This inquiry is used for a given range of products to identify the lowest level code for each product by BOM alternative.
The system specifies if the product concerned is a parent product or component plus the header product in the BOM where it is represented at the lowest level.
Screen management
This function is composed of a selection header and an inquiry tab.
The header information is used to specify the principal selection criteria for the enquiry used : a range of products and a range of BOM alternatives where the system must carryout the search.
A sort criteria is used to specify if the results found must be sorted by product or by code at the lowest level.
Start - end range
Product (field ITMREFDEB) |
Enter the product reference ranges |
Lowest level code type (field LLCTYP) |
Code (field BOMALTDEB) |
Enter the ranges for the alternative BOMs. |
field TRI |
Tab BOM product
The columns in the inquiry cannot be parameterized.
Buttons at the bottom of the screen and used to move through the pages of the results screen.
Product (field ITMREF) |
This field indicates the ID of the component product. |
Alternative (field BOMALT) |
Several BOMs can be defined for a single product reference. The various BOM codes can be used to manage different product structures according to their use context such as:
This field can be left empty (value = 0) to enable manual entry of the components. In this case, only the component is loaded. |
Lowest level (field LLC) |
Lower-level code: lower level in all the BOM links where this component is used. It is updated by any modification on the BOMs. Its main interest is to reduce the MRPs processing times. |
Parent product (field BOMEXIFLG) |
Indicates that this product exists as a parent item in this alternative BOM. |
Component (field WUSEXIFLG) |
This field indicates that the item exists as a component in the alternate bill of material. |
The lowest header (field BOHITM) |
This is the reference to the parent item at the lowest level. |