A/P-A/R accounting >  Paying bank notice >  Export LC statement  

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 This function is used to transmit a file to the banks in response to the received paying banks.

It can also be started for a specific statement from the functions "Paying bank entry" (provided it is a statement imported from the bank) and "Manual reconsiliation" via the Bank file button.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


 The system proposes a dialog box within which the paying bank note export criteria are specified:

  • company,
  • bank,
  • a statement interval.

The file is always exported under the same name in the directory parameterized by default.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • All companies (field ALLCPY)

To select the BE statements regardless of the related companies, check the "All companies" field.

To select the BE statements for company XXX, uncheck the 'All companies' field and indicate the 'Company' field.


  • All banks (field ALLBAN)

To select the BE statements regardless of the related bank, check the 'All banks' field.

To select BE statements of the 'XXX' bank, uncheck the field 'All banks' and indicate 'XXX' in the 'Bank' field.



  • From statement (field VCRSTR)

Indicate, for a number range, the BE statements to export.

  • To statement (field VCREND)


Block number 3

  • Log file (field TRCFLG)

Check this field in order to obtain the list of BE statements at the end of the process and to obtain the name of the file generated or the anomaly that has been detected.

  • Generation directory (field FILNAM)




Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task REPLCR is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

"Company XXX"

The entered bank does not belong to the entered company.

"Statement already exported"

The entered statement has already been exported.

"Bank XXX"

The entered statement is attached to a bank different from the one entered.

"Company XXX"

The entered statement is attached to a company different from the one entered.

"Error on NUMFIL counter"

Anomaly when assigning a file number.

"Modification in progress on another workstation"

The statement to be exported is being modifed on another workstation.

"You do not have the execution rights bank XXX"

The bank XXX of the statement to be exported is not accessible to the user.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation