For the entry of documents requiring analytical dimensions, this function specifies how to enter these dimensions by default. Strictly speaking, they are not accounting documents (most of them are generated outside the Financials module), but they can generate postings. These parameters are useful for entering the analytical dimensions in all movements in which they are stored.

The main principle is to define, for each dimension type, an order of priority when searching for a default dimension, by providing a list of tables to search in for these dimensions.

For example:
To enter the order lines and for a given dimension type, it is possible to specify that the default value be searched in the product record, then (if the field is not assigned at this level) in the customer record and then, by default, in the order header. Later on, the places (usually tables) where the dimensions can be searched are referred to as Identifiers.

The identifiers that can be used are the following: Product, Customer, Supplier, Sales executive, Buyer, Fixed asset, Bank, Company, Site, Currency, Tax, Payment, Journal (header of the journal being entered, which can be used to initialize the lines), Sales footer, Discount, Purchase footer, Account, Miscellaneous BP, Valuation dimensions, Overheads, Source document, Previous dimensions, Requester, Purchase costs, Project, Project cost type. These are listed under  Identifiers.

Each program that needs to initialize default values will call on these parameters by providing a specific internal code as setup.

Refer to the grid for existing codes and the table where the dimensions are initialized.

Important comment:

The allocation of the default analytical dimensions is only effective if the transaction concerned has been created directly. When it is generated from another transaction, the analytical allocation is initialized by the original transaction. As a consequence, the allocation rules of the delivery lines are only valid for direct deliveries (if order lines are delivered, the allocation comes from the order line). It is the same for invoice lines (only the direct invoices or additions of lines to an invoice are concerned).

A rule is first of all defined for all the companies and it can subsequently be defined company by company.


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Default activity code table

The grid below defines some of the existing codes and the table where the dimensions are initialized:

A/P - A/R accounting

  • Customer BP invoices


  • Order header (PORDER)
  • Order lines (PORDERP)


  • Header (SORDER)
  • Detail line (SORDERP)


  • Routing operations




Table initialized


Customer BP invoice line


Analytical line (BPCINVLIGA)


Customer BP invoice header


Invoice header (SINVOICE)


Supplier BP invoice line


Analytical line (BPSINVLIGA)


Supplier BP invoice header


Invoice header (PINVOICE)


Purchase accruals


Entry line (GACCENTRYA)


Conversion variances


Entry line (GACCENTRYA)




Entry line (GACCENTRYA)


Entry lines – Transaction


Entry line (GACCENTRYA)


V5 entry import

Migration from V5 (without ledger) to V6 and beyond (multi-ledger)

Entry line (GACCENTRYA)


Inter-company BP invoices


Analytical line (BPCINVLIGA or BPSINVLIGA)


Labor work center


Analytical line on labor work center (FUNWIPACC)


Automatic matching entry

Matching operations (manual, automatic, payment, etc.)

Entry line (GACCENTRYA)


Matching profit and loss

Matching operations (manual, automatic, payment, etc.)

Entry line (GACCENTRYA)


Automatic matching rounding variance

Matching operations (manual, automatic, payment, etc.)

Entry line (GACCENTRYA)




Entry line (GACCENTRYA)


Payment line


Payment line (PAYMENTD)


Sales accruals


Entry line (GACCENTRYA)

Screen management


Tab General

For each dimension type (having a title that appears in the column header), you define the list of identifiers where the default dimensions are searched according the their order in the list.

Because the number of lines in a grid must be the same for all columns, and the number of searches can depend on the dimension type, the same identifer can be used in multiple columns, if necessary.

For example, for four dimension types with the following allocation rules on the sales order lines:

  • The first dimension type is initialized based on the dimension in the header, by default the customer, by default the currency, by default the dimension defined in the company record.
  • The second dimension type is initialized based on the product and no other default value.
  • The third dimension type is initialized based on the commercial and by default based on the customer.
  • The fourth dimension type is initialized based on the site and by default on the company.

The second grid, defined with four lines, is as follows: 

Dimension type 1

Dimension type 2

Dimension type 3

Dimension type 4

















Tab Identifiers

You can define, for each table likely to be on the line, the expression that will determine the key value. This expression is usually preset and does not need to be modified (except in some specific cases). Only the identifiers having a defined key value can be used in the second grid.

Let us mention the two specific existing cases:

  • The case of the Journal identifier, used to access the header of the journal being entered, in order to initialize the value of the line with the header value. In that case, no key value is given, instead a calculation formula is provided to directly know the value of the dimension. This value corresponds in general to a variable located in the header screen (in other words in a mask class: the syntax is usually of type [M :ABREV]CHAMP, where ABREV is the abbreviation of the mask, CHAMP is the name of a field. The index corresponding to the number of the analytical dimension to initialize is not specified because this latter is systematically managed by the system.

    If the user wants to use a formula or another function, it is necessary to set up this via a function (func) or via an evaluated formula (evalue). The system verifies that these key words are present in the character chain and applies in this case a chain evaluation. Wherever it can be applied, this calculation formula is provided as a preset option, and unless it is justified to modify it by means of a customer development, it should not be changed.
  • The case of the Previous dimensions identifier, used to initialize a dimension type code based on the dimension, the previous dimension type, as it has been declared in the ledger. For a dimension type to be initialized based on another dimension type, the dimension of the first dimension type must declare the dimension type to be initialized in the grid 'Other dimension types'.

    For instance, for an ANA ledger declared with three dimension type codes, respectively DIE 1, DIE 2 and DIE 3, the dimension of the DIE 1 dimension type initializes the dimension of the DIE 2 dimension type, but not that of the DIE 3 dimension type, that is initialized by that of the DIE 2 dimension type. Furthermore, for an IAS ledger declared after the ANA ledger, the DIE 4 dimension type can be initialized from the DIE 3 dimension type.

Specific Buttons


Use this button to copy the record definition from or to another folder.

When a default dimension setup is defined at the company level (a company code is entered in the Company field), the Copy button does not copy the record to another folder, even though there is no warning or error message.

When a default dimension setup is not defined at the company level and the default dimension already exists in the destination folder, only the values under Indentifiers are copied to the destination folder. The values in the General section are not copied, even though there is no warning or error message.

This prevents the creation of an inconsistent record in the destination folder if:

  • The company does not exist in the destination folder
  • One or more dimension types do not exist in the destination folder.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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