General parameters >  Chapter Common Data >  Parameter OSTCTL (Cus. author. credit ctrl level)  

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Use this parameter to specify whether the credit control for customers must be performed by company or for all companies (folder level).

Folder - The credit control is performed by comparing the folder credit (all companies) and the authorized credit for the customer.

Company - The credit control performed by comparing the company credit and the authorized credit for the customer.

The credit control depends on the Risk BP associated with the customer.

This control is either based on the exchange rate history, or the updated rate, according to the value of the OSTCHGTYP - Rate origin WIP ctrl. parameter:

  • When the credit control is set at the folder level, it is based on:
    • The updated rate, and this regardless of the value of the OSTCHGTYP - Rate origin WIP ctrl. parameter.
    • The currency defined in the CURSHRFLD - Common field currency (TC chapter, CUR group) parameter. You use the OSTTYPCUR - Rate type updated rate ctrl parameter to specify the rate type used at the folder level. The credit amounts stored in transaction currency are then converted into the folder currency based on the rate type selected for the current date.
  • When the credit control is set at the company level:
    • If it is based on updated rate, the control is performed in the company currency. You use the OSTTYPCUR - Rate type updated rate ctrl parameter to define the rate type to be used for each company. The credit amounts stored in transaction currency are then converted into the company currency based on the rate type selected for the current date.
    • If it is based on the exchange rate history, the control is performed in the company currency, based on the credit amount in company currency gradually loaded by converting each movement based on its rate type and date.

Level of localization / Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Company. It belongs to Chapter TC (Common Data) and the Group OST (Authorized credit management), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

The global variable GOSTCTL is associated with it.

Associated functions

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

  Sales > Allocations > Automatic allocations

  Sales > Deliveries > Order delivery generation

  Sales > Invoices > Contract invoice generation

  Sales > Invoices > Delivery invoice generation

  Sales > Invoices > Direct order invoice gen.

  Sales > Invoices > Service invoice generation

  Sales > Invoices > Stock transfer invoice generation

  Sales > Allocations > Customer allocations

  Sales > Allocations > Allocations by product

  Common data > BPs > Customers

  Sales > Deliveries > Deliveries

  Stock > Receipt/issue transactions > Deliveries > Deliveries

  Sales > Invoices > Invoices

  Sales > Orders > Orders

  Sales > Orders > Open orders


  • In the Management section of the Customer record, the following data is specified: the credit control method (Check, No check, Hold) and the customer authorized credit level. This data cannot be modified and come from the risk BP when the risk BP of the customer is not the customer themselves.
  • The credit amounts are displayed on the Customer record in folder currency if the credit control is performed at folder level. They are displayed in the currency of the default Common Data site of the user when the credit control level is set by company. The amounts are displayed in folder currency if the user does not have a default site.
  • The BP situation inquiry in the Risk section gives you access to the current credit levels at the company or folder level respectively.