The objective of this function is the summary display of a quality control carried out on a given lot taking into account notably of the miscellaneous occurrences of the given responses to the technical sheet, the stock document at the origin or the analysis request and the validation status of the analysis request.


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Screen management



The header information is used to specify the main selection criteria for the inquiry used.

Site: it is necessary to choose the storage site for the inquiry.

Product: it is mandatory to enter a product code.

Analysis request: it is possible to specify a particular analysis request. A right button "Selection" is available on this field in order to choose the analysis request to be viewed. If no analysis request is specified, the system presents all the analysis requests responding to all the other specified criteria.

Validated / Non validated : it is possible to specify here the validation status of the analysis requests to be displayed.

Type / Document no. : it is possible to specify here the original document type and the document number that is the origin of the analysis requests to be viewed.

Tab Techn sheet history

The Techn sheet history tab summarizes the results of the quality control carried out on the selected product.

Several quality controls can respond to the selection criteria defined in the header. The system displays them in the Techn sheet history tab. A quality control is characterized by an analysis request number and an analysis request line number.

It is possible for a particular analysis request line to carry several response sets in the control record. This is the case notably if a non standard response imposes the entry of a new record (see the description of a quality record question). A single analysis request line then displays several sequence numbers.

A first section then specifies the analysis request number displayed, the line number and the sequence number for the line.

A second section presents the lot number controlled, and potentially the sub-lot and/or serial number.

Finally a third section specifies the information relative to stock document at the origin of the quality control (a supplier receipt for example).

Finally, a grid displays a list of all the questions in the quality support record for the quality control viewed and displays the responses that are linked to the sequence viewed.

To scroll through the various analysis requests or analysis request lines or occurrences of a single line, responding to the selection criteria specified in the inquiry header, it is necessary to use the following buttons        .


The button is used to access the additional selection criteria to those presented in the inquiry header.

Here the only additional criterion proposed is the screen code.

Screen code : the inquiries can in general be set up (see the Inquiry screen set up). It is possible to call upon customized inquiry screens via the screen code. This personalization is used notably, to choose what information should be shown on the screen and in what order it should be positioned in the grid.

It is possible to memorize one or more sets of criteria by saving the codes. that can be subsequently recalled or deleted.

Technical Sheet

The Technical Sheet button is used to view the list of questions that make up the quality support record for the viewed control.

From the quality record, it is possible by right button on each question to zoom towards the description of this question.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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