This function is used to define the mileage allowance rate applicable as a function of the annual mileage ranges used and the power of the vehicles used. The rates indicated here are used for the expenses of the type "Mileage expenses".

On entry of the expense note, the rate applied by default is arrived at as follows:
 search by the value of the EXPMIL parameter and the value of the EXPVHL parameter found in the employee/user record
 for the cross reference of the two values found, the search of the rate defined in the grid.


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Screen management


Entry screen

The assignment of the rates is made in mileage range by mileage range, the next/previous radio button is used to pass from one range to another.

It should be noted that the rates are defined in the currency in the CURSHRFLD parameter.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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