General parameters >  Chapter Supervisor >  Parameter NBRCON (No. full connections/licences)  

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This parameter is used to lock a user account after a certain number of connection attempts with an incorrect password. Where this parameter is not blank, once the number of unsuccessful attempts exceeds the authorized value, the user account is locked. Two solutions are available to an administrator to unlock the user account:

  • either to use the password deletion function available in user management, which will unlock the account. For security reasons, it is then recommended to make a password mandatory in order that the user, on their next connection, need to enter a new password (the PASSWD parameter is used to define this).
  • or (potentially) to increase the value of this parameter (at least temporarily), in order to allow the user to have available several additional attempts. For instance, by switching from the value 3 to 5, the user can make up to two new attempts to connect. Once a successful connection is established, the number of consecutive attempts that have failed will return to 0, and it will then be possible to return to the previous value.

Level of localization / Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Folder. It belongs to Chapter SUP (Supervisor) and the Group SEC (Security), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

No global variable is associated with it.

Linked parameters

The following parameters are linked to the parameter NBRCON  :


  PASLNG (defined at level Folder) : Length of password

  PASSWD (defined at level Folder) : Require password

  TIMEHGUP1 (defined at level User) : Time limited for disconnection

  TIMEHGUP2 (defined at level User) : Connection timeout

  TIMEHGUP3 (defined at level User) : Secondary session time out

Functions concerned

The connection phase for a user is affected by this parameter.


This type of control is applied to all the users irrespective of their profile (including those with the administrator profile defined in the ADMUSR parameter), with the exception of course of the general administrator themselves.