This function is used to define the tables of revaluation coefficients and indices.

These tables are used by the function of Revaluation of the assets, when the revaluation is carried out by applying coefficients or indices that vary depending on the age and nature of the asset.


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Screen management

Entry screen

This screen consists of:

A header which is used to specify:
  • the reference of the table and possibly the reference of the company for which this table is defined. If no company reference is entered, the table is automatically defined for all companies subjetted to the legislation which must then be specified.
    Note: the table reference is the uniqueness key, which means that a reference cannot be used for more than one company. To duplicate a table in another company, the user needs to duplicate it in the same company and then to assign the resulting table to the relevant company.
  • A Date criterion defining the date of the asset used to select the coefficient or the index to apply during the revaluation. It can be the Purchase date, the Posting date or the In service date.
  • A Nature criterion is used to select among the following fields those whose values can identify the relevant coefficient or index: Group and/or Accounting code.
    By default the table is activated for the company entered. The user can de-activate it by de-selecting the Active indicator. In that case, the table cannot be selected during the revaluation process.
A table is used to enter the coefficients/indices by date (year, month) and by field value chosen as the Nature criterion. 

Rules related to coefficients and indices:

  • The entry of the indices determines the coefficient to apply during the revaluation process. The process for determining the coefficient is as follows: Current index / Initial index
  • During the process of revaluation by coefficient or by index, the correct access key for the coefficient or the initial index corresponds to the year and possibly the month (if specified) in the Date field chosen as the Date Criterion and to the value of the field chosen as the Nature Criterion.
  • During the revaluation process by index, the correct access key for the current index corresponds to the year and possibly to the month of the current period or FY and to the value in the field chosen as the Nature criterion.
  • If the month are not specified, the coefficients and indices are considered annual.
    ..\FCT\SEEINFO During the revaluation processing:
    - if, in a table, no coefficient is specified for an access key,
    - or, in the case of a revaluation by index, if one of the two indices at least (initial or current) is not specified,
    then the asset will automatically be excluded from the processing, and, in the case of a unit revaluation, a blocking message will be displayed.

Import templates

A standard import template is available:

  • FASCOE - Revaluation coeff. and indices

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

The coefficient must be entered for all the occurrences of the same nature or for none.

This message appears when the user tries to enter an index when coefficients have already been entered for the other occurrences (year, month) related to the same Nature. For a same nature, the user needs to enter either only coefficients or only indices.

The index must be entered for all the occurrences of the same nature or for none.

This message appears when the user tries to enter a coefficient when indices have already been entered for the other occurrences (year, month) related to the same Nature. For a same nature, the user needs to enter either only coefficients or only indices. 

Tables used

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