This function is used to create and modify the tables in the database, by describing their characteristics in the data dictionary for the folder. The confirmation of this description is then used to create the table in the database or to modify the characteristics.

The management of the tables is used to define the list of the tables in the database. In fact, activity codes are used to inhibit certain tables and/or certain indexes.

In addition to the structure of the table itself, the following are also defined in this dictionary:

  • the links to other tables (referential integrity links). These links are used by the cancellation utilities, by the import-export functionality and by other tools of this type.
  • the information proposed by default in the screens created from these tables (help key-words, format information, etc.).

A table is identified by its name (uppercase alphanumeric starting with a letter), and it possesses an abbreviation. The creation of new tables during the localization/customization phase assumes that the name starts with one of the letters X,Y or Z. The name and abbreviation must be unique within the database (no two tables can exist with the same name, which is logical and the same goes for the abbreviation: this last restriction is not valid for the screens).

A table can then be manages with the help of an object, on the condition that the necessary screens are created.

It is not possible to add fields, specific or vertical characteristics on tables of type ‘system’ or ‘dictionary’. The specific is not maintained upon folder validation or migration.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The definition of a view is done using three tabs: a query definition tab, the field definition tab and the key definition tab.


Tab General

Located in this tab is the general information relative to the table and its management.

Tab Fields

This tab is used to define all the fields of the table in a drop-down menu.

In each table, it is possible to use fields whose name is standardized and which will automatically be updated if they exist by object management. The fields are the following:

  • CREDAT and UPDDAT are respectively the creation and last update dates.
  • CRETIM and UPDTIM are respectively the creation and last update times.
  • CREUSR and UPDUSR are the user codes who carried out respectively the record creation and its last update.
  • EXPNUM is a sequential number used to date the records with respect to the import/export module (that makes it possible to only export that which has been updated since the last export).
  • A sixth field can also be inserted in each table. This field is called ENAFLG and it corresponds to an active/inactive flag. If the table in question is managed by an object and that a data type is associated with this fields, the following controls will be made of the fields of this type:
    • the standard selection window for the object called by the selection key will automatically filter inactive records.
    • an error message will prevent the direct entry by its inactive key code.

This is of course not valid for the management of the object itself (if not, it would not be possible to reactivate the records rendered temporarily inactive).

Tab Index

This tab is used to define the different indexes defined in the table.

Tab Audit

This tab is used to create the setups allowing it to then log by means of database triggers generated automatically, the insertions, deletions and modifications carried out on a table, by storing, if required, the values before and after in specific fields. Any record modification is logged provided one of the field conditions is verifies.  This trace is stored in two specific tables (AUDITH and AUDITL). It can be simply consulted, or give rise to automated notifications, by means of the Workflow.

The main principle is as follows:

  • Provided at least one audit flag (creation, modification, deletion) is checked, each operation of this type creates a line in the AUDITH table. This is made without considering that the fields are logged and the corresponding modifications are made.
  • As soon as the fields are listed in the field grid, any modification of the field value respecting the given condition triggers the creation of a line in AUDITL.

The "trigger" method makes it possible to log operations even if they are carried out by a program other than adonix. The information in this tab is taken into account by revalidating the table: the triggers are automatically created and/or modified at the same time.

The SUBTRIGGER processing contains the trigger description depending on the database. The SPETRIGGER processing is dedicated to the specific in order to customize their description.

The information in this tab is considered as part of the setups. The standard does not supply any audit setup. It is not necessary to safeguard by activity code X, Y or Z any modification made in this tab. 

The audit is globally conditioned by the AUDIT activity code.

Following cannot be audited:

  • the audit tables themselves
  • the fields of type clob and blob
  • the fields whose data type is AXX

The results of the audit can be viewed using following functions:

Limits to be respected

There are constraints when creating a table. The limits are the following:

concerning the key:

  • limited to 15 indexes at a maximum
  • limited to 16 fields maximum by index
  • limited to 250 characters maximum by index

concerning the record:

  • limited to 32 Kb under Oracle and SQL Server
  • limit of 255 fields per table
  • limit of 512 columns ( field1*dimension1 + field2*dimension2 + ... + fieldN*dimensionN )
  • limit to either a blob or clob type field of any size, or to several fields, but in this case the total size of the table is limited to 64 Kb

number of open tables:

  • limit of 255 tables


By default, the following reports are associated with this function:

  • DICOX3: Table dictionary
  • ATABLIST: List of tables

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific buttons


This function is used to create or to update the table in the database from the dictionary. If the table does not exist, it is created empty of data. If it exists, the table structure is updated conforming to the new description given in the dictionary (the new fields are added, the deleted fields are removed, the fields whose structure or dimension has changed are recopied: the records are of course conserved in the table). It is possible to force the validation: a complete revalidation of the data and indexes. If this option is not specified and if the table structure is not changed, only the indexes will be recreated.

It may also be useful to give default values to the fields in the table for existing records: this is done using the Process button (explained below).


Is used to create a temporary processing, named WWINIXXX, where XXX is the table abbreviation, which will be executed after the table validation (if it already exists), in order to make it possible to give default values to the fields of existing records. A default processing is proposed when this button is used and it is then possible to add instructions to it.

This processing is made up of 3 labels that are:

  • $OUVRE - this is executed at the start before the start of the update transaction, and which must as a minimum open the table that is to be validated (and possibly others).
  • $DEFAULT - this is executed after the start of the transaction but before the record read (at least one Default File instruction needs to be inserted so that the default table becomes the table to be updated).
  • $INIZON - this is executed for each record, just before they are rewritten. It is therefore in this sub-program that the assignment instructions for the fields in the table can be written.

