This function is used to view, create and modify products-warehouses records.
The management of these records is not mandatory. If the setup at Products-warehouses level is not specified, the setup at Products-sites level is applied instead.
Nevertheless, setup management of the Products-warehouses records is required when the concept of warehouse affects the management of stock counts and default locations.
Thus, entering a product movement on a warehouse or a location linked to a warehouse is prohibited if no product-warehouse record exists for the warehouse. Management rules linked to Products-warehouses: :
- The product-warehouse must be linked to an existing product-site managed by location.
- The deletion of a record is authorized only if there is no stock line nor shortage on the product-warehouse.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
Product (field ITMREF) |
Product reference |
Warehouse (field WRH) |
Select the warehouse allocated to the storage site and to the product in this very screen. |
Stock site (field STOFCY) |
The storage site cannot be specified. It is loaded with the site of the selected warehouse. |
Tab Management
This tab sums up the different pieces of information necessary for the management of the product at warehouse level.
It is notably used to check:
- if the stock count mode must be different from the one defined for the product-site,
- default locations
Warehouse control (field CUNWRHFLG) |
This check box can be selected to activate the selection of the 'Count mode' field. This makes it possible to define a different stock count than the one indicated in the products-sites record. |
Count mode (field CUNCOD) |
By default, this field uses the count mode defined in the products-sites record. |
Next count (field NEXCUNDAT) |
This field indicates the next stock count date. |
Last count (field LASCUNDAT) |
This field indicates the date of the last stock count. It is updated upon validation of the last 'Global' stock count. |
Last list (field LASCUNLIS) |
Stock count list number. |
Default locations (field LOCDEFFLG) |
When checked, this box is used to activate the default location criteria. |
Grid Default locations
Description (field LOCNUM) |
This grid is used to specify, by location category:
If the setup at products-warehouse level is not specified, the setup defined at products-sites level is applied instead. |
Tab Stock
This tab displays the situation of the product stock at warehouse level:
- Internal stock totals
- Third party stock total (loaned or sub-contracted).
- Total of the movement pending on the warehouse
These quantities are detailed by status and by allocation status.
Stock situation
Internal 'A' (field PHYSTO) |
The physical stock field is formatted according to the stock unit. It represents the total of the lots whose status has been set to A (approved). |
Detail alloc. 'A' (field PHYALL) |
Internal 'Q' (field CTLSTO) |
Detail alloc. 'Q' (field CTLALL) |
Internal 'R' (field REJSTO) |
The rejected stock is formatted according to the stock unit. It represents the total of the lots whose status has been set to R (rejected upon quality control). |
Detail alloc. 'R' (field REJALL) |
Detail shortage (field DETSHT) |
Dock 'A' (field PLFPHYSTO) |
Dock 'Q' (field PLFCTLSTO) |
Global allocated (field GLOALL) |
Dock 'R' (field PLFREJSTO) |
Global shortage (field GLOSHT) |
BP stock situation
Stock (field SCCLNDSTO) |
Allocated (field SCCALL) |
In progress
Pending issues (field WAISTO) |