Sales >  Invoices >  Stock transfer invoice generation  

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This function is used by the mass automatic generation of invoices arising from the inter-company stock transfers created using the inter-site transfers function. A stock transfer is identified as inter-company if the original storage site and the destination storage site belong to different companies.

This function is the only one allowing the invoicing of inter-company transfer slips. To be able to invoice a transfer slip, it must not already have been invoiced and it must be invoiceable (a check box in the transfer slip is used to specify whether the slip can be invoiced or not. By default, this box is always checked, i.e. set to Invoiceable.)

The generated invoices can be viewed in the Invoice function (see the Invoices documentation). It will then be possible to validate them one at a time by this function or en masse by the Invoice validation function (see the Invoice validation documentation).


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

As a function of the criteria entered, the system will look to group in certain cases the inter-company transfer slips to then invoice them together. The different grouping criteria are described below:

Transfer slip grouping

The transfer slips to be invoiced are grouped in the following way according to the function launch criteria.  When one of the parameters in the following tables varies, a new invoice will be created:

One invoice per document :

Sales site

Shipment site

Destination site


Slip number

One invoice per project :

Sales site

Shipment site

Destination site


Project number

No grouping criteria:

Sales site

Shipment site

Destination site


In all the cases described above, the transfer lines referencing the same product code are grouped on the same invoice line. This signifies that the unit used for the invoicing is the stock unit (unit common to all the transfers).

It may happen that within the grouping of slips the number of lines is too great to allow the creation of a single invoice (even though the lines will always be grouped by product code). In this case, the lines on the last processed slip will be carried over to another invoice. The rule being that all the lines on a single advice note must be invoiced together on the same invoice.

In the case of a grouping of advice notes on a single invoice, the information referencing the origin of the invoice in the invoice header will not be filled. However each transfer slip header has available the information on the link to the invoice with a tunnel that can be used to access the invoice. This signifies that a transfer slip can only be invoiced on a single invoice.

The gross price and the discounts are calculated at the time of the creation of each invoice line by taking the invoice date as the reference date. If inter-company price lists have been set up, they can be applied in this context based on their application field.

In no case will the stock transfer price be used to generate the sales invoice. On the other hand, at the time of the purchase invoice validation control associated with the sales invoice and referencing stock transfer slips, if a price variance has been found between the receipt price at the destination site and the price recorded on the supplier invoice, a stock value adjustment can be carried out if the adjustment of the receipt value is set up for the site and product concerned.

Entry screen


The invoices are automatically created as a function of the selections entered on the screen. The different selection criteria are:

Selection criteria

Sales site

The automatic invoice creation is made for a single sales site at a time (mandatory information). It is therefore necessary to specify the site chosen for the process. By default, it is the sales site associated with operator.

Invoice date

It is possible to choose the invoice date that will be affixed to the documents created by this function. By default, it is the current date that is displayed.

Invoice type

The chosen invoice type will be written on the invoices. It is used to determine a sequence number counter and an automatic journal used in the invoice posting. The type proposed by default comes from the SIVTYP - User invoice type parameter. It can be modified if necessary by choosing an invoice type from the list of invoice types that have been defined. This information is mandatory.

Transfers up to

The invoices that will be created originate necessarily from transfer slips. It is therefore possible to limit the selection of transfers to be processed according to the transfer date. The transfer date is stored on the slip (see the Inter-site transfers documentation). By default, it is initialized to the current date. It is therefore possible to limit the creation of the invoices to all the transfer slips created up to a given date.

Invoicing method

There is the possibility to choose the manner in which the inter-company transfer slips will be invoiced. These possibilities are described in the paragraph above Grouping transfer slips.

Three choices are offered: An invoice per slip, an invoice per project or an invoice for a group of slips corresponding to any criteria entered as described below.

Start/end ranges

Destination site range

It is possible to limit the selection to one or more destination sites by using this selection range. A destination site corresponds to a storage site where the goods are delivered in the case of a transfer slip.

Transfer document number range

It is also possible to limit the selection to a group of transfer slips limited by the number range (transfer slip sequence numbers).

Printing the invoices

There is the possibility to print the generated invoices. To do this, it will be necessary to specify the document to be used (by default, it is the document code associated with the object), the print server if one exits and the printer assigned to the printing.

This option is only accessible if the Invoice option has previously been checked.

 After the execution of this function, a log file is displayed:
- summarizing all the operations carried out.
- presenting the invoice numbers created and the transfer advice notes that were used in the creation of these invoices.
When the payment terms are SDD-type, the reference of the mandate is mandatory on the invoice. But if no "Validated" main Mandate has been identified for the [Company ; Pay-by BP] pair, no default mandate reference has been initialized on the invoice. This is highlighted by a message in the log file. The invoice is still created but its validation will be prohibited as long as the reference of the mandate has not been entered manually on the invoice.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Selection criteria


The automatic creation of invoices is made from a single sales site at a time. 
This information is mandatory. You need to specify the site chosen for the process.
By default, it is the sales site associated with the operator. A control checks user authorizations.

  • Invoice date (field INVDAT)

Enter the date used on each created invoice.
This date is initialized to the current date. It is submitted to an existence check in the period table and the fiscal year table. The fiscal year and the period must be open.

This date is also used to filter the selected scheduled invoices.
Refer to the Scheduled invoices until field help for further details.

The customer invoice type is used for the Sales and BP Customer invoices. It identifies a category of invoice (invoice, credit memo etc.) along with a posting structure for the posting of the invoices.

On invoice entry, only an invoice type with a legislation and company group consistent with those of the company linked to the sales site can be entered.
SEEREFERTTO For further information, click here.

The invoice type is associated to a type of journal for which a counter (manual or automatic) is specified.
SEEINFO If no counter is specified in the journal type and no journal number is manually specified on invoice entry the program will attribute a journal number according to the counter set up in the counter assignment table.
SEEINFO When no journal type is associated to the invoice type the journal type specified on the automatic journal will be used (as well as the associated counter).

Block number 2

  • Transfers until (field IPTDAT)

No help linked to this field.

Invoice method

  • One invoice/Product (field VCRNUMFLG)

If this flag is active, there will be an invoice by transfer document.

  • One invoice/Project (field PJTFLG)

If this flag is active, the transfer items belonging to the same project will be grouped on a single invoice.

Start - end range

  • From target site (field FCYDESDEB)

This makes it possible to carry out a selection on the site.

  • To target site (field FCYDESFIN)


  • From stock transfer (field VCRNUMDEB)

Initial transfer document number used to select the records to be processed.

  • To stock transfer (field VCRNUMFIN)

Final transfer document number used to select the records to be processed.


  • Invoice (field PRNFLG)

Select this box to print the document (pick ticket, packing slip or invoice) after delivery or invoice creation.

In that case, you need to specify:

  • The document: it defaults to the report code linked to the object being used
  • The print server, if any
  • The printer, if any

Enter the standard document code to be printed.

Enter the document or report destination.
The destination must exist in the Destinations table, which is where its characteristics are defined (issue type, printer, server etc.).

  • Server (field PRNSRV)

This field is used to define the print server.
This setup is sent at the print request from a Crystal Reports report.

  • Printer (field PRNIMP)

Default printer.



Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode, but no dedicated standard task is delivered to run it.

Specific Buttons

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Customer BP not authorized for a control account

This message appears if the BP control account is not authorized for the control account associated with the bill-to customer (by means of its accounting code). The invoice is not created.

No transfer document processed

This message appears at the end of processing if no inter-company transfer slip has been invoiced.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation