment (M2). This is a warning message.
"Due dateD1 (Statement) D2 (Payment)"
The due date on the draft on the bank statement (D1) is different from the due date of the reconciled payment (D2). This is a warning message.
Payment XXX Status YYYY Cancellation impossible
One of the lines in the reconciled payment has been changed on one of the lines of the statement. During an attempt to validate the reconciliation, the process has established that the previously reconciled payment has between times reached the next step (YYYYY). It is therefore impossible to modify the reconciliation.
Payment XXX status YYYYY
During an attempt to validate the reconciliation, the process has established that payment XXX has reached step YYYYY, which either does not exactly precede the "Paying bank" step or is later that this step.
Payment XXX Statement already exported YYY
During an attempt to validate the reconciliation, the process has established that payment XXX has already been reconciled on another statement and that this statement has been sent to the bank.