Credit card transactions
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
This function consists of two parts: the first part provides access to the main criteria, and the second part is used to display, in a grid, all the transactions selected based on the entered criteria.
Use the inquiry header information to specify the main selection criteria for the inquiry.
Payment processor (field PAYPRC) |
You can select Sage Exchange or Sage Pay. The Processor type cannot be changed if any credit cards have been assigned to the Processing code. |
Original doc (field VCRNUMORI) |
Enter the original document number. |
Customer (field BPCNUM) |
Enter a customer code or leave the field empty to make a query on all customers that use the Payment gateway to process credit card transactions. |
Response (field RESP) |
Select this check box to view all logged calls made from the payment gateway.
Start date (field TXNDATDEB) |
Enter the date range in which the transaction was created. The date range is used to filter the documents with dates that are included within the range. |
End date (field TXNDATFIN) |
VAN reference (field VANREF) |
Enter the VAN reference number supplied by the payment processor. |
Request (field REQ) |
Select this check box to view all logged calls made from the payment gateway.
Tab Transactions
Click Search to display transactions that meet the entered selection criteria in the grid. Clicking Search without making a selection displays all transaction requests and responses from the payment gateway.
Grid Details
Payment processor (field PAYPRC) |
You can select Sage Exchange or Sage Pay. The Processor type cannot be changed if any credit cards have been assigned to the Processing code. |
Original document no. (field REF2) |
This field displays the transaction's original document number. |
Entry (field REF1) |
This field displays the current document number the transactions was processed against. |
Customer (field BPCNUM) |
This field is used to enter the code used to identify the customer. It can be entered directly or selected from the Customer table. |
Name (field ACCNAM) |
This field displays the customer's name from the transaction. |
Transaction date (field TXNDAT) |
This field displays the transaction date used to process the transaction. |
Transaction code (field TXNTYP) |
WIP type. |
Transaction type (field TXNTYPDES) |
This field displays the transaction type. The choices are Authorization, Entry, Cancellation, Credit, Vault creation, and Batch settlement. |
Request code (field REQRSP) |
This field displays whether the transaction is a Request or Response. |
Response code (field RESP) |
This field displays the response code associated to the Response column. |
Response (field RESPDES) |
This field displays the response message from Sage Exchange when the Response check box is selected. It provides the information whether the transaction was approved, declined, unable to process, and others. |
Amount (field AMT) |
This field displays the total amount, excluding tax, for the transaction. |
Tax amount (field TAXAMT) |
This field displays the tax amount for the transaction. |
Payment code (field CRDTYP) |
This field displays the payment type code used during the transaction. |
Payment type (field CRDTYPDES) |
This field displays the payment type used during the transaction. |
Payment description (field PAYDES) |
For Sage Pay, this field displays the last four digits of the credit card. For Sage Exchange, this field displays the first six digits and the last four. |
Expiration date (field EXPDAT) |
This field displays the expiration date of the payment card. |
Creation date (field CREDAT) |
This field displays the date the transaction log file was created in the system. |
Address (field ADDLIG) |
This table lists the various address lines. The formats of the title and of the entry are defined in the country table. |
City (field CTY) |
The city automatically suggested is the one associated with the postal code previously indicated. It is also possible to manually enter the name of a town/city: Notes.
Region (field SAT) |
This field contains the geographical subdivision corresponding to definition of the postal address. For example, a 'department' for France, and a state for the United-States. The description of the geographic subdivision, as well as the control on the information entry, are defined in theCountries setup. This field loads automatically after the postal code and town/city have been entered and is based on the Postal codes setup. |
Postal code (field POSCOD) |
The postal code, which entry format is defined in the Country table, is used to define the town/city, state/region and the geographical subdivision, if defined for the country. Particular cases: - for ANDORRA, indicate 99130,
Country (field CRY) |
This code is used to identify amongst other things, the Country of a BP.
Email address (field EMAIL) |
This field displays the customer’s email address for this transaction. |
Authorization code (field RSPCOD) |
This field displays the response code specific to the transaction. |
VAN reference (field VANREF) |
Enter the VAN reference number supplied by the payment processor. |
Response message (field RSPMSG) |
This field displays the message given by the server. It displays a detailed description based on the response code. |
Transaction ID (field TXNID) |
This field displays the transaction ID. |
Transaction (field SPTXNID) |
User (field CREUSR) |
This field displays the user who created (entered) the record. |