A tool that is used throughout the statistical parameterization is provided in the software. This tool is used to create a statistical database where the characteristics are as follows :

  • List of the triggering events managed by the software and that are used to start the update of the statistics database.
  • Definition of the statistics codes that are used to accumulate the amounts, based on a triggering events and criteria (1 to 8 generalized criteria, plus the company and the site).
  • Generation for each code of the totals according to the combination of the defined criteria.

These totals records can then be used by the reports or the enquiries accessible directly from a database record, to obtain the statistical tables.

The parameterization of triggering events is used to specify, for each event likely to be called by the software, the on-line data and the corresponding selection criteria.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management


Used to identify the triggering code.

Tab General

Define in the first tab the general information linked to the triggering statistic : the principal table in which the aggregation is managed and the fields that are used to determine the totals record to be updated.

These fields are important, in the case where the STAT table that contains the data is structured by company, site and date (according to the periodicity) and that the sub-programme must know which fields in the triggering table the values to be used are found

List of the different standard triggering events

The standard triggering events are documented in the documentation, organized by module, and accessible in the following link.

It should be noted that in the case of complex documents (of the type header and line), two triggering events can exist, one called once by the header and the other called once by line. One or other is chosen according to the level of detail required for the aggregation.

Specific Buttons