This function is used to consult the audit lines relating to record modifications in the database tables.

Each time an auditable event is defined on a table (it can be a creation, a modificatio or a deletion), a line is created in this table for each record. Only the key of the modified record is then known. If the detail of the modifications of some fields needs to be known, these fields need to be defined in the audit table. It is then necessary to use the inquiry function of the audit on the fields.


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Screen management


Criteria can be found in the header that filter the lines to be displayed in inquiry mode.

Tab Audit

The grid located in the tab is used to display the detail of the audit information.

When the value of certain fields modified in the audit event has been traced, it opens a window to display the detail of the modifications.

Specific Buttons


Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation