Use this function to process a mass validation of the transportation notes.

Mass validation for transportation notes

For mass validations of transportation notes, you need to pay attention to the shipping dates to comply with state requirements concerning shipment start and end dates and times. This is important because you can only communicate future transport dates not past transport dates.

Select the Activate check box in the Transport Information block to modify dates accordingly.

For example, a shipment was scheduled for a date prior to the date you want perform the mass validation, but you know it will ship in the three (3) days. You can modify the date to a future date by adding a three (3) days to the No. of days between transp start date and ship date field to comply with state requirements. With this modification, you can continue with the mass validation.

You still have the option to validate individual transportation notes, but with large datasets this is not always practical.


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Screen management

Entry screen

Specific buttons



Delete memo

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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