In this way, for example, if a numeric field MYFIELD is added to the table, a field that should take the value of the OTHFIELD field that exists already in the table, increased by 1, then the following is added in the line processing.

           MYFIELD = OTHFIELD + 1

The functioning of this processing is different to that carried out by previous ADONIX versions (for example those used by ADONIX ENTERPRISE version 2 and 3). Indeed, the processing is executed when the structure modification phase is finished. In this way if the XXX field is renamed by calling YYY, it is necessary to carryout this operation over 2 steps, by firstly saving the two fields in the database and then carrying out the assignment YYY=XXX in the initialization processing. It is then possible to delete the XXX field. If an attempt is made to carry this out in a single stage, the processing fails and causes an error (the XX field has become non-existent). It thus possible to loose its value.


This button is used to copy the table structure to another folder. Caution: Only the description of the table in the dictionary is recopied: the table is not created in the target folder (it will be necessary to validate this description so that the table can be created). Obviously, the data in the table is not recopied either.

Caution: The NBENREG field (number of records) and all the fields of the 'Audit' tab are not copied.

Clear This button is used to delete the data in a table. For performance purposes, the table is deleted and then an empty table takes its place. A confirmation is required, this operation being irreversible.

Note that this button deletes both the record in the dictionary (this is the normal behavior of this type of button), but also physically deletes the table in the database (this is the equivalent of a "Drop Table").

The two questions are posed successively (because it is possible to only delete the table without deleting the data in the dictionary).

Options / Information

This function is used to display, in an information box:

  • the number of fields in the table
  • the space taken (in bytes) by a line in the table (when all the alphanumeric fields are filled)
  • the number of lines actually present in the table.
Options / Source

This is used to view the *.srf file corresponding to the current table in the current application.

This option is notably interesting when on a server with no rights to the FIL directory.

Options / Maintenance
This menu option is used to switch directly to the maintenance on the table.
Documentation / Paragraphs
This menu item allows access to the documentation management on the first paragraph of the documentation (if there is one) associated with the current record.
Documentation / Links
This menu item allows access to link management. It is used to define the links between the current record and other records (for example, the links between functions and parameters). These links are specific to the documentation and are used to load the generation of documentation structures.
Documentation / Generation

This menu item launches a documentation generation. You can also launch it from the Generation button at the bottom of the screen.

You can launch three types of generation one by one or simultaneously:

  • The generation of the documentation structure from the dictionary (ADOCUMENT, ADOCBLB, and ADOCCLB tables)
  • The generation of the documentation from the previous tables
  • The generation of the field documentation

The range suggested by default takes into account the current record, but you can modify it at launch time.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry:

The table contains no fields
A table has bee created without defining at least one field.
The table does not contain a primary key
As a minimum one index is required in each table.
The field title is not referenced
The title field entered in the first tab does not exist in the list of fields in the second tab.
Abbreviation exists already

Abbreviations in the folder must be unique. This message is displayed if an attempt is made to create a table with an abbreviation used by another table.

Warning message, when an attempt is made to enter an abbreviation on a table that already exists for another view. It is indeed recommended to have single abbreviations.

Prohibited character
An attempt has been made to use the ‘"’ character in a title (this character is prohibited).
The field title is not referenced
In one of the fields a title entered in the general tab for a field that is not defined in the field tab.
Local menu number incorrect
The length is incorrect based on the field internal type.
  • local menu: the length must be <= 30
  • short integer: the length must be <= 4
  • long integer: the length must be <= 8
  • decimal: integer part + decimal part <= 32
  • alphanumerical: the length must be <= 250
  • blob (image file), clob (text file): the length must be <= 20
Incorrect length
The length field has an incorrect value (too large, or empty for example).
Incorrect option
An attempt has been made to enter an option that does not exist in the Option column associated with a field in the table.
Incorrect link expression
The link expression is syntactically incorrect.
Index already entered
An attempt has been made to define the same index twice in a table.
Non-existent field
A field has been referenced in an index that does not exist in the list of fields.
Dimensioned field
An attempt has been made to use a dimensioned field in an index (this is prohibited).
Number of columns too great
There is a limit of 512 columns taking into account the field sizes.
Too many fields
There is a limit of 255 columns. Here the dimensions do not count.
Line length too great

This is the record size.

Under SQL, the limit is 8,060 bytes.

In Oracle, there is no limit, but under Adonix the limit is 32K.

Key too long
The size of an index cannot exceed 256 characters.
Too many components in the key
There is a limit of 16 fields per key.
There are no translatable texts in this table
The attempt is made to check the box "Generation of translatable texts" while the main table managed by the object does not have any field of type AXX, AX1, AX2 or AX3.
Caution: this modification makes it necessary to change the Chrystal reports linked to this table
Warning message. Modifying the check box "Generation of translatable texts" determines the method chosen for the print of translated texts in the Chrystal reports using this table. By modifying this box the method is changed, and thus the reports associated with the table must be modified accordingly. It is therefore advisable to avoid modifying this field.
Other errors likely to appear
During the table revalidation (by the validation tool) other errors are likely to appear. These errors can be viewed in the form of a log file. Amongst the errors likely to appear are the following:
  • Write error (no more disk space)
  • Oracle error / SQL SERVER error (then the actual error title itself)

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation