Use this function to define shift patterns.

Shift patterns are fixed working patterns that include working days and non-working days within a 7-day week. Each weekly structure or shift can consider shift overlap, shift change times and incidents that regularly affect a shift pattern such as training, holidays and machine downtime.

Weekly structures are associated with work centers.



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Screen management

The Weekly structure function contains a single screen into which you define a shift pattern for a 7-day week.

Entry screen

You use this screen to define a single shift pattern. You are advised to give each shift pattern a logical name such as 3-day shift or 24/7 shift. This will make it easier to assign the correct shift to a work center.

Each working day of the week is attributed to a Time table schema. The schema defines the actual start time and actual end time of the working day. The start and end time of breaks such as lunch breaks or machine downtime might be predefined within the schema. The assigned working pattern is defined in the Time table schemas function (GESDIH).


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  TABWEEDIA : Weekly structure listing

This can be changed using a different setup.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

The daily capacity must not exceed 24 hours

This message is displayed if the total daily capacity exceeds 24 hours.

Tables used

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