This function is used to define notifications, i.e. warnings by sending a message or by creating a line that can be accessed via the Workflow monitor.

The creation of a notification automatically generates a Workflow event.

Creating a notification instead of creating a Workflow event is simple: a single tab must be entered. Entering criteria is carried out by viewing their titles. More complex conditions are predefined (field modified for example).

But, It must be noted that a notification is limited because:

  • only one part of these triggering cases that can be processed by the Workflow engine can be expressed.
  • the entry screen of criteria is simplified, and only one part of the context fields can be displayed.
  • the send function is limited to two recipients.
  • There is no associated approval process.

However, creating a notification can be represent a first step in defining the Workflow process. Indeed, creating a notification triggers the generation of the corresponding Workflow event. Once this creation carried out, it is possible to modify the workflow event, to complete it in order to process the functions that are not taken into account by the notifications.

But it must be noted that from the moment when the resulting Workflow event is modified, the original notification will be deleted.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Only one single tab can define the notifications.

Entry screen

Are displayed here, the original event, the additional conditions, a list of recipients and the associated text.

Specific Buttons


Generates the corresponding Workflow event and validates it.