Use this parameter to manage assets when creating them directly in Fixed assets or importing them using the FASX3 or FAS standard import templates.
Yes – Select this option if you need to import an asset whose data is incomplete or incorrect. This allows you to complete or correct asset data in Fixed assets even though it is Inactive. After the data is completed and corrected, you can and must change the status to Active so that it can be considered in various calculations such as closing procedures.
No – When you select this option, assets created directly in Fixed assets or imported are Active and cannot be changed to Inactive. However, Inactive assets can still be changed to Active. This can occur when this parameter is temporarily set to Yes during a recovery phase to enable modifying imported assets.
This parameter is defined at the level Folder. It belongs to Chapter AAS (Fixed assets) and the Group IMP (Imports), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
No global variable is associated with it.