Object management is the basis of most of the functions of this software package. An object corresponds to the complete management of the records in a table or group of tables (creation, inquiry, modification, deletion should it be required...). For example, the management of customers, the management of invoices, the entry of postings... are implemented in the software in the form of objects.

An object presents itself in one of the following two principal forms :

  a window made-up of a header and one or more tabs located in the right-hand section and a selection list located on the left ("browser"). A record is managed at the same time.

  a window made-up of a single screen containing a list of the records in the table.

This object is used to manage a record in a table (a business partner record for example), or in several tables (the order header and the corresponding lines).

In addition to the principal left list of the object, it is possible to define additional left lists where this gives an advantage. This is carried out by the declaration of a browser type object for each additional left list.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management


The header is used to specify the object.

Tab General

Tab Selection

All the information that is used to construct the principal left list for the object as well as the selection window is found here. In addition, there is the possibility to define the selection options.

The selection options

This grid is used to define the selection criteria that affect the records in the managed table. These filters, expressed in the form of logical conditions applied to the fields in the table and any constants, are identified by a letter (uppercase for the standard, lowercase for the specific). They are then set or not on the fields that have a data type linked to this object.

For example :

In the entry of sales orders, only active customer will be authorized. To do this, a selection filter is defined in the Customer object, with the condition BPCSTA=2 and the title "Active customer". In the orders screen SOH0, there is a customer field BPCORD with the data type BPC (type is linked to the object BPC). In the contextual menu with the data type BPC, the "Options" menu is used to set or not each of the declared filters in the customers object.

Definition of the selection screens
(left list, selection window and advanced selection)

The list of columns that must appear in the left list is entered in the grid at the bottom of the second tab. These columns can be the fields in the principal table or a secondary table identified in the 3rd tab if the link expression is entered. They can also be an expression; in this case, it is necessary to specify the type of data to store the result of the expression.

Tab Environment

Is used to define a set of tables necessary for the function to be executed, the screen-table link for the import management, the additional screens that can be accessed via button or menu for the web services.

Tab Views

Is used to define a set of views necessary to execute the function. These views are opened and closed in the processing generated linked to the WO object.



By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  PRTSCR : Screen print

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons


The confirmation is used to generate the automatic process linked to the object (WOxxx, where xxx is the object code)