Fixed assets >  Processes >  Utilities >  Current DEPREC creation  

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The use of this utility should be exceptional. This utility can be used to rebuild the expenses of the current period (DEPREC table), if, for whatever reasons (mishandling, etc.), they have been lost.

The processing relies on the DEPREC record of the previous period (of the current or previous fiscal year).

 SEEWARNING Important notes :

  • Depending on the number of records concerned, the processing duration may be long.
  • It is recommended beforehand to launch the processing in simulation mode.
  • It is necessary to re-launch a calculation of the expenses at the end of the processing.

Screen management

Entry screen


The processing is carried out:

  • for all the companies or for a given company,
  • for all the depreciation plans or for a given plan.

A log displays the processing result by presenting a list of the processed assets, as well as the number of assets processed per plan.

Reminder: the processing relies on the record of the period preceding the current period. If the previous period is not found, the asset is not processed and the message "Previous period not found " is displayed in the log.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Simulation (field FLGSIM)

This box is checked by default. It specifies that the processing is carried out in simulation mode. In this case, the controls and the process are carried out but no modification of the database is recorded.

  • Detailed log file (field FLGTRC)

If activated, this indicator enables the modification of the detail of the updates, with, for instance, the list of the processed assets.

  • All companies (field CPYTOUS)

By default, the processing takes into account all the companies.
This check box can be turned off to specify the company which must be processed.

This field can only be accessed when the All companies flag is deactivated.
It is used to specify the company to be processed.

  • All plans (field DPRPLNTOUS)

By default, the processing takes into account all the depreciation plans.
This check box can be turned off to specify the plan which must be processed.

  • Depreciation plan (field DPRPLN)

This field can be accessed only if the "All" indicator is not activated. It is used to specify the code of the depreciation plan concerned by the processing.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation