For any company managing fixed assets, it is necessary to define the depreciation context or contexts to be managed.
Each context groups one or several depreciation plans managed in the same currency and according to the same calendar: the subdivision of their fiscal years and their intermediate period ends are identical.
Thus, a context is used to define:
At least one depreciation context must be defined and managed in the company currency.
It is the Accounting and Fiscal depreciation context which, in addition to the Accounting plan dedicated to fill the individual accounts (social accounting) and mandatory, must group the following plans, when they are managed:
Other plans are available, especially the IAS/IFRS plan dedicated to fill the consolidated accounts (reporting group). They can be grouped, either in the Accounting and fiscal context if their fiscal year/period distribution is identical to the context, or in any other context. The management of the IAS plan is possible only if the IAS depreciation management indicator is active in the account core model of the company.
New plans and contexts can be defined at any time. In this case, they are created according to the terms indicated below (Initialization of a new plan) for each asset registered in the company.
The status of each of the company contexts with respect to the calculation, the accounting interface, the concessions when they are managed, as well as its eligibility for a provisional flow generation and/or for a closing can be viewed via the Status of contexts function.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The entry screen is made up of two tabs:
The header contains the identification information for the company and the context to be defined or viewed.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Identification Code for the company to which the context belongs. |
This field is used to indicate the context.
This field includes a button on which the user can double-click to display the Detailed Status window in the company context. |
In addition to the setup of the different management flags belonging to each of the contexts, this tab is used:
To indicate its management currency.
To define the list of managed plans (15 potential plans are proposed), for each.
Reminder: the management of the Accounting and fiscal context is mandatory and must group:
For each plan, it is necessary:
It is also possible to:
To enter the parameters necessary to the initialization of a new plan when the assets are already managed in the company. The terms related to the Initialization of a new plan are detailed below.
To enter the information required for the management of concessions as well as the provisions for renewal when the latter are managed. This information is only visible if the activity code CCN – Management of concessions is activated. They can only be accessed on the Accounting and fiscal context if 3 plans at least (excluding Fiscal and IAS/IFRS) are defined on this context.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Management indicators
This field enables the user to define the exchange rate type to use by default if the amortisation plan is expressed in another currency than the currency of the company. For the Accounting and financialcontext, the exchange rate type is not available as this plan is necessarily expressed in the currency of the company. |
This fields enables the user to precise the currency selected for the context. By default, it is the same as the company currency. |
If this box is ticked, the prorata temporis will be calculated, on the context, in weeks, not according the standard rule which keeps, according to the amortisation method used, either a pro rata temporis in days, or a pro rata temporis in months. |
When it is activated, this check box is used to specify that the context is a basis for the production plannings of the company, as they are used to manage the asset depreciation according to theOPE - Operation unit method. |
Initialise a new plan
This indicator can be accessed only during the creation of a new context or the addition of a new plan and provided that assets already exist in the company. |
This field can be accessed only if the Template plan indicator is active. |
This field contains the currency of the template plan. If this currency differs from the currency of the plan to create, the conversion will take place according to the exchange rate defined in the following field. |
This exchange rate will be applied to the template plan values in order to determine the values of the plan to create. If the template plan is expressed in the same currency as the plan to create, the exchange rate will automatically be set to 1. |
Grid List of managed plans
This table displays the plan(s) linked to the context. |
This field indicates the value selected as depreciation basis for the assets managed on this plan.
This field is used to specify the accounting standard retained for the management of the depreciation plan.
After the creation of the context, the choice of the standard on a plan can only be modified after a financial year closure.
This field indicates the ledger on which the posting information stemming from the asset management on this plan will be specified.
This field displays the code of the ledger associated, in the account core model, with the indicated ledger type. |
The accounting change/movement information flows at the level of the tax statements lines (grouping the fixed asset accounts) can be presented in the reports. For France, these reports of accounting change/movement are preparatory reports for the fiscal 2054 and 2055 returns. The management of the accounting changes/movements can be activated at the level of the amortisation plan. The activation consists of specifying an accounting change/movement information flow code that must have been previously defined by the Accounting information flows definition function. |
When activated this flag is used to specify that the information flow by account are managed. |
This box is used to specify, when checked, that the plan is linked to another plan of the same context, which is necessary to specify in the next field. For example, it possible to link the IAS/IFRS group plan to the social Accounting plan in order to process the difference between group accounting and company accounting: this difference will be recorded in the DEPREC depreciation table of the IAS/IFRS plan. |
This field can only be entered if the Link checkbox is selected. |
This field contains a green light when, for this plan, the posting type setup used to the posting of the depreciation expenses. |
When it is activated, this check box authorizes the setup of the concessions management for the company, at the level of the following fields.
This field is accessible only if the box to be ticked Managed concessionsis activated.
This box to be ticked is accessible only if the concessions management mode is: Renewal. |
This field is accessible only if the concession management mode is: Renewal. |
A green light is displayed as soon as it exists an active posting type setup used to post renewal provisions. |
This field is accessible only if the concessions management mode is: Renewal. |
This field is accessible only if the Managed Subventions box to be checked is activated. |
This field is accessible only if the concessions management mode is: Renewal. |
The funds tracking can be modified (activation/deactivation) only if no period was closed in the fiscal year.
Activation of funds tracking management in a plan
If the management of the funds was previously deactivated for a plan, the lines of funds tracking are initialized in the FXDLIFL table for the current fiscal year using the current situation of the assets in the fiscal year. The initialization of the values of the account changes/modification tracking is done from the values of the assets at the activation of the account changes/modification tracking. If the account changes/modification tracking is deactivated, then reactivated during the same fiscal year, the potential operations usually aiming at making item to item transfers that will have taken place from the fiscal year start will be lost.
This situation can occur in every case when the account changes/modifications are not activated for a plan at the fiscal year start..
Deactivation of funds tracking management in a plan
- If, in a plan, the accounting change/movement management has been previously activated, the lines initialized in the accounting change/movement tracking table (FXDLIFL), during the accounting change/movement tracking activation or at the time of the previous fiscal year end closing, are deleted (the deletion only takes place of lines relative to the current fiscal year).
- If the funds tracking has been activated in the previous fiscal year and closed, then the funds tracking lines are not affected by the deactivation of the tracking. To delete them it is necessary to use the Purging function.
- To modify the funds code by tax statement on a plan, the user must observe the following procedure:
The funds tracking by tax statement (grouping of the accounts) in the Chart of accounts is mandatory for French companies (code FR); it is therefore active and cannot be deactivated.
The initialization of a new plan, when the assets already exist in the company, will lead to a mandatory update of these assets. In order to guarantee the integrity of the information present in these assets, they are locked during the creation of a new plan ; only the display mode is authorized. Conversely, if the company assets are locked because users are working in their records, any attempt to create a new plan will be refused.
When the assets exist already in the company, two methods can be used to initialize their new plan:
Initialization using a template plan
The new plan is initialized using the available values indicated on the entered template plan; the only constraint is that the current fiscal year start date of the new plan must be identical to the fiscal start date on the template plan. If this rule has not been respected, the depreciation totals picked up for previous fiscal years will be incoherent.
When the template plan manages the periodical closings, the division into periods is systematically transferred to the new plan.
Note: the information in the template plan only serve in the initialization of a new plan for existing assets. For new assets, this depreciation plan will be created according to the rules defined at the level of the context.
Special feature : The following information: Currency, Depreciation method and Initial balance sheet value is loaded in the following fashion:
If the new plan is the IAS/IFRS plan , the IAS/IFRS valuation fields for existing assets are loaded in the following way:
If the new plan is not part of the Accounting and fiscal context, only the record relative to the first period in the current fiscal year is created. The creation is done using the record concerning the first period of the current fiscal year of the template plan, even if it is not the current period of this fiscal year. To obtain the values of the following periods and the asset "end of life" values, a calculation is required in a second step for the new plan.
If the new plan is part of the Accounting and fiscal contextAll the periods in the current fiscal year of the new plan are created up until the current period, from the record relative to the current period in the current fiscal year of the template plan. The closed periods in the new plan will have their periodic charges initialized to zero. Any adjustment to the current period charge will be taken into account by the calculation. To obtain the values of the current and following periods as well as the asset "end of life" values, a calculation is required in a second step for the new plan.
Initialization without using a template plan
The new plan is initialized:
If the new plan is the IAS/IFRS plan, the IAS/IFRS valuation fields for existing assets are loaded in the following way:
If the new plan is not part of the Accounting and fiscal context, only the record relative to the first period in the current fiscal year is created.
If the new plan is part of the Accounting and fiscal context, all periods in the current fiscal year of the new plan will be created up to the current period. The closed periods in the new plan will have their periodic charges initialized to zero. Any adjustment to the current period charge will be taken into account by the calculation. To obtain the values of the current and following periods as well as the asset "end of life" values, a calculation is required in a second step for the new plan.
Action icon
This option is available when setup modifications affecting the charges and needing a new calculation of the assets have been done. It is used to open a window displaying the modification list.
In this case, an update processing of the calculation status of the assets concerned is necessary in order to change the status to Non calculated.
The processing is done via the Modifications pending function.
This option is available when the charge of the assets on the plan have been posted via the accounting interface (the Postable flag is activated).
It is used to access the setup function of the Entry type used by tunnel.
This tab is used to define the fiscal years of the context and the periods of each fiscal year.
When parameter ACCPERCTL - Accounting period control is set to Yes, the context division is carried out automatically in the following way:
- the first FY opened is declared as context current FY,
- the first period opened is declared as current period.
The modification of the division FY/period is not authorized in this fuction. It is only carried out through the management of the fiscal years and periods in the Accounting module, followed by the implementation of the Context synchronization (to see the consistency control details between modules Accounting and Fixed assets, please refer to the documentation on parameter ACCPERCTL - Accounting period control).
When it is set to No, the definition of the FY and periods is carried out in the following way:
Definition of the fiscal years
For each context, it is mandatory to create at least two fiscal years: the current fiscal year and the following fiscal year.
On context creation, the right click option Current fiscal year is used to allocate the current fiscal year status to the fiscal year corresponding to the selected line.
On the Accounting and fiscal context:
- For media companies, it is possible to enter an exceptional depreciation rate conforming to the article 39 bis rule applied to this type of company.
- When the Minimum depreciation plan is defined, it is possible to enter the parameters related to the deffered depreciation, for the current fiscal year.
Definition of the periods
Each fiscal year can contain up to 24 periods. Dividing a fiscal year into periods is not mandatory; it is used to have intermediary accounting closings: end of month, end of quarter, end of half year, ... as the calculation process takes into account the divisions into periods of the current fiscal year and the two following. It will be possible to generate accounting entries (simulated or actual) of depreciation charges during these periods. When no period is defined for a context, a period as long as the fiscal year duration is defined by default.
The status of a period conditions the accounting actions: posting of the depreciation expenses, transfer from account to account (capitalization), issues,...
This status can have the value:
- Closed (after the periodical Closing process)
- Current
- Not opened
- Opened (after a right-click on Open period)
The Posting type of the period: Actual or Simulation.
This setup, used during the process of the accounting interface,only deals with the posting of the charge (the detail of the process according the posting type chosen is described in the documentation on the Generation of the accounting entries).
In creation mode, entry help functions are available by right click on the first line in the period definition: they are used in the automatic creation of monthly, bimonthly, quarter years (3 monthly) or half years (6 monthly) periods calculated from the fiscal year start date.
A Return to zero function is also used to carryout a mass deletion of all of the defined periods.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Grid FY definition
This field contains the financial year start date. Entering this date is possible in the first line of the table only. For the following financial years, it is automatically filled in with the previous financial year end date incremented by one day. |
This field is used to indicate the end date of the fiscal year. It must be higher to the fiscal year start date.
This is the exceptional depreciation rate applied to the first annuity of an asset, conforming to the article 39bis rule concerning media companies. |
The deferred depreciation type can only be specified for the current fiscal year of the Accounting and fiscal context, provided the Fiscal and Minimum depreciation plans are defined. For Spanish legislation companies:
This field can be only entered if a Deferred depreciation type is specified.
For Spanish legislation companies, when the value of the deferred type is: “2013 2014 deferred”, the deferred rule cannot be entered and automatically takes the following value: “Percentage”. |
This mandatory field can only be entered if the Deferred depreciation rule value is: Percentage. For Spanish legislation companies, when the value of the deferred type is: “2013 2014 deferred”, the deferred rate cannot be entered and automatically takes the following value: "30.00" |
This field is displayed only in the accounting and fiscal context of companies that are submitted to the German or Austrian legislation.
This field is displayed only in the accounting and fiscal context of companies that are submitted to the German or Austrian legislation. It is used to specify the amount below which the expenses (and the assets, when the management type is: "LVA") are considered "low value".
Grid Definition of the periods
It is the period start date. On the first line, this date is automatically filled in with the financial year start date. For the following periods, it is automatically defined in the following way: previous period end date incremented by one day. |
It is the period end date.
This field indicates the period month number. This value, automatically calculated after the period start and end dates have been entered, remains modifiable except if the period is closed or if it is the current period which a real calculation has been mede for. This information is used by the periodical calculation in order to distribute the amortisation amount on the period. Any started month counts as a whole month. |
This field indicates the period week number. This value, automatically calculated after the period start and end dates have been entered, remains modifiable except if the period is closed or if it is the current period which a real calculation has been mede for. This information is used by the periodical calculation in order to distribute the amortisation amount on the period. |
This field indicates the period day number. This value, automatically calculated after the period start and end dates have been entered, remains modifiable except if the period is closed or if it is the current period which a real calculation has been mede for. This information is used for the periodical calculation in order to distribute the amortisation amount on the period. |
This field indicates the status of the period.
This field is used to specify whether the charges accounting entries of the period must be created with a posting of the Simulation or Actual type. The Simulation posting type is available:
This field displyas the cumulated total of month numbers for the defined periods. |
This field displyas the cumulated total of week numbers for the defined periods. |
This field displyas the cumulated total of day numbers for the defined periods. |
Calculation parameters
This field is used to define a calculation horizon by specifying the number of fiscal years for which the calculation processing will have to be performed. For instance, 5 means that the software will determine, during the calculation, the charge for the current FY and for the next four FYs. It is used:
This field is used to specify the number of fiscal years for which a potential period breakdown will be taken into account during the calculation. This value has to be greater than 2.
Simulation parameters
This field is used to define the calculation horizon of the depreciation simulation. It specifies the number of fiscal years for which the processing must be carried out. For instance, 5 means that the software will determine, upon calculation, the charge for the current fiscal year and for the next four fiscal years.
This field is used to specify the number of fiscal years for which a potential period breakdown will be taken into account during the calculation. This value has to be greater than 2. This is a default value. Upon launching the simulation calculation processing, this horizon can be modified.
It is a default setup that can be changed upon launching the processing calculation. The records are stored in a dedicated DEPSIMU table and can be retrieved via the CONSSIM - Depreciation simulation inquiry function. |
Action icon
This function, available in the Fiscal year definition, is used to assign the fiscal year status current to the fiscal year corresponding to the selected line. As a consequence, the fiscal year on the next line automatically takes the status Next; this option is thus not available for the last line in the table. Any previous fiscal years have their status automatically set to Closed.
These functions make up an entry aid, and are used to determine in an automatic manner, whether the periods are monthly, or bimonthly, or quarterly, or bi-annual, from the fiscal year start date.
They are not accessible in the following cases:
- no fiscal year is defined in the context,
- the periods are those in a Closed fiscal year,
- at least one of the periods is closed.
- parameter ACCPERCTL - Accounting period control is set to Yes: the periodic division is possible only at the Accounting level with adjournment on the division at the Fixed asset level via the processing of Context synchronization.
Reminder : these functions are no longer active in modification mode in a fiscal year already sub-divided into periods. In order that they can be accessed, it is necessary to delete the periodical division by modifying the first period so that it corresponds to the fiscal year.
This function helps enter the information: it is used to delete all the periods displayed in the table.
It is not accessible in any of the following cases :
- no fiscal year is defined in the context,
- the periods are those in a Closed fiscal year,
- at least one of the periods is closed.
- parameter ACCPERCTL - Accounting period control is set to Yes : the periodic division is possible only at the Accounting level with adjournment on the division at the level of the fixed asset via the processing of Context synchronization.
Reminder : this function is no longer active in modification mode in a fiscal year already sub-divided into periods. To delete the periodical division, the user must modify the 1st period end date so that it corresponds to the fiscal year.
This option can be accessed only in a period with the Unopened status and under the two following conditions:
- This period immediately follows the Current period or an Open period.
-It is in the current fiscal year or the following.
- The corresponding accounting period is opened in accounting, if parameter ACCPERCTL - Accounting period control is set to Yes.
This option is only accessible on the last period of the fiscal year having the status Open, when the Posting type is Actual, that no period entries have been posted. When the Posting type is Simulation, it is possible to close the period and, as a consequence, to delete the simulated entries already posted.
The contexts thus defined may be modified, provided that parameter ACCPERCTL - Accounting period control is set to No and that no geographical transfer is recorded in a future period.
- The modification can lead to an update of the existing assets in the context company. In order to guarantee the integrity of the information in these assets, they are locked during the context modification phase; only their display is authorized. Conversely, if the assets in the context company are locked because other users are already working with them, any attempt to modify the context will be refused.
- When the context modification concerns the period management (sub-division deletion, sub-division modification or modification of the period end dates in the current or next fiscal year):
--> any next fiscal year or period calculation (DEPREC table records) is deleted. A new company calculation for this context will then need to be requested in order to reconstruct the data.
--> The provisional funds, should they be prior to the modified period, are deleted.
--> any provision for renewal calculation in the next fiscal years or periods is deleted. It is the company calculation that will create again theses records.
Reminder : Can be split again only:
1/ The unopened periods.
2/ The Current period with the following conditions:
- that it is not followed by an Open period,
-that no later period has any Posted amount.
- The subdivision modification of the "Retained for the management of the OPEs" context, leads to the automatic update of the production plan division: for each production plan, the lines of the modified fiscal year are deleted and created again according to the new division of the fiscal year. The total of the UP displayed on the deleted lines is transferred to the first new line; in this case, it is up to the user to distribute this number of UP on the new fiscal year and periods. In the same way, when new fiscal years are created for this context, the production plan lines linked to this context are added according to the division of the new fiscal year.
- When the Concessions are managed in Renewal mode, the modification in the breakdown of the Accounting and Fiscal context leads to the provision plan for renewal being automatically broken down in a similar way.
The deletion of a context leads to the modification of all the assets in the company: these assets are locked during the process. Conversely, the deletion of a context is refused if the company assets are locked because other users are already working on these assets.
The context deletion operation also leads to the deletion:
- of each plan linked to the context,
- for each existing assets, of all of the information related to the deleted plans,
- the events associated with the deleted plan,
- any associations defined in the deleted plan,
- of the information related to the deleted plan in the depreciation methods.
Notes :
-The deletion of the Accounting and fiscal context is prohibited if assets are defined in the company.
- The deletion of the IAS/IFRS plan is prohibited if at least one other plan is defined with the IAS/IFRS valuation such as the value of the Original depreciation basis field.
- The deletion of the context used for the management of the Non-Financial units is prohibited if at least a production plan has been defined for this context.
This action can prove to be useful when setting-up a new folder, in order to duplicate the current context in another company.
It opens a window used to indicate the target company.
The duplication is authorized only if the following conditions are met:
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
"Unknown error in the fund management"
"Error in fund update"
"Read error in the current fiscal year"
These errors are linked to a database corruption; if the problem persists, please contact the support service.