Entry point CREAT_FLUP is used to modify the period flow just before writing in flow table FXDLIFL.
In the context of the entry point :
The following tables are on line :
Table |
Significant content |
Table description |
Yes |
Track funds |
No |
No |
No |
Fiscal year |
No |
Charge |
This entry point is called at the end of the period flow loading, just before its creation in flow table FXDLIFL. There is one call by period from the current period to the last period of the fiscal year.
Upon account or financial site transfer, the destination period flow is applied (see entry point SOLDE_FLUP about origin flow).
[F:FAS]: asset
[F:CNX]: processed context
[F:FIY]: fiscal years and periods containing the processed period
[F:FLUP]: period flow
[F:DEPF]: corresponding depreciation recording
Classes [F:FAS], [F:CNX], [F:FIY] and [F:DEPF] are available upon read, class [F:FLUP] upon read and update.
Entry point SOLDE_FLUP is used to modify the origin period flow upon account or financial site transfer just before writing in flow table FXDLIFL. This entry point is called only in the case of a transfer by period.
In the context of the entry point :
The following tables are on line :
Table |
Significant content |
Table description |
Yes |
Track funds |
No |
No |
No |
Fiscal year |
No |
Charge |
This entry point is called upon account or financial site transfer at the end of the origin period flow loading, just before its creation in flow table FXDLIFL.
This flow carries the period start data and the decrease for transfer.
[F:FAS]: asset
[F:CNX]: processed context
[F:FIY]: fiscal years and periods containing the processed period
[F:FLUP]: period flow
[F:DEPF]: corresponding depreciation recording
Classes [F:FAS], [F:CNX], [F:FIY] and [F:DEPF] are available upon read, class [F:FLUP] upon read and update.
Entry point CREAT_FLUE is used to modify the fiscal year flow just before writing in flow table FXDLIFL.
In the context of the entry point :
The following tables are on line :
Table |
Significant content |
Table description |
Yes |
Track funds |
No |
No |
No |
Fiscal year |
No |
Charge |
This entry point is called at the end of the fiscal year flow loading, just before its creation in flow table FXDLIFL.
Upon account or financial site transfer, the destination fiscal year flow is applied (see entry point SOLDE_FLUE about origin flow).
[F:FAS]: asset
[F:CNX]: processed context
[F:FIY]: fiscal years and periods containing the processed period
[F:FLUE]: fiscal year flow
[F:DEPF]: corresponding depreciation recording
Classes [F:FAS], [F:CNX], [F:FIY] and [F:DEPF] are available upon read, class [F:FLUE] upon read and update.
Entry point SOLDE_FLUE is used to modify the origin fiscal year flow upon account or financial site transfer just before writing in flow table FXDLIFL. This entry point is called only in the case of a transfer on the fiscal year.
In the context of the entry point :
The following tables are on line :
Table |
Significant content |
Table description |
Yes |
Track funds |
No |
No |
No |
Fiscal year |
No |
Charge |
This entry point is called upon account or financial site transfer at the end of the origin fiscal year flow loading, just before its creation in flow table FXDLIFL.
This flow carries the fiscal year start data and the decrease for transfer.
[F:FAS]: asset
[F:CNX]: processed context
[F:FIY]: fiscal years and periods containing the processed period
[F:FLUE]: fiscal year flow
[F:DEPF]: corresponding depreciation recording
Classes [F:FAS], [F:CNX], [F:FIY] and [F:DEPF] are available upon read, class [F:FLUE] upon read and update.